Breaking: Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at 87


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm going to be blunt here: both of them did alot for people where their names will live on forever.

Difference is, only ONE of those names will live on in BLACK society, the other will not

Which one DO you think I CARE ABOUT?

Not even trying to diss but this is ridiculous comparison.

You're essentially comparing fame and its affect on the masses with a profession that affects our lives in actual, tangible ways depending on what policies are enacted.

For example Muhammad Ali is a very loved, inspirational and influential individual especially for us but none of that compares to the doctors/surgeons who via their profession save countless lives yet no one knows who they are.

Being remembered and admired even after you're gone is cool but doing work that will determine the quality of life for hundreds of millions of people for years to come via the policies you are a part of enacting is a whole different level.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok then tell me this: Whith all of the laws in place to protect our civil rights, why are we still being killed by white supremacist and race soldiers?

Because those laws are only as strong as the people put in place to enforce them.

When people like Trump and McConnell in power choosing judges (Trump has already appointed 200 in less than 4 years), FBI heads, who leads the justice departmemt, etc. there can't be any real expectation that they will work to protect us and our civil rights,


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Ok then tell me this: Whith all of the laws in place to protect our civil rights, why are we still being killed by white supremacist and race soldiers?

That's not even a relevant question. There is no argument for it being worse now than it was 50 years ago. The argument isn't that American
society is great for black people in this country. Because we know history, we know this shit CAN be way worse. And the GOP wants
it to be much worse and having a 6-3 split in the SC guarantees that they get it. Just because life is difficult doesn't mean we must accept that it becomes even more difficult. Black people might earn 80 cents on every dollar that a CAC earns. That's unacceptable. But it used to be
even worse and the GOP wants to go back there. I want progress not regression.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Because those laws are only as strong as the people put in place to enforce them.

When people like Trump and McConnell in power choosing judges (Trump has already appointed 200 in less than 4 years), FBI heads, who leads the justice departmemt, etc. there can't be any real expectation that they will work to protect us and our civil rights,

Exactly. Man Barr and Trump were literally out there wanting to microwave people. There isn't any conceivable reality where Biden and his AG aren't worlds better than this current bullshit



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Ok then tell me this: Whith all of the laws in place to protect our civil rights, why are we still being killed by white supremacist and race soldiers?

There are laws against murder, embezzlement, rape, and all sorts of things. Why do they keep happening? Laws don't stop people from breaking them, they provide (hopefully) consequences for the perp and justice for the victim. The consequences are only going to be as effective as the mechanisms in place to enforce them.

That said, few people think black folks get equal treatment under the law. Enforcement and punishment are selectively applied, but if you think the solution to this is more conservative judges, primarily unqualified white men, then you are sadly mistaken.


well-known lurker since 1996
BGOL Investor
Looks like according the majority of legal and political heads it's really just a matter of short time that Trump's going to get a new Supreme Court addition. Certainly banking on 4 or so Republicans changing sides seems to be an overly optimistic bet.

These Senate mfkers like Trump's base really have no reasonable conscience over agenda and party loyalty.

Bruh, when I saw these mfkers voted not to have any witnesses or evident testimony brought against this POS in office I knew then we were more than fk'd.

Imagine robbing a bank and the police officers and a GOT DAMN Supreme Court CHIEF judge ALL just agreeing NO evidence or witnesses can be brought against you.

Trump's a problem, but having these Republican Senate Representatives is a bigger problem.

Voting certainly is a solution to try to amend the aftermath of the bombs coming, but us common sense fair thinking folk need to get our resources together and find some kind of bunker (build our own little city with our own laws and judges like an Indian reservation) make money and live good while protecting our families because this outside world we call USA is certainly taking a crash dive with an example of an 8-year-old mindset in control with white parents who don't believe in punishment.

Trump, for a long time even before office has been egotistical idiot and con man, but to watch this shyt is unexplainable, but a real picture of where we are today and where we will be going... which bullshyt started with Bush Jr. IMO



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
exactly... as bad as it is now, imagine how bad it would be if the laws were not in place (or not at all enforced if the victim looked like us). Just look at 1950's Mississipi for a reference.

