I guess this report was wrong about 4 rescued
people are dead or out there freezing to death if they survived and this dumb bitch is already playing politics
I understand cats are going “Conspiracy” cuz this happened in Washington DC and the Orange Moron is in office.
Yeah and I always found it to be a simple yet humble traditionlmaooo they dont clap like they used too
some still do it but it used to be the entire damn plane
that shit used to be crazy
but you know they clapped because of that dominican plane crash in ny right after 9/11
With Trump in office, expect worse.How the fuck does this even happen?
Pilots will strike
U can’t fly international without 25 years experience
Good luck replacing that in a week or 2
Pilots rule over all, because they fly doctors and other people. No pilot means u going nowhere.
I’m with the pilots on this one.
They said in this video it was the US figure skating team and members from Russian Gymnastics
get the fuck outta hereThat’s like accusing the police of playing politics for responding to a murder by searching for the murderer. It’s called accountability.
get the fuck outta here
its a deadly plane crash, tons of mofos will be held accountable and those families will receive big checks
however if your loved one is down there deceased or freezing to death you dont want to see or read some bitch playing politics 2 secs into that shit
the only thing needed at that time was sympathy not some republican versus democrat bullshit
fuck outta here, man
Yeah there's no way this should EVER happenMan, WTF. Rip to those that lost their life. A mid air collision with a military helicopter of all things. Heads need to roll.
Im always flying out of DCA.
Same thing I'm thinking. Them muthafuckas fucked up somewhere. Probably shit their pants when the collision happened.Id bet it was air traffic control who fucked up
over the past 2 years there has been so many near misses at these airports
eventually luck runs out
IntentionalRIP to the victims...a lot of them seem to have been teenage skaters coming from some sort of development camp
That airport is considered one of the hardest to land in because of all the restrictions...gonna be a lot of finger pointing and blaming over the next few weeks...still really confused as to how that chopper didn't see the plane
Muthafuckas lyin alreadyYou don’t conduct “routine training flights” in one of the congested and heavily secured airspace in the U.S.
Same here. Also, why in the hell would you fly dark over a metro area with a busy airport?!I’ve been on super stallion and chinook , pilot will tell crew we’re dark
I never though much about it, damn
You don’t conduct “routine training flights” in one of the congested and heavily secured airspace in the U.S.
Yep because here’s the deal that is a busy ass airport with very restrictive air spaces. I don’t think the air traffic controller fuck up this time. I think the helicopter pilot was on a suicide mission or he was told to do what he did. A lot of people are trying to dance around this thought. As some people said in this thread, you don’t do training exercise at a live airport at night.Intentional
I was a Blackhawk helicopter crew chief in the Army.
I was even a Flight Instructor. This means that I trained Crew Chiefs and ensured that they completed all training annually to maintain their flight ratings.
One massive responsibility we had was to be the eyes for the pilots. We handled airspace obstacle avoidance and communicated potential risks to the pilots.
Quite often we would train as a flight of 2 or 3 birds flying in formation.
It was my job to have my head out the window and tell the pilots that the aircraft behind us was "staggered right at 3 discs". (We measured close distances in terms of the diameter of our rotor discs).
I can tell you after doing this for hundreds of hours, even when you know EXACTLY where a Blackhawk is, and you have night vision goggles on, it is EXTREMELY hard to SEE the aircraft.
These birds are designed to be hard to see at night.
The red and green lights on the side get lost in the lights of the city below. The only "lights" on top of the aircraft are called "slime lights" because they are a very very very dim green.
Incredibly difficult to see.
If you are above the helicopter, even if it has it flood light or spot light (2 different lights) on, underneath it, it is still hard to see the bird because all of that illumination is below the airframe.
Another thing people should know is just how busy things can get on the aircraft.
Pilots are talking to each other about what they are observing on the instrument panels. This means neither are looking outside the aircraft.
The crew chief might be conducting a fuel check, where we would also be looking up into the cockpit at the fuel gages and the clock.
This CAN lead to moments where all 3 people on the aircraft are all looking inside the aircraft.
It's not supposed to happen that way. We are supposed to announce when we are "coming inside" or are "back outside" the aircraft. But that doesn't always happen.
Also, in cities like DC, the radio traffic is constant and can make it hard to filter out what is important for you to listen to.
Checking instruments, doing math, reading checklists, and listening to multiple radios all at the same time is HARD. Mistakes happen.
Anyone out there telling you that they find the aircraft collision to be suspect, have NEVER been in a flight crew and they have ZERO idea what they are talking about.
Ignore them all. Better yet, mock the hell out of them.
999 times out of 1000 aircraft incidents always come down to a series of pilot and crew errors.
Humans are involved. They aren't perfect.
Tonight, my heart and mind is with the families of those involved in this tragic event.
I won't join the chorus of idiots making speculations.
There are some people trying to spin the fuck out of this tragedy good thing it was a video because from look at the video I told you what I think happened.Well they already used DEI, black pilots not being qualified for every air disaster. What fuckery are gonna come up with now?