
Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Russians in Kherson looking like ISIL. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Platinum Member
folks been waiting for these to make it to Ukraine…
Most have made it to the front lines

This relocation effort was spotted But them cheap $30 drones and handGrenades didn’t work…

The 2nd clip, don’t look like the same location



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
folks been waiting for these to make it to Ukraine…
Most have made it to the front lines

This relocation effort was spotted But them cheap $30 drones and handGrenades didn’t work…

The 2nd clip, don’t look like the same location

US alone sent 90 with 180,000 shells. Canada and Australia also sent M777s and ammunition but didn't disclose the numbers. They would have been better off trying to kill the crews as they have been specially trained and way more limited in number than the actual artillery. At this point, I am waiting for the clips of the Excalibur and other guided munitions in action. :lol:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sanctions have ‘virtually wrecked all logistics’ in Russia, transport minister admits

A Kremlin official admitted that western sanctions were stopping the Russian economy from functioning.

Minister of Transport Vitaly Savelyev told state media that punitive measures had “virtually wrecked” Russian trade logistics, the Kremlin’s transport minister was quoted by Interfax as saying.

He said Russia was being forced to consider alternative trade routes, including the north-south corridor running from Moscow through central Asia to India.

“The sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation today have virtually wrecked all the logistics in our country. And we are forced to look for new logistics corridors,” Mr Savelyev said.


The sanctions haven't even been fully applied yet. This is a good resource for tracking all of them and the countries participating etc.



Platinum Member
Sanctions have ‘virtually wrecked all logistics’ in Russia, transport minister admits

A Kremlin official admitted that western sanctions were stopping the Russian economy from functioning.

Minister of Transport Vitaly Savelyev told state media that punitive measures had “virtually wrecked” Russian trade logistics, the Kremlin’s transport minister was quoted by Interfax as saying.

He said Russia was being forced to consider alternative trade routes, including the north-south corridor running from Moscow through central Asia to India.

“The sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation today have virtually wrecked all the logistics in our country. And we are forced to look for new logistics corridors,” Mr Savelyev said.


The sanctions haven't even been fully applied yet. This is a good resource for tracking all of them and the countries participating etc.

you right the sanctions haven’t been fully applied and they trying to lift some of the motherfuckers :lol:
This been pure entertainment

Damn sanctions made us beg Saudi Arabia… I think they laughed at us

we had to go kiss up on Venezuela, letting them know we’ll…Ease some of the sanctions that we have on them

shit so bad we called Lukasheka, to express our desires to lift sanctions. The panic backed plan is, we lift sanctions if he let Ukraine’s wheat get transported via his railroads.
1 min into the call, Putin interrupted by say “fuck off and hung the phone up”


On some not so funny shit, the same way Russia miscalculated things at the beginning of the special ops mission… we have done on a greater scale…

we not in a Desperation stage as many of them Europeans countries

Germany appoarching $9 per gallon on fuel

Finland told Russia they ain’t paying for shit in Rubles, well yesterday Russia cut their energy off

I have three gamers friend in the UK…. They don’t know wtf about to happen over there…

that’s just the countries I remember reading about…

When I get home later, I’m post the articles…because I know many of us on here like proof


Platinum Member
Mannnnnn Ukraine about to turn into the wild wild east

I been read this was someone to watch

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Platinum Member
This something I thought should’ve been happened but the threat of Belarus was real.

Seem like it’s about money, Ukraine probably didn’t have the funds to pay Poland. Magically Poland is ok with sending troops, after we send some aid money to Ukraine

(If true….might be some pot stirring from Russian, since many of them Ukrainians hate the Poles more than Russians)

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Platinum Member
Ohhhhh I forgot I was post to present articles about sanctions….

:lol: :lol:

look at this, we easing sanctions just to encourage W0W, ain’t no way

US Eases Some Sanctions On Venezuela To Encourage Political Talks: Official
By AFP - Agence France Presse
May 17, 2022

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro: The US is easing some sanctions on his regime to encourage it to hold talks with the opposition
ADDS background, quotes from US lawmaker

The United States is easing some of its tough sanctions on Venezuela in order to encourage political dialogue between President Nicolas Maduro's regime and its opponents, a senior official said Tuesday.

