Breaking: Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at 87


smh at this whole post
ya'll sound pathetic lol and ready to give up
my ancestors went through the middle passage and slavery
this ain't shit in my opinion
What that got to do with you!? Lol. I am sure you have some white in you somewhere so go ahead and through that notion out the window.


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member

Hypocrisy on scotus nominee and let the voters decide in 5,4,3,2............

@THE DRIZZY you called it fam.....

Body ain’t even cold yet



I will say this. Women rights, LGBTQ rights, black folks rights...did I leave anyone out??? Bamas ain't about to go back to full on oppression. This won't end well.

This is what pissed me off about Obama. He was weak as shit from the Russian meddling in our elections to the Merrick Garland appointment to Universal Healthcare for all. He was weak and wanted to cross the isle and work with those fucks. He had a majority in both House in his first two years and could've rammed shit through, but no, he wanted to work with Moscow Mitch and his croonies when they where the minority. This don't make any sense. I am glad I don't have children. I have no skin in the fight.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The woman's body isn't even cold and they're already releasing statements.

At least let her have the weekend.

What's even more concerning is we've all seen this coming so the Republicans have been plotting on this exact moment for years and already have their strategy planned out.

I don't have faith that the Democrats are as prepared. :smh:


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
IF have any respect for your mother, your sister, your grandmother, and your girl.....

Vote like your life fucking depends on it... cause if they get a 6-3 majority women in this country are going to be fucked...

Hell minorities are about to get fucked

We all might as well move to Canada

John Million

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What that got to do with you!? Lol. I am sure you have some white in you somewhere so go ahead and through that notion out the window.

if you don't know, do some studying. Having some "white" in me hasn't nothing to do with what I said


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
As pointed out earlier in the thread she said after the election which is still this year.

Had she said until 2021 it would be different.
Yeah but like I said earlier in this thread this puts a lot of pressure on Republicans in the Senate


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
IF have any respect for your mother, your sister, your grandmother, and your girl.....

Vote like your life fucking depends on it... cause if they get a 6-3 majority women in this country are going to be fucked...

Hell minorities are about to get fucked

We all might as well move to Canada
man this shit got people drinking and crying on live TV :smh:



To teach the truth to the young black youth
BGOL Investor
People are voting now in some states. Let Trump and Moscow, Mitch push through someone in 6 weeks. They will lose the Senate, Oval Office, and will not win a national election in 8 years. Just watch mark my words.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good point. I hope they try. Then the Dems can expand the court and like someone said extend statehood to D.C., Puerto Rico, American Bahamas, America Somoa, and Guam. 11 justices and 5 new states. Do it with no compromise.
We all know Dems are pussies so I wouldn't bet on them to anything like this. They held Obamas seat for over 400 days, which hasn't been done since the 1860s. Think about that!!!


if you don't know, do some studying. Having some "white" in me hasn't nothing to do with what I said
It has everything to do with what you said. You're insinuating that because we made it through the middle Atlantic slave trade that you can make it through anything. Well, my friend, those genetics have been diluted because just about everyone whose folks have been here since slavery has some Caucasian in them somewhere or non-African blood in them.


Rising Star
This is one of the most pathetic threads I've ever seen on here.

Bunch of grown men shedding tears - not out of reverence to the deceased, but politics.

Spouting hyperbolic fear mongering bullshit.

Rest in peace RBG.