
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Every day there is a new crazy ass story like this. This was the SU-25 that was all over twitter a few days back :smh: :lol:

In the sky over Ukraine, retired Major General of the Russian Air Force Kanamat Botashev was shot down and killed.
Information about the death of the pilot was confirmed by the BBC by three former subordinates of Botashev, who kept in touch with him after the end of service. They asked for anonymity for reasons of personal security.

Botashev is the highest-ranking pilot whose death became known. Before retiring, he was the commander of an aviation regiment. Participation in the air battles of such a high-ranking officer can indicate both how difficult tasks Moscow sets for military pilots and the lack of highly qualified specialists.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
this another clip… from that site….

folks in the comment section are highly shocked, that the coverage been unbiased

I’m search for info about the truthfulness of these comments.
I’ve seen comments more that once about the Ukrainian mines being a problem for Ukraine ships and Turkey..
There are shipping lanes open, Putin is in favour to keeping these open but the major problem is Ukraine has mined the black sea, these mines are washing into Turkish territory pissing off the Turkish shipping lanes.

This caught my attention also “they hit a large depot of 155mm shells for US-made M-777 howitzers”

“Russia’s Armed Forces and the People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) took the city of Svetlodarsk under operating control, the mop-up operation is underway. Earlier on Tuesday, Mayor of Debaltsevo Igor Zakharevich reported that the Russian flag was hoisted above the Svetlodarsk city administration building. Svetlodarsk is 18 kilometers to the north of Debaltsevo. It has been under Ukrainian control since the summer of 2014. One of the largest European thermal power plants, the Uglegorsk TPP, is located there. The city has been under Ukrainian control since the summer of 2014 but not anymore. In the past 24 hours, Russian operational-tactical and army aviation aircraft wiped out two Ukrainian command posts, three ammunition depots, 80 areas of amassed manpower and military hardware, and also a Buk-M1 surface-to-air missile system near Pilipchatino in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The air strikes eliminated over 210 nationalists and destroyed 31 pieces of military equipment. The Russian forces also wiped out six ammunition depots near the communities of Minkovka, Bakhmut, Nikolayevka, Spornoye and Krasny Liman in the Donetsk People’s Republic. In particular, they hit a large depot of 155mm shells for US-made M-777 howitzers in Razdolovka. Russian missile and artillery troops eliminated about 700 Ukrainian military sites in the past 24 hours.”

I don't really think the Ukranians are worried about M777 ammunition at this point. As of last week, the they had received 130,000 shells for the M777 with more coming from Canada and other countries. The total number expected from the US is 160K to 180K+ depending on the source but that was from the spending announced a while back and not the more recent rounds. They will keep sending more as needed. France has sent the CAESAR as well which is a self propelled 155mm unlike the M777. Not sure how many have arrived or the number of shells sent however.

During WWII we sent the Soviets approximately $180 Billion in equipment so they could keep fighting:

  • 400,000 jeeps & trucks
  • 14,000 airplanes
  • 8,000 tractors
  • 13,000 tanks
  • 1.5 million blankets
  • 15 million pairs of army boots
  • 107,000 tons of cotton
  • 2.7 million tons of petrol products
  • 4.5 million tons of food

It is the ultimate irony that the same lend lease program that saved the soviets is now being used to defeat the Russians.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This guy is a fellow at CEPA and predicted what we see today in the East back in April

The last point about manpower has been all over pro russian telegram for a while now. Ukraine has 700K+ forces now while Russia has 100-190K in Ukraine.

The biggest proponents of the "special military operation" have wanted mobilization but Putin has only done a stealth mobilization so far.

On May 13, BBC Russian reported that over the last few weeks, military registration and enlistment offices have been sending men "subpoenas." The outlet spoke to at least three men who tore these requests, featured in the article and headline which said "covert mobilization has begun in Russia."

Pro-war Russians are increasingly critical of the Ukraine conflict

Military analysts, veterans, mercenaries and journalists are among those who have begun speaking out on social media and state-run television against the blunders and shortcomings that continue to plague Russia’s efforts in Ukraine, even after the Russian military narrowed its goals to the capture of territory in the eastern Donbas region.

“Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, please decide, are we fighting a war or are we jacking off?” Alexander Arutyunov, a military veteran who blogs under the name Razvedos, asked on his Telegram account. “If we are fighting we need to fight! And we need to hit everything. There is no other way to win in a war.”

“There must be mobilization or we will lose the war. It needs 600,000-800,000 men to defeat Ukraine,” wrote Vladlen Tatarsky, a former fighter with the separatist Donbas militia who comments on his Telegram account to over 270,000 followers.

