BREAKING: INVESTIGATION ENDS, AG BARR HAS MUELLERS REPORT .... an impending twitter fest now looms


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So that means the AG impeachment don’t have to be voted on by the senate.. that’s good.. Dems better consider this and let Barr know if he keeps bullshitting he gonna get touched

Any federal officer can be impeached It works like any other impeachment process. House votes to start the process.. The senate votes whether to remove himn. And since the senate wouldn't vote to remove him, i don't think they'll waste their time.

The House can hold him in contempt like the Republicans did with Eric Holder, but Democrats can go a step further and have him arrested until he gives up whatever they're looking. Buts thats a thermonuclear option that's truly a last resort kind of thing if they believe he's covering up something
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Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
The House can hold him in contempt like the Republicans did with Eric Holder, but Democrats can go a step further and have him arrested until he gives up whatever they're looking. Buts thats a thermonuclear option that's truly a last resort kind of thing if they believe he's covering up something

Republicans would do it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
almost criminal the media quickly ran with his bullshit "I've been vindicated" narrative when none of them have seen one full sentence from the report :smh:
On one hand I get it, because you might not want to look like the group that couldn't move on from this if things didn't look that bad. But in reality, they literally took the word of the guy that admitted he mostly skimmed it for a few days, and even then he still had a quote noting it wasn't a full exoneration in his "summary".

We're back to where we always were: knowing that we can't rely on the media to follow through on anything substantial unless it benefits them or their ratings.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Mitch been wearing the fuck out of that thermonuclear button in the Senate. If this dude really had nukes the Earth would be crispy af rn :smh:

We need Dems who are equally savage
A rack of auntie Maxines and AOCs and Tlaibs hell I'll even throw Schiff in there even though I have so little faith in the majority of the spineless ass men in the party these days


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
A rack of auntie Maxines and AOCs and Tlaibs hell I'll even throw Schiff in there even though I have so little faith in the majority of the spineless ass men in the party these days

Word bruh, I was fuming when I read about McConnel's latest attack on our democracy (allowing Repubs to push their Federalist Society judges into lifetime positions even more easily than they have so far by dismantling the filibuster rules even further)... this part was infuriating:

Schumer denounced McConnell’s hypocrisy. “This is a very sad day for the Senate,” he said. Glaring at McConnell, he called the move to limit delays to two hours “a mockery of how this institution should work.”

McConnell enjoyed a quiet chuckle and laughed again when Schumer said he hit a “new Machiavellian low.” He laughed again after Schumer said it’s “a disgrace.” And McConnell grinned when Schumer said: “I am sorry, so sorry, my Republican colleagues have gone along with Sen. McConnell’s debasement of the Senate.”

Fuck the premium on Dem "civility", this shit is war :smh:


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member

These fucks need to be pressed on this point. If we're to understand that the executive summaries of each section were meant for public consumption then by default it would include redactions or ommisions meant to protect ongoing cases which were referred or litigated by the very folks charged with investigation itself. How could Barr credibly claim he'd need to redact anything else which could jeapordize these investigations?

Dems show up to the gun fight with "stop the violence" signs :smh:

Most Dems have no fight in them, and are critical of the ones who do. They think there are still rules that have to be followed

I'm so fucking sick of it bruh. Dems and Centrists with their knives out for outspoken folks like AOC, Tlaib, Omar etc while ignoring that respectability politics is dead. Trump and his staffers out here meme-ing like 14 year olds while McConnell and the rest are taking a fucking flamethrower to our institutions and we're wringing our hands about civility? Shit is a joke :smh:


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
These fucks need to be pressed on this point. If we're to understand that the executive summaries of each section were meant for public consumption then by default it would include redactions or ommisions meant to protect ongoing cases which were referred or litigated by the very folks charged with investigation itself. How could Barr credibly claim he'd need to redact anything else which could jeapordize these investigations?

I'm so fucking sick of it bruh. Dems and Centrists with their knives out for outspoken folks like AOC, Tlaib, Omar etc while ignoring that respectability politics is dead. Trump and his staffers out here meme-ing like 14 year olds while McConnell and the rest are taking a fucking flamethrower to our institutions and we're wringing our hands about civility? Shit is a joke :smh:

Clearly, he produced nothing but a press release to provide cover to Trump :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
So we are calling bribes "sophisticated Russian intelligence operations" now? Money moves asses, and the right price will get anyone on the dance floor.
"manipulation" means it wasn't only bribes... it includes black mail and honey pots
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Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Dont be mad a Barr, he is doing what Trump hired him for. If the evidence was so damning why didn't Mueller just come out and say that shit instead of his half assed response.


BGOL Investor
Dont be mad a Barr, he is doing what Trump hired him for. If the evidence was so damning why didn't Mueller just come out and say that shit instead of his half assed response.
It ain’t that.. The thing is what Barr is doing ain’t working.. we all know if trump don’t get the results he looking for be ready to throw mofos under the bus.. Barr will be under that bus soon.. that train is never late


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
It ain’t that.. The thing is what Barr is doing ain’t working.. we all know if trump don’t get the results he looking for be ready to throw mofos under the bus.. Barr will be under that bus soon.. that train is never late
:lol: these fools throwing away their careers and freedom for Donald Trump.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Well, well, well ….. here we are again …. back to the "failing N.Y. Times" schtick again ….. the same N.Y.T. that the orange buffoon constantly gives interviews to ….



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Rising Star
BGOL did the same thing. Ninjas were literally gloating and roasting cats who were posting information about the report when Barr came out with his summary. Easy B caught hell. Let the facts come out before we go at anyone.

Once again you are missing the point and I don't think you will ever be able to get it. All those silly posts about Trump going down on almost daily were absolutely worthless. What information in this report do you think is going to sway rethugs. This was always going to end up with Trump's AG and justice department running interference for him. We we're always going to have to vote him out in 2020. Did Trump obstruct justice I sure believe he did but good luck getting the government to do anything about it. The AG and the administration will ride this out until 2020. We won't get revenge until the Trump business deals and fraud get him in the end


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Once again you are missing the point and I don't think you will ever be able to get it. All those silly posts about Trump going down on almost daily were absolutely worthless. What information in this report do you think is going to sway rethugs. This was always going to end up with Trump's AG and justice department running interference for him. We we're always going to have to vote him out in 2020. Did Trump obstruct justice I sure believe he did but good luck getting the government to do anything about it. The AG and the administration will ride this out until 2020. We won't get revenge until the Trump business deals and fraud get him in the end

Bruh. This is about getting the truth out there. We were always going to have to vote him out. We all know that. Impeachment means nothing but a formal admonishment. Removal was never going to happen because you couldn’t get to 2/3rds of the Senate.

This is about an informed voting public. They need to know that this ninja is truly a crook and treanous. He was prepared for 2020 back on 2016-raising money since the inaugural. He needs to be attacked on multiple fronts: exposing the report, his taxes, his businesses and shady dealings. At the same time, attack his handling of the economy (slow down coming), the border, foreign policy, healthcare, etc..

This isn’t about BGOL’s voting block (those that actually vote), this is about those “independent” voters in Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina who are actually hearing “witch hunt” while simultaneously respecting the historical power and prestige of an Attorney General.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Well, well, well ….. here we are again …. back to the "failing N.Y. Times" schtick again ….. the same N.Y.T. that he orange buffoon constantly gives interviews to ….



The point of this tweet is to threaten/warn anyone talking to the NY times that it is illegal to disclose anything from the report.