"The United States is undertaking a number of measures at the request of the Venezuelan interim government and the Unity platform of opposition parties negotiating with the Venezuelan regime, to support their decision to return to the negotiating table in Mexico City," the US official said.
One action permits US oil firm Chevron to negotiate with the state oil company PDVSA on the terms of any future activities in Venezuela, the official said.
The official said another action to ease sanctions would be announced imminently.
After a political stalemate of three years that has seen economic and social conditions in Venezuela drastically deteriorate, Washington wants to encourage Maduro's regime to negotiate with his opponents.
They include opposition parties and the "interim government" led by Juan Guaido, which is recognized by nearly 60 countries, including the United States, as the legitimate government since 2019.
Despite international support, Guaido's side has not been able to oust Maduro from power.
The official said the easing of sanctions is being done at the request of the Guaido-led interim government and is directly tied to an agreement of both sides to return the talks, "which they should be announcing very shortly."
"The United States supports a peaceful and negotiated outcome to the Venezuelan political and economic and humanitarian crisis," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Venezuelan talks had been stalled since October, when the US took into custody Colombian businessman Alex Saab, who was accused of laundering money for Maduro's regime.
But in March two US officials visited Venezuela and shortly afterward Caracas released two detained Americans, raising hopes for a thaw in relations between the two sides and a resumption of domestic political talks.
The US official stressed that the easing of sanctions would not permit Chevron to actually reach an agreement with PDVSA or undertake work inside or on behalf of Venezuela, where the oil sector has been hampered by international sanctions.
"Very clearly, none of these alleviations of pressure would lead to an increase in revenue for the regime," the official said.
"We are going to calibrate our sanctions policy accordingly to increase pressure or alleviate pressure on the basis of ambitious concrete and irreversible outcomes that empower the Venezuelan people to determine the future of their country through democratic elections," the official added.
Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, strongly criticized the overture to Caracas.

comments from writer of article
"Giving Maduro a handful of undeserved handouts just so his regime will promise to sit down at a negotiating table is a strategy destined to fail," Menendez said in a statement.
US concessions "ignore the cold, hard facts about the Maduro regime and its history of abusing negotiations to strengthen its political position," he said.


Platinum Member
Saudi Arabia didn’t even answer the phone

Saudi, Emirati Leaders Decline Calls With Biden During Ukraine Crisis
Persian Gulf monarchies have signaled they won’t help ease surging oil prices unless Washington supports them in Yemen, elsewhere


Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the U.A.E.’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan both declined U.S. requests to speak to Mr. Biden in recent weeks, the officials said, as Saudi and Emirati officials have become more vocal in recent weeks in their criticism of American policy in the Gulf.

“There was some expectation of a phone call, but it didn’t happen,” said a U.S. official of the planned discussion between the Saudi Prince Mohammed and Mr. Biden. “It was part of turning on the spigot [of Saudi oil].”

Mr. Biden did speak with Prince Mohammed’s 86-year-old father, King Salman, on Feb. 9, when the two men reiterated their countries’ longstanding partnership. The U.A.E.’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the call between Mr. Biden and Sheikh Mohammed would be rescheduled.

The Saudis have signaled that their relationship with Washington has deteriorated under the Biden administration, and they want more support for their intervention in Yemen’s civil war, help with their own civilian nuclear program as Iran’s moves ahead, and legal immunity for Prince Mohammed in the U.S., Saudi officials said. The crown prince faces multiple lawsuits in the U.S., including over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

President Biden announced Tuesday a ban on Russian oil imports into the U.S., amid growing calls from bipartisan lawmakers to take action. The U.S. will also ban imports of Russian natural gas and other energy sources, Biden said. Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition
The Emiratis share Saudi concerns about the restrained U.S. response to recent missile strikes by Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen against the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia, officials said. Both governments are also concerned about the revival of the Iran nuclear deal, which doesn’t address other security concerns of theirs and has entered the final stages of negotiations in recent weeks.

The White House has worked to repair relations with two key Middle Eastern countries it needs on its side as oil prices push over $130 a barrel for the first time in almost 14 years. Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. are the only two major oil producers that can pump millions of more barrels of more oil—a capacity that, if used, could help calm the crude market at a time when American gasoline prices are at high levels.

Brett McGurk, the National Security Council’s Middle East coordinator, and Amos Hochstein, the State Department’s energy envoy, both traveled to Riyadh late last month to try to mend fences with Saudi officials. Mr. McGurk also met with Sheikh Mohammed in Abu Dhabi in a bid to address Emirati frustrations over the U.S. response to the Houthi attacks.

