This is we’re the Dems fucked up, like the Repub they should have made a deal with Ginsburg for her to leave the court and get her input of selecting a younger person. This should have been done when Obama was in office and the Dems control the Senate. If you look at the history of the Supreme Court the Republicans always rule because they are experts at using the system to their advantage and by any means necessarily. The Dems always want to play by the rule with the hope that the Republicans will follow. I hate the way the Republican play the system but I give them respect, they don’t give a fuck.
But democrats have played that game before. Ruth's predecessor left while in perfect health and in his mid-70s just so Bill Clinton could put Ruth on the bench. That's what's crazy about this entire situation. It was completely avoidable.

This should not be happening. Period.
There were voices warning this would happen, but they were basically shot down. Calling for both her and Breyer to hang it the fuck up You could get 20-30 more years guaranteed vs keeping a 76-year-old(could have done it in 2010 when she was 77)? You take that shot 100 percent of the fucking time. How the fuck someone going to take one for the team for HER and then her ass worried about setting tenure records and thinking no one can replace her. FOH
So it's all about the supreme court and people 'not getting it', but when democrats could have done wtf they wanted in 2009-2010 it was crickets for the most part. Got to love American politics. Voters gave the dems a chance to solidify 2 liberal positions for decades to come, who the fuck dropped the ball? Liberal judges have a history of not strategically giving up seats and yet voters are scolded.
A google search will show the people with vision calling for retirement in Obama's first term. A BGOL search will show us the folks who called the shit here. Making this the end times now and not putting these people through hell back then seems like the ultimate case of 'not getting it.' These fucking life terms. Yeah, I admit I didn't bring this up back then, but everyone writing a heated piece online better have been deep in the shit.