Breaking: Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at 87


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death means a seat is now open on the Supreme Court during an election year

ABC reports that President Trump plans to put forth a nominee to fill Ginsburg's now vacant seat in the coming days. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said that any nominee put forth "will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate." The Senate, led by McConnell, blocked then President Obama's Supreme Court nominee during an election year in 2016, citing "the Biden rule."



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
72.. Bitch ass coon probably got another 10-15 years

Clarence Thomas has talked about retiring for a while now.

But I don’t think you guys get the problem..

Breyer is in his 80s...

He has flirted with Retiring..

So I’ll stress this for the people in the back that haven’t seen me cry to high heavens about this for the last 4 years...

If Trump wins... He could end up nominating a total of 4 possibly 5 seats on the Supreme Court. He has already nominated 2 people.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I just can’t even deal right now... I’m so fucking depressed and it terrifies me that there are people on this board that don’t even see how serious this is..

A complete fucking idiot .. who is easily one of the most corrupt people on this planet could put 4 people to lifetime appointments and completely reshape the legal landscape.

All hands need to be on deck...

I don’t want to see anymore fucking stupid “blah blah” Democratic plantation Joe Biden is bad bullshit. None of that matters ... these are facts.. none of that fucking matters right now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Clarence Thomas has talked about retiring for a while now.

But I don’t think you guys get the problem..

Breyer is in his 80s...

He has flirted with Retiring..

So I’ll stress this for the people in the back that haven’t seen me cry to high heavens about this for the last 4 years...

If Trump wins... He could end up nominating a total of 4 possibly 5 seats on the Supreme Court. He has already nominated 2 people.

I get the problem because I posted about Breyers age 3 pages back.

The Supreme Court isn't really lost for a generation if Biden wins and Democrats win the Senate.

They need to play the long game. Replace Breyer, admit Washington DC and Puerto Rico for statehood and hope Thomas or Alito dies


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
serious talk where my Canadian brothas? lets talk real r jobs? what cities and areas are popping? whats the process like to get citizenship and or dual citizenship? how r the women from say age 30-55? im diabetic and Obamacare has pr0bably added a huge amount of quality to life so if the courts really get control and abolish obamacare to where insurance goes away fuck it im out


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
serious talk where my Canadian brothas? lets talk real r jobs? what cities and areas are popping? whats the process like to get citizenship and or dual citizenship? how r the women from say age 30-55? im diabetic and Obamacare has pr0bably added a huge amount of quality to life so if the courts really get control and abolish obamacare to where insurance goes away fuck it im out
There's a Global travel ban on US Citizens going on Bruh. Canada ain't taking you. :smh:


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
serious talk where my Canadian brothas? lets talk real r jobs? what cities and areas are popping? whats the process like to get citizenship and or dual citizenship? how r the women from say age 30-55? im diabetic and Obamacare has pr0bably added a huge amount of quality to life so if the courts really get control and abolish obamacare to where insurance goes away fuck it im out

Man I’m thinking the same thing... Canada better get ready for the Fonz. Can I transfer my law degree?

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
and how does this piece of shit keep getting a pass??! I can't say Hillary would have pulled out a victory, considering how poorly run her campaign was, but given the sketchy circumstances surrounding the 2016 election, his bitchass grandstanding caused a seismic shift in that election!

Because it’s easier for them to blame Trump’s win on the black people who didn’t vote rather than the white women who voted for Trump, the DNC’s treachery during Hillary’s campaign, and Hillary’s strategic mistakes and person faults.

I will say this. Women rights, LGBTQ rights, black folks rights...did I leave anyone out??? Bamas ain't about to go back to full on oppression. This won't end well.

This is what pissed me off about Obama. He was weak as shit from the Russian meddling in our elections to the Merrick Garland appointment to Universal Healthcare for all. He was weak and wanted to cross the isle and work with those fucks. He had a majority in both House in his first two years and could've rammed shit through, but no, he wanted to work with Moscow Mitch and his croonies when they where the minority. This don't make any sense. I am glad I don't have children. I have no skin in the fight.

Don’t say this. It’s blasphemy to hold Obama responsible for anything on this board.

IF have any respect for your mother, your sister, your grandmother, and your girl.....

Vote like your life fucking depends on it... cause if they get a 6-3 majority women in this country are going to be fucked...

Hell minorities are about to get fucked

We all might as well move to Canada

I see it as an opportunity for Black people to re-group. Undo the damage of integration and white liberal interference in our families and communities.

How old is Clarence Thomas? Just thinking, if Biden wins....and Thomas dies....

Clarence is 72.
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
On the real... we have to fucking Flip some senate seats.. like this priority number 2... we just need the Dems to delay confirmation as long as possible like Kavanaugh and niggas need to fucking vote..

We need to call every Kentucky nigga that we know and get them to call every Kentucky nigga that they know and put all their votes on the brother going against Mitch... Like they need to bus niggas in..

I’m vol for life but I’ll put on a Kentucky Wildcat hat, Jersey and call myself Tubbi if I could go over there and vote against Mitch.

Every fucking vote matters...

