
International Member
Listen I said what I said. As soon as we get Russia out of the picture we need to establish some dialogue with Ukraine about their race relations not everyone in Ukraine is racist but the videos I am seeing from this crisis is not a good look.
racism may be the least of our worries.

@easy_b not the time to be pulling out the race card bro. Get your perspective on track!

What dem molotov cocktails dew?

For the last couple of days the Ukarainian government have been giving thier people instructions to make molotov cocktails. Molotov cocktails take time to prepare and have been being made on a commercial scale by woman and children. There have been scenes on the news (in the UK) of people going to collect aid such as food and clothing, blankets etc, and in the back yard of the aid center people are preparing molotov cocktails prepared with styrofoam.

With him firing a Top General, you never know what's gonna happen. Not everyone is onboard with his power play. Most Russians don't want this war anyway

Apparently the mediain Russia are reporting to the Russain people that what is going on in Ukraine is simply a military exercise. Some of the youger Russians who have access to social media and the like, are now reaching out and questioning why they are being decieved.



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Safe to say Putin is quite like Trump. As in If I can't play with you, I'll take my ball and leave. If you ignore me, I'll burn your house down. I only care about what I want. I don't care about want.
And this is why the people around him better do something before everyone suffer


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
In case you forgot :D :D :D This dude...:smh::smh::smh:


Platinum Member
i kinda said fuck this conflict but I saw this article and decide to come post it.

is it true ummm we don’t know
but we know the US did ask for him to leave
We do know the US is deeply involved in Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Zelensky and Russia’s Putin Are Negotiating a Time and Place to Meet BUT Failed US Diplomats Want the Biden Regime to Negotiate with Putin
Biden and his Administration are an absolute disgrace. The Biden family was stealing from Ukraine for years, then they turned their back on the country once Putin invaded. Now the Biden regime believes only they should be negotiating with Putin.

For years, Democrat leaders have been stealing from Ukraine. Hunter Biden is the poster child of the US stealing from Ukraine. There is a long list of corrupt US politicians who took money from Ukraine.

After taking from Ukraine for years, Biden and his gang turned their back on Ukraine and took the weekend off. This was despite promises made just eleven days ago.

After all of this, it’s really shocking that the Biden Administration would claim that they should be negotiating with Russia instead of Ukraine. Will Ukrainians be so foolish to let Joe Biden represent them?

The Conservative Treehouse reports:

Amid an intense conflict continuing, the government of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin are in negotiations for a meeting. However, the U.S. State Department does not want Zelenskyy and Putin to negotiate an end to hostilities…
…Unfortunately for Zelenskyy, an end to the fighting would be against the interests of the Biden administration. Highlighting the point, the U.S. State Department does not want Zelenskyy and Putin to meet. The Biden administration conveys a very telling message, from their perspective, saying only the United States is permitted to negotiate with Russia on behalf of Ukraine. Zelenskyy needs to stay out of it…
…The arrogance and controlling attitude by the U.S. State Dept tells us all we really need to know.
The Biden administration has created this crisis between Russia and Ukraine for a convenient purpose, and the White House is not about to let Zelenskyy screw it up and create peace.
The U.S. wants President Zelenskyy to leave Ukraine, so the State Department can take full control over the narrative. Zelenskyy is refusing to leave.