The call with Sheikh Mohammed in early February was expected to focus on ways the two countries could counter Houthi attacks from Yemen.

One U.S. official said the Biden administration has worked diligently to strengthen Saudi and Emirati missile defenses, and that America would be doing more in the coming months to help the two Gulf nations protect themselves. It may not be all the two countries want, the official said, but the U.S. is trying to address their security concerns.

But the Saudis and Emiratis have declined to pump more oil, saying they are sticking to a production plan approved between their group, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and a group of other producers led by Russia. The energy alliance with Russia, one of the world’s top oil producers, has enhanced OPEC’s power while also bringing the Saudis and Emiratis closer to Moscow.

Both Prince Mohammed and Sheikh Mohammed took phone calls from Russian President Vladimir Putin last week, after declining to speak with Mr. Biden. They both later spoke with Ukraine’s president, and a Saudi official said the U.S. had requested that Prince Mohammed mediate in the conflict, which he said the kingdom is embarking on.


Platinum Member
the call to Belarus for help

U.S. ready to soften Belarus sanctions if Belarus allows Ukrainian wheat to transit


Grain exchange': Washington offers Lukashenko a cunning move as the US prepares to soften sanctions on Belarus if it allows Ukrainian wheat to pass through the border. Will Lukashenko agree?

The U.S. is considering the possibility of lifting restrictive measures on Belarusian potash if Minsk officials allow Ukrainian grain to pass through Belarus, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter.

The Wall Street Journal said that if Belarus agreed, food crops would be transported by rail to the port in Klaipeda, Lithuania, and sanctions on Minsk could be lifted for six months.

Earlier, UN Secretary-General António Guterres proposed a similar deal to Moscow - calling for easing export restrictions on Russian and Belarusian fertilizers in exchange for the passage of grain ships from Ukraine. However, according to Vasily Nebenzia, Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Guterres did discuss lifting the sanctions on potash during a visit in late April, but made no mention of the grain situation. He added that Russia will be ready to export 25 million tonnes of grains through the port of Novorossiysk from August to the end of the year.


The U.S. says Ukraine has accumulated about 20 million tons of grain, making it difficult to export from the country. The UN's World Food Programme estimates the amount is even higher - at 25 million tonnes, caused by "blocked ports on the Black Sea" and infrastructure problems.

Food shortages are increasingly worrying Western countries. More precisely, unlike Africa, the EU and US will not run deficits (in Morocco, for example, they have indicated that wheat stocks will remain low for four months), but food prices will rise sharply. Wheat prices in Europe have broken an absolute record of EUR 438.25 per ton. It is no coincidence that Ukraine will receive all possible assistance from EU countries in the sale of food exports to Europe, and so does the United States. They will export wheat by sea, land and even air.

So the WSJ insider's message looks very realistic. But interestingly, the West turned to Belarus after talks with Moscow on the issue apparently failed. Minsk has been sanctioned along with Moscow, and so far backs Russia's special initiative, Alexander Lukashenko said at the recent Collective Security Treaty Organization summit that Ukraine poses a threat to Belarus' security before February 2022. action.

On May 23, Alexander Lukashenko will meet Putin in Sochi. The two heads of state will discuss "all issues of Belarus-Russia cooperation and the implementation of previous instructions of the two governments". The easing of sanctions in exchange for food exports could be discussed.

Experts believe that these proposals from the West can indeed be made, but their real goal is not to ensure food security, but to create a gap between Russia and Belarus.

If this had happened a few years ago, it is safe to say that Aleksandr Lukashenko would have happily agreed to the deal proposed by the West. But under the current circumstances, the deal will not happen, as Russia has backed Lukashenko in the events of 2020. Lukashenko understands that if the West wants to engage him, he can only turn to Russia.

For the West, it is important that these grains get to the West, because this is the strategic goal of Western countries. Therefore, interesting proposals are now being made not only to Belarus, but also to Kazakhstan, Armenia and other countries so that they can turn to the West. i.e. partial lifting of sanctions in exchange for something. But things have changed radically now, as the West needs to wrest allies from Russia.


In fact, this is an attractive offer for Minsk. Such an agreement is suitable for all parties except Russia, which is facing the threat of a severe food crisis.

Today, geopolitical issues are first and foremost, including for the United States. Experts believe that the West is interested in making such a deal, but Aleksandr Lukashenko will not.