If any of you fuckers waste a vote on some gawd Kanye... I’ll Kill you and I’ll delete my entire Premium Onlyfans thread.. I’m dead serious.. Whatever it takes. Votes over Hoes


Rising Star
Platinum Member
McConnel has to go down as one of the most cunning politicians ever. I will NEVER forgive her memory, for not retiring under Obama. Daaaaaamn THREE SC seats, for the next 40 years.

Even with 250K dead by Nov, this might get Trump over the hump for a second term.


If that happens, it would be a good time to moving and becoming an expat.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Plus franken wasn't sworn in for like 6 months due to a legal challenge and Ted Kennedy was dying, so not voting.

He didn't have a super majority. In the Senate we had 58 dems, and 2 independents. Lieberman was trash. In the house blue dog dems were showing their ass.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
serious talk where my Canadian brothas? lets talk real r jobs? what cities and areas are popping? whats the process like to get citizenship and or dual citizenship? how r the women from say age 30-55? im diabetic and Obamacare has pr0bably added a huge amount of quality to life so if the courts really get control and abolish obamacare to where insurance goes away fuck it im out

Man I’m thinking the same thing... Canada better get ready for the Fonz. Can I transfer my law degree?

I've been seriously considering this for years but haven't pulled the trigger.

I just need to quit bullshitting and begin the process.

Luckily with my degree and working in the social work field could make it easier.


Rising Star
OG Investor
On the real... we have to fucking Flip some senate seats.. like this priority number 2... we just need the Dems to delay confirmation as long as possible like Kavanaugh and niggas need to fucking vote..

We need to call every Kentucky nigga that we know and get them to call every Kentucky nigga that they know and put all their votes on the brother going against Mitch... Like they need to bus niggas in..

I’m vol for life but I’ll put on a Kentucky Wildcat hat, Jersey and call myself Tubbi if I could go over there and vote against Mitch.

Every fucking vote matters...

If any of you fuckers waste a vote on some gawd Kanye... I’ll Kill you and I’ll delete my entire Premium Onlyfans thread.. I’m dead serious.. Whatever it takes. Votes over Hoes

The brother lost to mcgrath in the primary.


Rising Star
They don't have the votes. Just the way shit goes. That seat is a wrap. 6-3 for 40 years.

Voting Rights Act - gone
Roe V Wade - gone
Civil Rights Bill - gone
Miranda Rights - gone
Union Rights - gone
ACA - dead in the water

Black folks, its gonna be trouuuuble, trouble.
Ummmmmmm, no, LOL


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I see it as an opportunity for Black people to re-group. Undo the damage of integration and white liberal interference in our families and communities.

This makes zero fucking sense fam.. zero

There are a couple huge redistricting cases on deck and a couple huge civil rights cases on deck

They are actively trying to further weaken our vote..

If they get a 6-3 majority... we will be fucked for 40 to 60 years... shit is bad now but it will be so much worse... Stop and frisk, planned parenthood, healthcare, search and seizure, voters rights, immigration... all of these things are coming up..

I just don’t think people really get how important the Supreme Court is... like it’s not even the things they decide on .. it’s also the shit that they don’t decide on.. the shit that remains a state issue ... in my opinion they are easily the most powerful branch in government.

All hands are on fucking deck... A 6-3 majority is a fucking nightmare for us.. Neil and kavanaugh are in their early 50s ... if trump puts down two more 50 year olds... we are fucked and our children are fucked.. we could live in a world where Women could get arrested for trying to decide what they want to do with their own bodies.. where they would be forced to carry to term the child of their rapist ... smh nope I don’t want to see that world.


Rising Star
This is the reason all the Tariq Nasheed motherfuckers are so dumb claiming to be so smart. Not voting leads to this kinda shit. Dumb nonvoting motherfuckers have no idea what this means. ALL the laws of the land are ultimately dealt with by Supreme Court this gives the far right wing a total majority on all votes so even if Roberts votes with the left the right wins. That means good bye Row v Wade,good bye voting rights,good bye civil rights legislation,good bye Obamacare,good bye justice reforms. Defund the police haha now woth thsi court the police will get even more protections and immunities. Stupid Stupid Stupid people not voting in 2016 for Clinton and look at what we have now.even electing Biden now means so much less.
Damn, he really does live rent free?

I thought this was about RBG?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
This makes zero fucking sense fam.. zero

There are a couple huge redistricting cases on deck and a couple huge civil rights cases on deck

They are actively trying to further weaken our vote..

If they get a 6-3 majority... we will be fucked for 40 to 60 years... shit is bad now but it will be so much worse... Stop and frisk, planned parenthood, healthcare, search and seizure, voters rights, immigration... all of these things are coming up..

I just don’t think people really get how important the Supreme Court is... like it’s not even the things they decide on .. it’s also the shit that they don’t decide on.. the shit that remains a state issue ... in my opinion they are easily the most powerful branch in government.

All hands are on fucking deck... A 6-3 majority is a fucking nightmare for us.. Neil and kavanaugh are in their early 50s ... if trump puts down two more 50 year olds... we are fucked and our children are fucked.. we could live in a world where Women could get arrested for trying to decide what they want to do with their own bodies.. where they would be forced to carry to term the child of their rapist ... smh nope I don’t want to see that world.

Ive missed you. You haven't been active in the political threads. Too many insane folks sowing chaos and not enough of you, spectrum, tical and sharkbait to go around.