Rising Star
Platinum Member
Right, about a 100 times more toys. Putin needs to move with caution. He called Biden out of respect to let him know what he was going to do. Putin called everyone. He's not dumb. He's moving cautiously. Nuclear war is a lose lose situation. Russian nucs are far away. He would have to send subs to strike first. And sending subs starts WW3. Russia would not survive that.
Russia can launch their missle from where it was. He only “moved” it for The Gram.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Right, about a 100 times more toys. Putin needs to move with caution. He called Biden out of respect to let him know what he was going to do. Putin called everyone. He's not dumb. He's moving cautiously. Nuclear war is a lose lose situation. Russian nucs are far away. He would have to send subs to strike first. And sending subs starts WW3. Russia would not survive that.
Yeah but it will be halfway mutual destruction. Some of Russia nukes can make it to the United States especially the West Coast.


Platinum Member
What’s more important to Germany, Infighting in the former USSR or buying gas from Russia to make their people can live normal lives



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
This new German Chancellor is an ass. First he didn't want to impose sanctions because of Russia being a big supplier to his country. Now he's sending just helmets to Ukraine. Not weapons, not ammunition, fucking helmets...



Platinum Member
This new German Chancellor is an ass. First he didn't want to impose sanctions because of Russia being a big supplier to his country. Now he's sending just helmets to Ukraine. Not weapons, not ammunition, fucking helmets...

what if that’s all Ukraine asked for


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Homie, they only been free since 1991. They rather die than go back under Russian rule. You have to respect that. As black people fighting an impossible war here we should agree tho. I'm not faking slavery because I'm scared to give my life for my family.

That's deep but the west and EU offering artillery support is not the same as boots on the ground. The can't outlast Russia. They knew that from the beginning. Protect your people and do the most rational thing in the circumstances given. Unnecessary bloodshed when the outcome is certain. Russia will invade Ukraine and it's only going to be a matter of time. Only way Ukraine will win is if the west lends a hand. Biden's not going to do that out of respect for NATO and Russia.
To me, Vlad has a legitimate strategy point for invade. I don't agree with it ethically but it makes sense strategically. They don't want a neighboring NATO country because that will seal their fate as a country. Imagine if Finland, Sweden and the Ukraine join NATO. Russia will be finished. Everyone's acting like they don't understand this. Russia will never be able to play police on their side like America and China does.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's deep but the west and EU offering artillery support is not the same as boots on the ground. The can't outlast Russia. They knew that from the beginning. Protect your people and do the most rational thing in the circumstances given. Unnecessary bloodshed when the outcome is certain. Russia will invade Ukraine and it's only going to be a matter of time. Only way Ukraine will win is if the west lends a hand. Biden's not going to do that out of respect for NATO and Russia.
To me, Vlad has a legitimate strategy point for invade. I don't agree with it ethically but it makes sense strategically. They don't want a neighboring NATO country because that will seal their fate as a country. Imagine if Finland, Sweden and the Ukraine join NATO. Russia will be finished. Everyone's acting like they don't understand this. Russia will never be able to play police on their side like America and China does.
Great post but this isn't allowed America or nothing lmao

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's deep but the west and EU offering artillery support is not the same as boots on the ground. The can't outlast Russia. They knew that from the beginning. Protect your people and do the most rational thing in the circumstances given. Unnecessary bloodshed when the outcome is certain. Russia will invade Ukraine and it's only going to be a matter of time. Only way Ukraine will win is if the west lends a hand. Biden's not going to do that out of respect for NATO and Russia.
To me, Vlad has a legitimate strategy point for invade. I don't agree with it ethically but it makes sense strategically. They don't want a neighboring NATO country because that will seal their fate as a country. Imagine if Finland, Sweden and the Ukraine join NATO. Russia will be finished. Everyone's acting like they don't understand this. Russia will never be able to play police on their side like America and China does.

How will that seal their fate? How will Russia be finished?

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah but it will be halfway mutual destruction. Some of Russia nukes can make it to the United States especially the West Coast.


Please stop posting just to post, when you don't know what you're talking about.

News flash... Russian ICBMs can hit this country...not just the west coast....that would be more like a missle coming from a second rate nuclear power, like N Korea.

If their missiles couldn't hit the middle of the country, why is NORAD built into a mountain, and why would our silos be hardened against an incoming nuke?

You think those air raid the 60s were just for the west coast?

This thread really illustrates how many people on here never paid attention to history or world events...


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor

I know it sounds too simple but….

FOH….US spent twenty years in Afghanistan. WTF was it supposed to do, stay forever? US supplied tons of equipment and even trained the Afghan army, only for it to fall to the Taliban in a few days.

Difference between Ukraine and Afghanistan is, the people in Ukraine are actually fighting for their country’s survival, with or without NATO/US troops on the ground.

The Taliban was too imbedded in Afghanistan, through culture and religious ideology for the people there to even want to put up a fight.


Platinum Member
I know it sounds too simple but….

FOH….US spent twenty years in Afghanistan. WTF was it supposed to do, stay forever? US supplied tons of equipment and even trained the Afghan army, only for it to fall to the Taliban in a few days.

Difference between Ukraine and Afghanistan is, the people in Ukraine are actually fighting for their country’s survival, with or without NATO/US troops on the ground.

The Taliban was too imbedded in Afghanistan, through culture and religious ideology for the people there to even want to put up a fight.

dude ain’t trying to hear what you saying :lol:

All he know is we left them :lol:


Platinum Member