Rising Star
Saudi Arabia didn’t even answer the phone

Saudi, Emirati Leaders Decline Calls With Biden During Ukraine Crisis
Persian Gulf monarchies have signaled they won’t help ease surging oil prices unless Washington supports them in Yemen, elsewhere


Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the U.A.E.’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan both declined U.S. requests to speak to Mr. Biden in recent weeks, the officials said, as Saudi and Emirati officials have become more vocal in recent weeks in their criticism of American policy in the Gulf.

“There was some expectation of a phone call, but it didn’t happen,” said a U.S. official of the planned discussion between the Saudi Prince Mohammed and Mr. Biden. “It was part of turning on the spigot [of Saudi oil].”

Mr. Biden did speak with Prince Mohammed’s 86-year-old father, King Salman, on Feb. 9, when the two men reiterated their countries’ longstanding partnership. The U.A.E.’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the call between Mr. Biden and Sheikh Mohammed would be rescheduled.

The Saudis have signaled that their relationship with Washington has deteriorated under the Biden administration, and they want more support for their intervention in Yemen’s civil war, help with their own civilian nuclear program as Iran’s moves ahead, and legal immunity for Prince Mohammed in the U.S., Saudi officials said. The crown prince faces multiple lawsuits in the U.S., including over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

President Biden announced Tuesday a ban on Russian oil imports into the U.S., amid growing calls from bipartisan lawmakers to take action. The U.S. will also ban imports of Russian natural gas and other energy sources, Biden said. Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition
The Emiratis share Saudi concerns about the restrained U.S. response to recent missile strikes by Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen against the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia, officials said. Both governments are also concerned about the revival of the Iran nuclear deal, which doesn’t address other security concerns of theirs and has entered the final stages of negotiations in recent weeks.

The White House has worked to repair relations with two key Middle Eastern countries it needs on its side as oil prices push over $130 a barrel for the first time in almost 14 years. Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. are the only two major oil producers that can pump millions of more barrels of more oil—a capacity that, if used, could help calm the crude market at a time when American gasoline prices are at high levels.

Brett McGurk, the National Security Council’s Middle East coordinator, and Amos Hochstein, the State Department’s energy envoy, both traveled to Riyadh late last month to try to mend fences with Saudi officials. Mr. McGurk also met with Sheikh Mohammed in Abu Dhabi in a bid to address Emirati frustrations over the U.S. response to the Houthi attacks.

The call with Sheikh Mohammed in early February was expected to focus on ways the two countries could counter Houthi attacks from Yemen.

One U.S. official said the Biden administration has worked diligently to strengthen Saudi and Emirati missile defenses, and that America would be doing more in the coming months to help the two Gulf nations protect themselves. It may not be all the two countries want, the official said, but the U.S. is trying to address their security concerns.

But the Saudis and Emiratis have declined to pump more oil, saying they are sticking to a production plan approved between their group, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and a group of other producers led by Russia. The energy alliance with Russia, one of the world’s top oil producers, has enhanced OPEC’s power while also bringing the Saudis and Emiratis closer to Moscow.

Both Prince Mohammed and Sheikh Mohammed took phone calls from Russian President Vladimir Putin last week, after declining to speak with Mr. Biden. They both later spoke with Ukraine’s president, and a Saudi official said the U.S. had requested that Prince Mohammed mediate in the conflict, which he said the kingdom is embarking on.
Here's the back story to that.

"President Joe Biden may meet Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman next month, CNN reported, a sign that the US is deadly serious about winning back his affections.

A meeting would be a significant climbdown for Biden, who pledged to make Saudi Arabia a "pariah" in the run up to the 2020 election.

The US then effectively demoted MBS to the rank of defense minister, saying he was not an equal head of state. Instead, the US said his Biden's counterpart was King Salman, MBS's ailing father who has long delegated the actual running of the nation to his son. Biden has yet to meet or speak to MBS via any medium.

In turn, MBS has said he doesn't care what Biden thinks of him and reportedly shouted at US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in September when the latter raised the 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi, which the CIA concluded that MBS likely ordered.

Relations soured further last year after Saudi Arabia and the UAE felt let down by the slow US response to a series of terror attacks in the Arabian Gulf. "


Platinum Member
Phone ring…

Lu: Hello, this is Lukashenko speaking..