There are laws against murder, embezzlement, rape, and all sorts of things. Why do they keep happening? Laws don't stop people from breaking them, they provide (hopefully) consequences for the perp and justice for the victim. The consequences are only going to be as effective as the mechanisms in place to enforce them.

That said, few people think black folks get equal treatment under the law. Enforcement and punishment are selectively applied, but if you think the solution to this is more conservative judges, primarily unqualified white men, then you are sadly mistaken.

conspiracy Bro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don’t even think he should say anything. Just let them know the role of the president and the incoming majority Democratic Party senators. The republicans can win the battle but they will lose the war. What’s the point of getting six justices when the court is going to be expanded and there’s going to be a shuffle every year? What’s the point of getting 6 justices when the district courts will be expanded to 300?

They have been warned. Silence says a lot of things.

Silence says nothing, but I shouldn’t be said from Biden at jump. His whole image of the middle ground has to be maintained until the idea of court packing becomes the norm.

With that said the “pack the court” idea needs to be floated by a middle of the road proxy. Then let it build and eventually have Biden “accept” it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you are saying Aboriginal Americans now known as so-called blacks will be sent back to Jim Crow societal conditions at best and chattel slavery will likely occur again soon?

That's not even a relevant question. There is no argument for it being worse now than it was 50 years ago. The argument isn't that American
society is great for black people in this country. Because we know history, we know this shit CAN be way worse. And the GOP wants
it to be much worse and having a 6-3 split in the SC guarantees that they get it. Just because life is difficult doesn't mean we must accept that it becomes even more difficult. Black people might earn 80 cents on every dollar that a CAC earns. That's unacceptable. But it used to be
even worse and the GOP wants to go back there. I want progress not regression.


Rising Star
motherfuckers need to VOTE

all these assholes talking about " im not voting" shame them bitches into action!!!!

this is an election that will change the path of this country - if folk dont turn out to vote and let this orange prick stay in office because they "dont like" Biden ...they should be kicked in the fucking teeth if they even complain ONCE about whats going on in this country ....

the one thing to do to stop Rightwing fuckery is to get this guy thats enabling McConnells and all these batshit QAnon - vote him out of office

you can complain about how nothing will change - but clearly right now if you dont see the downside of trump staying in AND appointing and stacking an entire court to favor the GOP and conservatives - you dont really give a shit about making any change in this country...because thats definitely a change for the worst


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
and how does this piece of shit keep getting a pass??! I can't say Hillary would have pulled out a victory, considering how poorly run her campaign was, but given the sketchy circumstances surrounding the 2016 election, his bitchass grandstanding caused a seismic shift in that election!

Consequences are far reaching and takes time to develop.


Rising Star
who's crying? We're discussing legitimate concerns about an incredibly consequential death and opening on the SCOTUS. This isn't a conservative voting justice dying and being replaced by a conservative president or a liberal being replaced by a liberal. This is a liberal voting justice being replaced by a conservative president (no matter how he acts...he's a conservative hero now) who is almost certainly going to nominate someone under the age of 55. This is close to what happened when Marshall died and got replaced with Clarence Thomas, except now it could really make the court tilt far to the conservative side.

Really? Is overturning the voting rights act and civil rights act a legitimate concern? Its not to anyone grounded in reality.


Truth Teller
Does Kerry Washington think she's a white woman? She is confusing "collateral" for "intentional"
Black women have been tricked by white women to fight for their causes while disregarding their own struggles. They have been lead to believe that the heterosexual black man is the cause of their problems and is the enemy. Black women have been cajoled into adopting the mantra "I dont need a man." The only race of women who subscribes to this ideology which is meant to further breakdown the fabric of the black family. Furthermore, as white and Asian women continue to make progress and begin to surpass their male counterparts in earnings, black women have been left behind. When women talk about that women earn less than men, what they don't say is that white and Asian women make more than black, hispanic, and native American men and is on pace to make more than their counterparts. It is because black women earn significantly less than men that the total average for women decreases. Yet, white and Asian women have never and will never take to the streets to fight for equal pay for black women.

