Check this out.
Free is the most underrated cut on that album. It's rarely talked about or mentioned. Then again, there are so many dope cuts on that album, there's bound to be a few that are over-looked.
I guess the conspiracy theories will go on forever. Another Simpsons episode that was never released shows that
His former dancer Cat is on Facebook saying he was murdered.
Emeli Sande and the whole of the UK (believe that) pays Tribute to Prince. It broke our hearts, we love you forever Prince.
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You can't even google that! WTF If she said it maybe it's because she's very upset
but without proof it's just garbage!
Next time take a screenshot or dnld the whole page otherwise keep the hearsay to a minimum
this is a loving memorial not a fucking gossip thread.
RIP Prince
Peace Brother,
Yes, I agree. No a song to skip through on the entire album. I also like "LADY CAB DRIVER" and "A-U-T-O-MATIC".
"FREE" is a real tear jerker.
I always thought his albums were prototypes of the song and when he plays them live its the way it should sound... This is why its hard to judge his albums with each other, because often when you hear some of those songs live it may sway your original opinion of the song..Peace,
1999 is actually my favorite Prince album. I can acknowledge that Sign O The Times is better, but 1999 is my shit. Incredible album.
If Prince had AIDS he would have been bed ridden weeks ago, and his appearance would have shown as such. Stop feeding into the media hoopla and do your own research.
I don't think this has been posted yet? If so my apologies.
In the top 5 of my favorite Prince songs.
Do I believe in god, do I believe in me?
Let me tell ya
Some people want to die so they can be free <<<< Balls to wall destructive behavior
I said life is just a game, we're all just the same
Do you want to play?
Profound writing. The lyrics on the song are dope & wide open to interpretation. It explains the human condition in one verse.
People lie, kill & steal with the same questions going unanswered.
When you have something to say artistically. You will keep people interested for a VERY LONG TIME. That song is 35 years old. And its still fresh. The gay shit, the Black & white shit, its the same thing that sparks conversation today.
Wrote some of the best songs EVER on companionship.
Peace Tek,
Those lyrics always stuck with me also. CONTROVERSY AND DIRTY MIND had some of his rawest songwriting!
I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
CO-SIGN!Greatest lesson from Prince' art is dont limit yourself to labels.
Stay out of the box.
Question the idea of conforming for comfort !!!