JB: Alex, my boy how are you

Lu: Joey B…”what Do u want”(Putin signals to give him the phone)
“One sec Joey” then he puts the mute

look Putin let’s listen to what these fuckers have to say, just don’t say nothing…we gonna get everything we can get
you know they trying to divide us….
Putin….”ok, we gonna listen”

Lu: Joey I’m back,

JB: your boy is fucking crazy, the ports are blocked… people going hungry
How about we make a deal…

Lu: I’m listening

JB: we take back some sanctions against you and your people

Lu: for what, to turn against Russia

JB: to allow the wheat to pass through Belarus

Lu: what about Russia

JB: what about them, is Putin dying, he looks bad

(Putin grabs phone)

VP: fuck you, fuck you, fuck you


Platinum Member
Here's the back story to that.

"President Joe Biden may meet Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman next month, CNN reported, a sign that the US is deadly serious about winning back his affections.

A meeting would be a significant climbdown for Biden, who pledged to make Saudi Arabia a "pariah" in the run up to the 2020 election.

The US then effectively demoted MBS to the rank of defense minister, saying he was not an equal head of state. Instead, the US said his Biden's counterpart was King Salman, MBS's ailing father who has long delegated the actual running of the nation to his son. Biden has yet to meet or speak to MBS via any medium.

In turn, MBS has said he doesn't care what Biden thinks of him and reportedly shouted at US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in September when the latter raised the 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi, which the CIA concluded that MBS likely ordered.

Relations soured further last year after Saudi Arabia and the UAE felt let down by the slow US response to a series of terror attacks in the Arabian Gulf. "
Thanks brother


Platinum Member
Oh I forgot these two stories… Finland gas being cut off and Germany gas prices



Rising Star

But Finland already has something in the works

Putin is just sinking Russia deeper and deeper.

"The European Union has unveiled a €210 billion ($221 billion) plan to wean itself off Russian oil and gas.
Presenting its "REPowerEU" plan on Wednesday, the European Commission said it would attempt to slash consumption of Russian gas across the bloc by 66% by the end of this year — and break its dependence completely before 2027 — by saving energy, finding alternate sources and speeding up the transition to renewables.

"We are taking our ambition yet to another level to make sure that we become independent of Russian fossil fuels as quickly as possible," EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in a Wednesday press briefing.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in late February, the bloc has sought to reduce its dependence on Russia's vast energy exports. It agreed to ban Russian coal starting in August, and by last month had cut Russia's share of EU natural gas imports to 26% from 40% last year.

The new plan goes further, aiming to quickly ramp up imports of liquefied natural gas from the United States and Canada, and increase flows of pipeline gas from Norway.
The European Commission has also set up a platform to enable countries to jointly purchase energy, with the aim of helping to bring down rocketing prices.

"When Europe acts together, it has more clout," von der Leyen said of the joint procurement program. "This way we can secure energy imports we need without the competition between our member states."

The top exports of Russia are

Crude Petroleum ($74.4B)
Refined Petroleum ($48B)
Petroleum Gas ($19.7B)
Gold ($18.7B)
Coal Briquettes ($14.5B), ...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you right the sanctions haven’t been fully applied and they trying to lift some of the motherfuckers :lol:
This been pure entertainment

Damn sanctions made us beg Saudi Arabia… I think they laughed at us

we had to go kiss up on Venezuela, letting them know we’ll…Ease some of the sanctions that we have on them

shit so bad we called Lukasheka, to express our desires to lift sanctions. The panic backed plan is, we lift sanctions if he let Ukraine’s wheat get transported via his railroads.
1 min into the call, Putin interrupted by say “fuck off and hung the phone up”


On some not so funny shit, the same way Russia miscalculated things at the beginning of the special ops mission… we have done on a greater scale…

we not in a Desperation stage as many of them Europeans countries

Germany appoarching $9 per gallon on fuel

Finland told Russia they ain’t paying for shit in Rubles, well yesterday Russia cut their energy off

I have three gamers friend in the UK…. They don’t know wtf about to happen over there…

that’s just the countries I remember reading about…

When I get home later, I’m post the articles…because I know many of us on here like proof

I am not talking about sanctions on other countries, I'm talking about the ones applied to Russia since 24/2:

In revealing testimony before the Duma parliament, the head of the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) told the country’s lawmakers she had to throw everything but the kitchen sink just to prevent a full-blown run on the banking system.

“The sanctions imposed against Russia affected the situation in the financial sector, spurred the demand for foreign currencies, and caused fire sales of financial assets, a cash outflow from banks, and surging demand for goods,” said Elvira Nabiullina in prepared remarks first published in English on Friday.