The problem is that while it makes military sense to mobilize it will be politically disastrous if he does it. Either way, I really don't see a path forward. We have gone from plans for blitzkrieg involving VDV and Spetsnaz focused on Kyiv to taking weeks to capture Sievierodonetsk which is 3 hours from the Russian border and originally taken in 2014. :smh::lol:


Platinum Member
I don't really think the Ukranians are worried about M777 ammunition at this point. As of last week, the they had received 130,000 shells for the M777 with more coming from Canada and other countries. The total number expected from the US is 160K to 180K+ depending on the source but that was from the spending announced a while back and not the more recent rounds. They will keep sending more as needed. France has sent the CAESAR as well which is a self propelled 155mm unlike the M777. Not sure how many have arrived or the number of shells sent however.

During WWII we sent the Soviets approximately $180 Billion in equipment so they could keep fighting:

  • 400,000 jeeps & trucks
  • 14,000 airplanes
  • 8,000 tractors
  • 13,000 tanks
  • 1.5 million blankets
  • 15 million pairs of army boots
  • 107,000 tons of cotton
  • 2.7 million tons of petrol products
  • 4.5 million tons of food

It is the ultimate irony that the same lend lease program that saved the soviets is now being used to defeat the Russians.

shit I don’t really know either but I know they was happier than a punk in prison when they received the word

I read a report they was launching them shells fast as fuck… which was the reason president Z was begging to get more…

That 130k might be three weeks worth of shells….

So they really do need those grains to get exported along with a blank check

just Listening to a so-called expert about this encirclement…

he said the Ukrainians have two options
(Likely 10,000 soldiers)

- retreat fast but won’t be able to transfer heavy equipment

- dig in and battles being surrounded
(Surrender or get killed)



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
shit I don’t really know either but I know they was happier than a punk in prison when they received the word

I read a report they was launching them shells fast as fuck… which was the reason president Z was begging to get more…

That 130k might be three weeks worth of shells….

So they really do need those grains to get exported along with a blank check

just Listening to a so-called expert about this encirclement…

he said the Ukrainians have two options
(Likely 10,000 soldiers)

- retreat fast but won’t be able to transfer heavy equipment

- dig in and battles being surrounded
(Surrender or get killed)


I assume they will retreat but who knows. The new Russian plan has to been to take territory near/bordering their territories from 2014. The problem is that they have been working on this for more than a month now and this is a town the separatists briefly took in 2014. This should not be happening to the forces of a modern, professional military hours from their own borders. :smh:

This is from April 19 talking about the "new" Russian offensive in the East. :smh:

This dumb shit will be studied forever as this could have been wrapped up in days as most predicted had the Russians not cannibalized their own forces through grift, greed, corruption etc.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kissinger says Ukraine must give up land to Russia, warns West not to seek to humiliate Putin with defeat

Veteran US statesman Henry Kissinger has urged the West to stop trying to inflict a crushing defeat on Russian forces in Ukraine, warning that it would have disastrous consequences for the long term stability of Europe.

The former US secretary of state and architect of the Cold War rapprochement between the US and China told a gathering in Davos that it would be fatal for the West to get swept up in the mood of the moment and forget the proper place of Russia in the European balance of power.

Dr Kissinger said the war must not be allowed to drag on for much longer, and came close to calling on the West to bully Ukraine into accepting negotiations on terms that fall very far short of its current war aims.

“Negotiations need to begin in the next two months before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome. Ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo ante. Pursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia itself,” he said.

Russia will not cease the fighting with no territorial gains but astronomical military and economic losses. Conversely, Ukraine has no incentive to stop at this point either especially if they can reclaim some previously annexed territories.
He has a point, After they killed Saddam ISIS came in force they killed Gaddafi ISIS and AL qaeda went to Africa, and now after the war in Afghanistan the Taliban are stronger than ever. It's stupid to keep doing the same thing again and again and except a different result


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ukraine be on that bs with them numbers

He is talking about Donbas in the last few days not the war as a whole. He also said this which is also true:

Ukraine outgunned 20 to 1 in east, Zelenskyy says

"Yet we have no alternative but to fight -- fight and win," Zelenskyy said.

Zelenksyy's admission of 50 to 100 Ukrainian soldiers dying every day as of this past weekend and his revelation that more than 70 troops were killed in a single attack on a military base near Kyiv a week ago are a departure from the broad Ukrainian messaging up until now, which has been to stay silent on casualty numbers.