This is not woman hating. I love my black queens. These are just facts. Black women have been used by white women for years and they somehow welcome it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People are talking about how important this election is now, how it's the most important election ever, and that's not true. 2016 was arguably the most important election of our lifetime, because with all of the fuckery that proceeded it, that was the one that opened the door to turning that fuckery up a notch.

Paul Ryan robbed the treasury and poor people blind with no repercussions.
Mitch McConnell fucked over process and failed to do his job repeatedly with no repercussions.
The only reason that we still have any form of universal healthcare coverage is that enough people are just desperate enough to need it, or else we'd have already lost that, too.

People kept pointing to this election as how we start to "fix" everything. But, you know, funny lesson about life, you don't always get second chances.

That said, this election is the most important one now, because it's the only chance we have to make a response. If the Trump-led GOP gets a hall pass for any potential fuckery they pull in this late game, we're done. Hell, we're not even to the "what they do in lame duck" scenario. These dudes could still straight up get re-elected.

All I know is that the only practical solution is the complete dismantlement of the Republican party. And it could happen. But we're going to see a lot of damage along the way, and it's going to be a struggle.


Rising Star
How you going to be like CAC every day on this bitch
Ginsburg dies and niggas ready to shoot themselves in the head
a bunch of scared coward ass niggas

"OMG a conservative judge! What we gon do!!!" like they're hasn't been conservative courts in our lifetime.

Or like there's never been a time when a conservative judge leaned liberal on a specific cases - like TRUMP appointed Gorsuch a few months ago.

Bunch of political goofballs.


Rising Star


Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
I was saddened to hear this.. Ol girl put up a good fight for as long as she could, and really tried to hold-on for the sake of us all. May you rest in peace.


Truth Teller
And let's not forget.......

I was just about to post this. Sometimes, we can be so foolish and not understand or realize that not all "liberals " or democrats are for black folks. But we believe this crap wholeheartedly. Every pastor is not a good person. Every doctor is not a good person. Every policeman is not a good person, every black person is not a good person, etc.

We know and accept this is every thing else except when it comes to the Democratic party. Some people find it impossible to believe that some democrats are just as racist and non-interested in black progress as your most racist republican.


Truth Teller
And let's not forget.......

I was just about to post this. Sometimes, we can be so foolish and not understand or realize that not all "liberals " or democrats are for black folks. But we believe this crap wholeheartedly. Every pastor is not a good person. Every doctor is not a good person. Every policeman is not a good person, every black person is not a good person, etc.

We know and accept this is every thing else except when it comes to the Democratic party. Some people find it impossible to believe that some democrats are just as racist and non-interested in black progress as your most racist republican.


Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
Cats talking that shit about what that lady did and didn't do specifically for black people...but what you should be thinking about is the ramifications of having an unapologetic right leaning supreme justice on the bench like a Ted Cruz or Tom Cotton (whom Stump has floated the idea of). As much as Roberts has surprised by siding with logic on some cases, there is no halting the agenda of a very conservative leaning 6 - 3 bench. The lands highest court "should" be equal and void of partisanship, as there is SUPPOSED be separation of the three branches of government..but we know that is not true. We already see how have Stump appointees in power of the judicial system is working out with the nation's highest ranked lawyer running the department of justice...


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I'm going to be blunt here: both of them did alot for people where their names will live on forever.

Difference is, only ONE of those names will live on in BLACK society, the other will not

Which one DO you think I CARE ABOUT?

This is the dumbest fucking take I've read on here in a long time. You're trying to compare a man who made a movie to a person whose removal can lead to getting rid of the voters Rights Act, bringing back abortions being illegal, on and on and on.

Some of y'all really need to think before y'all speak.


Rising Star
Sometimes, we can be so foolish and not understand or realize that not all "liberals " or democrats are for black folks. But we believe this crap wholeheartedly.

Exactly. We're ascribing far-left and far-right ideologies to these people and basing our future well being as a group on them.

This can't be healthy.