Rising Star
You’re repeating a false narrative. Most of the areas captured are Russian speaking and pro-Russian. They actually declared themselves independent from Ukraine on their own. That’s when Ukraine sent in the Nazi Azov battalion to stop the rebellion.
Those areas have been at war (trying to secede for years before the war started
What is that suppose to mean? You think the Ukrainian are jusy going to hey... we give up it's all yours. You think those who are funding the proxy war are just going to say hey we give up? No, the right will continue and Russia will not control those areas.
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Platinum Member
Russia has all but surrounded thousands of Ukrainian troops in the Donbas. They are slowly taking their time, and once they are surrounded will capture them. At the same time Russia has taken nearly the entire coast of Ukraine. The one water port that Ukraine has left is under blockade.

Russia’s next move will be to take over the grain supply of Ukraine, 4th largest in the world. Satellite images show Russia is already a courting Ukrainian grain to India and China.

As for the sanction, the sanctions caused oil prices to skyrocket and Russia is now exporting MORE oil now than they were last year.

This war was bungled terribly. There’s a reason why Henry Kissinger, a Russian hater, is saying that we should negotiate a ceasefire immediately.

The media created a narrative that Russia had to take over Kiev to win. It’s not clear that Russia even wants that anymore. They’ll create a buffer state in the east (under their control), and rape Ukraine of their grain, nuclear power and natural gas.

It wouldn’t be raping Ukraine because those lands will be consider part of the Russia federation.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Meduza is a pretty well known independent russian publication:

Despite failing to capture Kyiv at the outset of the war, the Kremlin is reportedly considering a second assault on Ukraine’s capital, as Russian troops appear to be on the verge of seizing the entire Donbas region. Sources tell Meduza that advances in the east and expectations that Moscow can win a war of attrition against Kyiv and its Western allies have revived hopes in the Putin administration that a full-scale victory is possible in Ukraine before the end of the year.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Folks been waiting for this to happen
To see if it would hold up…

now we probably see many more of these

They only have a few operational units and they are deployed. I anxiously anticipate the "what had happened was" that is going to start once these start getting destroyed. :lol:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
OP is spreading more gossip than TMZ. :smh:

USA, Inc. NEEDS a war because it is destitute and has to find someone to pillage but there are only a few places left, none of which are viable options so this BS is tossed out.


Whew..... 93 days .... that's a lot of gossip!!!!



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Russia has all but surrounded thousands of Ukrainian troops in the Donbas. They are slowly taking their time, and once they are surrounded will capture them. At the same time Russia has taken nearly the entire coast of Ukraine. The one water port that Ukraine has left is under blockade.

Russia’s next move will be to take over the grain supply of Ukraine, 4th largest in the world. Satellite images show Russia is already a courting Ukrainian grain to India and China.

As for the sanction, the sanctions caused oil prices to skyrocket and Russia is now exporting MORE oil now than they were last year.

This war was bungled terribly. There’s a reason why Henry Kissinger, a Russian hater, is saying that we should negotiate a ceasefire immediately.

The media created a narrative that Russia had to take over Kiev to win. It’s not clear that Russia even wants that anymore. They’ll create a buffer state in the east (under their control), and rape Ukraine of their grain, nuclear power and natural gas.
hey thanks for the reply


Platinum Member
They only have a few operational units and they are deployed. I anxiously anticipate the "what had happened was" that is going to start once these start getting destroyed. :lol:
Yup they send maybe 10 or so of them out to see how they would assist


Platinum Member
Man there’s some thing to watch….

When I say Ukraine ain’t gonna be the Ukraine we know now….
Poland doing some sneaky shit….

Russia have port access open( when every claiming they blocking Odesa

The low skies been key for Russia

president Z have confused the shit outta me
one minute he have 700k troops ready, and a 1 million by 2023 but later say they out numbers 7 to 1 just in the Donbas region

Saw something like 8000 Ukraine soldiers are in custody


Rising Star
They only have a few operational units and they are deployed. I anxiously anticipate the "what had happened was" that is going to start once these start getting destroyed. :lol:
You don’t know what you are talking about.

If Vlad was the crazed maniac you think he is, he would have used conventional missles and flattened every building in Kiev. Then he would have marched his troops over the rubble and captured the city, much like we did in Iraq.

Of course, if he did that, hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of Ukrainians would be killed. He’d be seen as a pariah in the world, and no one (not even China orIndia) woulddo business with Russia.

instead, he hoped he’d send a strong show of force, and Ukraine would realize they couldn’t win and surrender. That didn’t happen, Ukrainians fought back valiantly.

Then Russia changed their plans. Take the pro-Russian east, as well as the ports and natural resources, and create a new buffer nation on its western border. That’s what we’re watching now.

Ukraine was never going to win this war, it’ can’t. It’s like Mexico fighting the US. No chance of winning.

Zelensky has been openly lying to the West, and finessing billions from their taxpayers (us). When it’s all over, Russia will own half of Ukraine, Zelensky will be a billionaire giving speeches all across Europe and The US, and the Ukrainian people will likely not have a country. Once Russia takes the east, Poland will probably take the rest.