Those were actually designed to escalate and become more prohibitive with time and wider in scope. Russia cant afford to fund the war and prop up their currency for too much longer and each day brings more Western money and arms to Ukraine. Never in a million years did I think I would get to see shit like this. :smh::lol:

Not really heard anything like that at all out of Europe. I am in Western Europe often for work and was there when this shit first started. Ukraine just won Eurovision :lol: and all of my friends/work colleagues echo the same thing: This is the most united Europe has been on an issue like this in forever. You have Gemrnay sending offensive weapons and Sweden and Finland joining NATO. Unprecedented actions solely because Russia was inept in the way that they started this. None of this would have occurred had Russia swiftly capurted Kyiv and replaced Zelenskyy as was planned.

Gas prices are actually lower now in Germany than they were at their peak in February/March:

I think that when this is all over, Germany being convinced to risk its oil/gas relationship with Russia is what allowed this go the way it has. Russia would have caused massive division within NATO by highlighting the German position and reluctance to send arms etc. However, instead of a fractured NATO, we have an expanding NATO and a Russia that is increasingly on the ropes.

Russia has a ton of internal issues to deal with as well related to this bullshit. You can only rely on blocking the internet so long. Very reminiscent of W. Bush not wanting the retuning caskets filmed as if that was changing the overall sentiment on the war. :smh: Things like this aren't supposed to happen and is a sign of more problems behind the scenes:

‘Never have I been so ashamed’: Russian envoy criticizes war

A veteran Russian diplomat to the U.N. Office at Geneva says he handed in his resignation before sending out a scathing letter to foreign colleagues inveighing against the “aggressive war unleashed” by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine.

Boris Bondarev, 41, confirmed his resignation in a letter delivered Monday morning after a diplomatic official passed on his English-language statement to The Associated Press.

“For twenty years of my diplomatic career I have seen different turns of our foreign policy, but never have I been so ashamed of my country as on Feb. 24 of this year,” he wrote, alluding to the date of Russia’s invasion.

The resignation amounts to a rare — if not unprecedented — public admission of disgruntlement about Russia’s war in Ukraine among the Russian diplomatic corps. It comes at a time when Putin’s government has sought to crack down on dissent over the invasion and quell narratives that conflict with the Russian government’s line about how the “special military operation” — as it’s officially known in Russia — is proceeding.

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Platinum Member

I am not talking about sanctions on other countries, I'm talking about the ones applied to Russia since 24/2:

In revealing testimony before the Duma parliament, the head of the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) told the country’s lawmakers she had to throw everything but the kitchen sink just to prevent a full-blown run on the banking system.

“The sanctions imposed against Russia affected the situation in the financial sector, spurred the demand for foreign currencies, and caused fire sales of financial assets, a cash outflow from banks, and surging demand for goods,” said Elvira Nabiullina in prepared remarks first published in English on Friday.

Those were actually designed to escalate and become more prohibitive with time and wider in scope. Russia cant afford to fund the war and prop up their currency for too much longer and each day brings more Western money and arms to Ukraine. Never in a million years did I think I would get to see shit like this. :smh::lol:

Not really heard anything like that at all out of Europe. I am in Western Europe often for work and was there when this shit first started. Ukraine just won Eurovision :lol: and all of my friends/work colleagues echo the same thing: This is the most united Europe has been on an issue like this in forever. You have Gemrnay sending offensive weapons and Sweden and Finland joining NATO. Unprecedented actions solely because Russia was inept in the way that they started this. None of this would have occurred had Russia swiftly capurted Kyiv and replaced Zelenskyy as was planned.

Gas prices are actually lower now in Germany than they were at their peak in February/March:

I think that when this is all over, Germany being convinced to risk its oil/gas relationship with Russia is what allowed this go the way it has. Russia would have caused massive division within NATO by highlighting the German position and reluctance to send arms etc. However, instead of a fractured NATO, we have an expanding NATO and a Russia that is increasingly on the ropes.

Russia has a ton of internal issues to deal with as well related to this bullshit. You can only rely on blocking the internet so long. Very reminiscent of W. Bush not wanting the retuning caskets filmed as if that was changing the overall sentiment on the war. :smh: Things like this aren't supposed to happen and is a sign of more problems behind the scenes:

‘Never have I been so ashamed’: Russian envoy criticizes war

A veteran Russian diplomat to the U.N. Office at Geneva says he handed in his resignation before sending out a scathing letter to foreign colleagues inveighing against the “aggressive war unleashed” by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine.