The shift in language on the Ukrainian side over the number of troops lost comes amid multiple reports in recent days suggesting Russia is making small but incremental gains in the Donbas. The latest assessment from the British Defense Ministry is that Russia has achieved "some localized successes."

Russia accidentally published their real figures only briefly a few months back. It was almost 10K dead in March so I don't think the current projections are off.



Platinum Member
I assume they will retreat but who knows. The new Russian plan has to been to take territory near/bordering their territories from 2014. The problem is that they have been working on this for more than a month now and this is a town the separatists briefly took in 2014. This should not be happening to the forces of a modern, professional military hours from their own borders. :smh:

This is from April 19 talking about the "new" Russian offensive in the East. :smh:

This dumb shit will be studied forever as this could have been wrapped up in days as most predicted had the Russians not cannibalized their own forces through grift, greed, corruption etc.

I’m new to this type of conflict, I’ve learnt plenty over the last few months about combat.
Hell just from of the conversation myself and you have is very educational.

something I learned back in elementary was using context clues

I come to realize(with the help of you and many others)ain’t no damn way Russia could’ve been success in a short period of time. Apparently, Ukraine has the 2nd biggest military forces behind Russia.

now just on that aspect, I come to understanding it would take a long haul…

i think you spoke with another poser about attacking and defending. I think you stated the ration needs to be 3:1…..

so invading a country with 700k troops, shouldnt be very promising for the invaders

we won’t even factor NATO influence into the equation…

Just use the troop numbers along with the time they had to prepare(they clearly was preparing for something).
I feel there’s no way in hell this could’ve been a quick task…

not using none of the analysis words, non of the taking heads opinion about Russia wanted a quick takeover, install a puppet government etc….

our common sense(well y’all military knowledge)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He has a point, After they killed Saddam ISIS came in force they killed Gaddafi ISIS and AL qaeda went to Africa, and now after the war in Afghanistan the Taliban are stronger than ever. It's stupid to keep doing the same thing again and again and except a different result

I agree that someone or somebody will always fill the vacuum that is created when you take out a strongman. I didn't post that because I agree with Kissinger ; I think he is as close to the human embodiment of evil as you will find. Rather, I posted it for the underlying premise: The global elites believe Russia is losing the war in a convincing enough fashion that we need off ramps for Putin or we risk the balkanization of a failed/failing Russia.

I had to post it as elements of hotep/anti vaccine twitter slide in here every so often with a "russia is really winning" in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m new to this type of conflict, I’ve learnt plenty over the last few months about combat.
Hell just from of the conversation myself and you have is very educational.

something I learned back in elementary was using context clues

I come to realize(with the help of you and many others)ain’t no damn way Russia could’ve been success in a short period of time. Apparently, Ukraine has the 2nd biggest military forces behind Russia.

now just on that aspect, I come to understanding it would take a long haul…

i think you spoke with another poser about attacking and defending. I think you stated the ration needs to be 3:1…..

so invading a country with 700k troops, shouldnt be very promising for the invaders

we won’t even factor NATO influence into the equation…

Just use the troop numbers along with the time they had to prepare(they clearly was preparing for something).
I feel there’s no way in hell this could’ve been a quick task…

not using none of the analysis words, non of the taking heads opinion about Russia wanted a quick takeover, install a puppet government etc….

our common sense(well y’all military knowledge)

It's Russia that was seen as the 2nd most powerful behind the US prior to this. Ukraine is on par with countries like Canada which is why everyone thought this would be an extended version of '08 or '14. It is also the reason the pro-russia media calls this a war with NATO or the west as it is inconceivable that "Ukraine" is doing this.

On paper, Russia should have been able to do easily what was planned which is why the US and others were offering Zelensky an exit instead of weapons and money. Kyiv not falling and Zelensky surviving have paved the way for all of the Western money and weapons flowing in. Most of the analysis around why Russia won't mobilize focuses on the humiliation that comes with it and the fact that mobilization of older, unmotivated and poorly trained/equipped troops may not turn the tide. However, the russians have done this exact thing before. :lol:Think about the Chechen Kadyrovites that are currently "fighting" but primarily making TikTok videos. They are actually acting as barrier troops (they shoot their own retreating forces). This practice goes back a while with the Russians:

The point you make about a long, drawn out war is well taken but that is the entire point of the sanctions. I think i posted one yesterday but there are a lot of quotes from russian officials talking about the problems with resupplying the military and keeping the economy propped up:

Russia is tiny economically compared to the US. The first estimates (low) for the cost of Iraq were around $2 Billion per month. Russia is currently spending $900MM per day in Ukraine. :smh: This is not sustainable at all and the reason Putin has no good options at this point.