That’s the outcome, noUkraine, our tax dollars going to Nazis and thieves, and a-stronger Russia.

Uhmerrika is winning.


Rising Star
What is that suppose to mean? You think the Ukrainian are jusy going to hey... we give up it's all yours. You think those who are funding the proxy war are just going to say hey we give up? No, the right will continue and Russia will not control those areas.
Most of the east had already decided to secede from Ukraine. Russia will not be seen as an occupying force there, like they would in Kiev. Ukraine was at war with the east for years, using Nazi forces to occupy the east and force them into being a part of the country. Now they can have their own country, under the protection of Russia.

There is no win for the US, or those fighting the proxy war, at least not now. They completely misplayed their hand and ended up strengthening Russia.

Best bet for the US right now is to cut its loses, and not make the same mistake with China.

We’ve been making the same stupid war decisions now for 20 years, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, it’s like we never learn.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Captured Russian Weapons Are Packed With U.S. Microchips

Ukraine intelligence officials who provided the component list also could not say where the chips originated.

But Skip Parish, a counter-drone/directed energy weapons/electronic warfare/red team subject matter expert for NATO and the U.S. military, reviewed the list of components provided by Ukraine intelligence and said they raise a number of issues.

A photo of some of the microchips Ukraine intelligence said it found in the communications system of a Barnaul-T air defense system. Ukraine intelligence photo.

It highlights, he said, a “total dependence on western technology” in applications of “integrated chips sets in key sensitive working parts of Russian weapon systems - targeting, navigation, communications and execution of the weapon."

“We have reports from Ukrainians that when they find Russian military equipment on the ground, it’s filled with semiconductors that they took out of dishwashers and refrigerators,” Raimondo testified, who recently met with Ukraine’s prime minister.

While components found in appliances, for instance, are harder to prevent falling into the wrong hands, U.S. officials, Parish said, do have the authority to prevent shipments of those dual-use chips if they consider the application to have critical military uses.

There is already a lot of evidence that existing sanctions are hurting Russia's defense industry. And Ukraine claims that the older components Russia is using, particularly in the Kh-101, make them less effective. But given Russia's reliance on the large numbers of microchips, semiconductors, and other components floating around - and its close relations with China, a top manufacturer and recycler of these parts - the long-term effects of sanctions, at least in regards to high-tech components like chips, remains to be seen.



Platinum Member
See this shows the way numbers are reported Allie’s in favor with Ukraine.

Even without checking, I think Russia have a 1/4 of Ukraine soldiers as POWs

I give Ukraine one thing they are great with PR


Platinum Member
Seem like this a huge deal from reading the comments. What do y’all think?


The frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" fired a hypersonic missile "Zirkon
MOSCOW: The Admiral Gorshkov frigate fired a Zircon hypersonic missile at a target in the White Sea from the Barents Sea, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on May 28.

“Today, the lead frigate of Project 22350 Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov fired a Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missile at a sea target position in the White Sea from the Barents Sea,” the ministry told reporters.

It is noted that rocket firing was carried out as part of testing new types of weapons. The missile successfully hit the target at a distance of about 1000 km.

Earlier, in March, the department stated that state tests of the Zircon hypersonic cruise missile from a surface carrier could be completed in June-July this year after the final launch as part of these tests. If successful, this launch may be the final one within the framework of state tests of this product from a surface carrier.

In February, sources of Izvestia in the Ministry of Defense reported that the first regular carrier of the Zircon hypersonic system would be the Project 22350 frigate Admiral Golovko, which should replenish the Northern Fleet in December of this year.

On December 24 last year, President Vladimir Putin said that in the morning of the same day, a successful salvo launch of the Zircon hypersonic missile, created by KTRV, took place. According to him, the tests went flawlessly. The head of state stressed that this is a great event in the life of the country and a significant step in improving Russia's security and defense capability.

Zircon is the world's first hypersonic cruise missile capable of sustained aerodynamic flight with maneuvering in dense layers of the atmosphere using its own engine thrust throughout the route.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Russian soldier flips off the drone before it drops the munition and kills him. This all seems surreal still. :smh:


Rising Star

Ok course this reading of the battlefield is laughable. Russia is on its way to winning the Donbas in record time, with much fewer losses than they have faced in similar battles.

It’s starting to look like Ukraine is prepared to give up the east to Russia without a fight.

Once that’s done, the war may be over.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Vladimir Putin on Saturday signed a law removing an upper age limit on the Russian military, meaning over-40s can now serve.

The law was passed just over three months after Russia invaded Ukraine, amid heavy Russian losses said to be limiting its ability to fight.

The invasion, which Putin and his inner circle expected to be swift and decisive, instead proved protracted and deadly for Russia.

Western officials estimate that some 15,000 Russians have been killed. Ukraine on Saturday claimed to have killed 30,000, while Russia has not given recent figures of its own.



Platinum Member

I saw something about him being dead and it a body double

which would be even worse because that means there folks who really think like him :lol:

Who a member said they need to kill him, j always advise, the next could be worse