Boris Bondarev, 41, confirmed his resignation in a letter delivered Monday morning after a diplomatic official passed on his English-language statement to The Associated Press.

“For twenty years of my diplomatic career I have seen different turns of our foreign policy, but never have I been so ashamed of my country as on Feb. 24 of this year,” he wrote, alluding to the date of Russia’s invasion.

The resignation amounts to a rare — if not unprecedented — public admission of disgruntlement about Russia’s war in Ukraine among the Russian diplomatic corps. It comes at a time when Putin’s government has sought to crack down on dissent over the invasion and quell narratives that conflict with the Russian government’s line about how the “special military operation” — as it’s officially known in Russia — is proceeding.

Neither am I,

I’m stating the repercussions that those sanctions have on us the Americans that made force us to do those things.

lift sanctions against Venezuela
Go kiss the Saudi Arabia Prince ass
Along with other back phone conversations we don’t know of…


Rising Star
Neither am I,

I’m stating the repercussions that those sanctions have on us the Americans that made force us to do those things.

lift sanctions against Venezuela
Go kiss the Saudi Arabia Prince ass
Along with other back phone conversations we don’t know of…
Bruh.. the US has been kissing the Saudi 's ass way before these sanctions. :lol:

As far as Venezuela goes...
Where have you been? The USA lives by this motto:


Platinum Member
Putin is just sinking Russia deeper and deeper.

"The European Union has unveiled a €210 billion ($221 billion) plan to wean itself off Russian oil and gas.
Presenting its "REPowerEU" plan on Wednesday, the European Commission said it would attempt to slash consumption of Russian gas across the bloc by 66% by the end of this year — and break its dependence completely before 2027 — by saving energy, finding alternate sources and speeding up the transition to renewables.

"We are taking our ambition yet to another level to make sure that we become independent of Russian fossil fuels as quickly as possible," EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in a Wednesday press briefing.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in late February, the bloc has sought to reduce its dependence on Russia's vast energy exports. It agreed to ban Russian coal starting in August, and by last month had cut Russia's share of EU natural gas imports to 26% from 40% last year.

The new plan goes further, aiming to quickly ramp up imports of liquefied natural gas from the United States and Canada, and increase flows of pipeline gas from Norway.
The European Commission has also set up a platform to enable countries to jointly purchase energy, with the aim of helping to bring down rocketing prices.

"When Europe acts together, it has more clout," von der Leyen said of the joint procurement program. "This way we can secure energy imports we need without the competition between our member states."

The top exports of Russia are

Crude Petroleum ($74.4B)
Refined Petroleum ($48B)
Petroleum Gas ($19.7B)
Gold ($18.7B)
Coal Briquettes ($14.5B), ...

i Agree they backed themselves into a corner towards China


Rising Star
i Agree they backed themselves into a corner towards China
At which point China will look to takeover Russia (and it doesn't need to do it physically). That alternative doesn’t sound good either.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Neither am I,

I’m stating the repercussions that those sanctions have on us the Americans that made force us to do those things.

lift sanctions against Venezuela
Go kiss the Saudi Arabia Prince ass
Along with other back phone conversations we don’t know of…
This isn't Russia related it is "we need cheap gas for the elections" related as it is every midterm or presidential year. :lol:

Saudis are not fond of the Democrats or Biden and have no reason to help them with gas prices.

Also notice that they have no problem throwing large sums at Kushner, Mnuchin etc.

I wonder why :smh::lol:

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Platinum Member
Bruh.. the US has been kissing the Saudi 's ass way before these sanctions. :lol:

As far as Venezuela goes...
Where have you been? The USA lives by this moto:
Bruh.. the US has been kissing the Saudi 's ass way before these sanctions. :lol:

As far as Venezuela goes...
Where have you been? The USA lives by this motto:

oh I know,

was Gonna say it was a while since they kissed it but I remember the 9/11 families & Saudi Arabia bs


Rising Star
oh I know,

was Gonna say it was a while since they kissed it but I remember the 9/11 families & Saudi Arabia bs
Naw bruh aint been no while. There's been a continuous ass kissing going on. The US just had to adjust to a new asshole to kiss (the Saudi king's son).