I thought Azovstal would give him a "victory" he could spin into "we defeated the nazis and are coming home" but the problem is that you don't mobilize and invade all of Ukraine for that to be the only "victory". I have no idea how this will end but I enjoy seeing the public humiliation of the russian military apparatus. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man me too.

Anything to embarrass Putin and his resident nutsuckers and the closeted MAGA freaks that have all but vanished from this thread since page 1, I'm all for it :lol:

That is the wildest thing about this. Russia is in Africa creating havoc and you still have the normal idiots running interference for them. Even i'f you dont care about the vaccine misinformation or even the interference in politics across Europe and the US, you would think that shit like this would be cause for alarm.

Civilian killings soar as Russian mercenaries join fight in West Africa
Documents, imagery and witness accounts point to a heightened Russian presence in Mali

I actually stumbled upon this and it is a good read on the Russian approach for Africa:

Pro-Russia sentiments growing in Africa

Like other countries that use strategic narratives to advance state interests, attempting to influence through the media is not a new phenomenon for Russia. The Soviet Union practised “dezinformatsiya” for years. But digital technologies and social media are new, increasing the reach and impact of Russian influence campaigns. The ability of the Kremlin to convey messages directly to foreign publics has become easier and cheaper than ever.

Interestingly, much of the content being shared on social media by Russian networks in Africa is not “fake news” but is in most cases hyper-partisan and polarising.

For example, when supporters of the August 2020 coup in Mali spilled into the streets to celebrate, inexplicably some were carrying Russian flags and photos of Putin. At the time Russia did not have any strong bilateral, cultural, or historical ties with the country. But the groundwork for pro-Russian sentiment was laid a year earlier when social media sites started blaming France for Mali’s militant Islamist insurgency in the north.

Since the August coup, several more protests have sprung up in parts of Mali, all denouncing France’s presence in the country and, in some cases, calling for further cooperation with Russia. In February 2022, France officially removed its forces from the country.

Similar scenes were witnessed after Burkina Faso’s January 2022 coup, with some supporters calling for their country to switch alliances from France to Russia. A day after the coup, Alexander Ivanov, who has been linked to the private military company Wagner in the Central African Republic (CAR), offered training to the Burkinabe military. Wagner mercenaries have been employed in the CAR since at least 2017. Their presence has been framed as helpful despite widespread allegations of human rights abuses levelled against them.

With tech companies like Meta and Twitter now wise to online influence campaigns, Russia has sought to outsource the creation of content to local actors in Africa. This gives the influence campaigns more cultural context while also making it difficult for ordinary citizens to identify inauthentic accounts.

It hits on some of the chaos they are sowing in Africa...

France says it has evidence Russia tried to frame it with mass graves in Mali

Massacres, Executions, and Falsified Graves: The Wagner Group’s Mounting Humanitarian Cost in Mali

And also better explains stories like this which are happening all over Africa and India etc.

He’s pro-Russian, anti-Zelensky and rallying for Putin in West Africa

Sawadogo, a 30-year-old seller of children’s toys, said he became a fan of Vladimir Putin last year after watching videos about Russian commandos on Facebook.
Interest swelled to passion when extremists overran his childhood village and torched the primary school where his brother taught. Messages flooding his social media feeds blamed France and the West for fueling the bloodshed — while framing Putin as a hero poised to help. “Thank you, Putin,” read one post on his screen. “You are the Jesus of modern times.”



Platinum Member
I agree that someone or somebody will always fill the vacuum that is created when you take out a strongman. I didn't post that because I agree with Kissinger ; I think he is as close to the human embodiment of evil as you will find. Rather, I posted it for the underlying premise: The global elites believe Russia is losing the war in a convincing enough fashion that we need off ramps for Putin or we risk the balkanization of a failed/failing Russia.

I had to post it as elements of hotep/anti vaccine twitter slide in here every so often with a "russia is really winning" in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. :lol:
You wild :lol: :lol:

them dudes avoid posting in here

Them fucks got me in here talking about crap with my limited combat knowledge

just to give you someone to convo with


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You wild :lol: :lol:

them dudes avoid posting in here

Them fucks got me in here talking about crap with my limited combat knowledge

just to give you someone to convo with

This thread is good because people are actually making an effort and sharing different perspectives etc. The idiots tried to turn this into another horse paste thread but we survived. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That is the wildest thing about this. Russia is in Africa creating havoc and you still have the normal idiots running interference for them. Even i'f you dont care about the vaccine misinformation or even the interference in politics across Europe and the US, you would think that shit like this would be cause for alarm.

Civilian killings soar as Russian mercenaries join fight in West Africa
Documents, imagery and witness accounts point to a heightened Russian presence in Mali

I actually stumbled upon this and it is a good read on the Russian approach for Africa:

Pro-Russia sentiments growing in Africa

Like other countries that use strategic narratives to advance state interests, attempting to influence through the media is not a new phenomenon for Russia. The Soviet Union practised “dezinformatsiya” for years. But digital technologies and social media are new, increasing the reach and impact of Russian influence campaigns. The ability of the Kremlin to convey messages directly to foreign publics has become easier and cheaper than ever.

Interestingly, much of the content being shared on social media by Russian networks in Africa is not “fake news” but is in most cases hyper-partisan and polarising.

For example, when supporters of the August 2020 coup in Mali spilled into the streets to celebrate, inexplicably some were carrying Russian flags and photos of Putin. At the time Russia did not have any strong bilateral, cultural, or historical ties with the country. But the groundwork for pro-Russian sentiment was laid a year earlier when social media sites started blaming France for Mali’s militant Islamist insurgency in the north.

Since the August coup, several more protests have sprung up in parts of Mali, all denouncing France’s presence in the country and, in some cases, calling for further cooperation with Russia. In February 2022, France officially removed its forces from the country.

Similar scenes were witnessed after Burkina Faso’s January 2022 coup, with some supporters calling for their country to switch alliances from France to Russia. A day after the coup, Alexander Ivanov, who has been linked to the private military company Wagner in the Central African Republic (CAR), offered training to the Burkinabe military. Wagner mercenaries have been employed in the CAR since at least 2017. Their presence has been framed as helpful despite widespread allegations of human rights abuses levelled against them.

With tech companies like Meta and Twitter now wise to online influence campaigns, Russia has sought to outsource the creation of content to local actors in Africa. This gives the influence campaigns more cultural context while also making it difficult for ordinary citizens to identify inauthentic accounts.

It hits on some of the chaos they are sowing in Africa...

France says it has evidence Russia tried to frame it with mass graves in Mali

Massacres, Executions, and Falsified Graves: The Wagner Group’s Mounting Humanitarian Cost in Mali

And also better explains stories like this which are happening all over Africa and India etc.

He’s pro-Russian, anti-Zelensky and rallying for Putin in West Africa

Sawadogo, a 30-year-old seller of children’s toys, said he became a fan of Vladimir Putin last year after watching videos about Russian commandos on Facebook.
Interest swelled to passion when extremists overran his childhood village and torched the primary school where his brother taught. Messages flooding his social media feeds blamed France and the West for fueling the bloodshed — while framing Putin as a hero poised to help. “Thank you, Putin,” read one post on his screen. “You are the Jesus of modern times.”

Thats crazy. I first heard about this a month ago and avoided posting about it because any and everything relating to Africa with regards to this conflict was centered around how migrants were treated when it was time to get out of the country.

Which reminds me, none of the African sympathizers are talking about this though…

And these dumb ass fools cheering on Putin while Russian soldiers are planting land mines in Wheat fields in Ukraine so they can’t grow and export crops. In the end, it is Africans who are suffering. But…but…but..but the Nazis I tell ya



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thats crazy. I first heard about this a month ago and avoided posting about it because any and everything relating to Africa with regards to this conflict was centered around how migrants were treated when it was time to get out of the country.

Which reminds me, none of the African sympathizers are talking about this though…

And these dumb ass fools cheering on Putin while Russian soldiers are planting land mines in Wheat fields in Ukraine so they can’t grow and export crops. In the end, it is Africans who are suffering. But…but…but..but the Nazis I tell ya


It is insane isn't it? :smh: Russia has had Wagner group in Libya, Mali, Sudan, Mozambique and CAR terrorizing and killing civilians but these contrarian idiots are cheering them on.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Switchblade 300 in action. It is an anti-personnel weapon as evidenced by the video :lol:

This is the part that makes this all seem like a movie.

shouldn't be able to shop for a new killer drone and see real video of it in action :smh::lol:


Platinum Member
Y’all remember the 115th brigade that refused to fight…

Them that was waiting on weapons and reinforcements
These dudes whom made this statement

Well this the weapons they had

we’ll look where President Z have them now(if true)


Platinum Member
they had a little stash down there… probably only would last another week or two



Platinum Member
Man, you got to do your due diligence. This Peter Griffin looking cac is a pedo so really question the sources sending you his way and why. :angry: :angry: :angry:
No sources just ran across stuff on twitter

I see his background is :oops: :oops: :oops: