bus driver whooping his ass like his father should've done.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Agreed. A lot of times that old man strength comes with a side of rage that life has bestowed upon us while chipping away at our patience and care or concern. Them young boys don't have a clue.

This is exactly what I thinking. Ain’t no telling the hand this man was dealt, or the shit he was going through in life at the time, maybe even that day. Everyone has their breaking point. Believe me, I’ve been there. I’m lucky I never ran across a young punk like he did, because I swear there have been days so bad that I could have been in that man’s shoes and lost it all.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
These youngsters have no respect for older people. They are so used to listening to their single mothers, talking all of that emotional bullshit... then they think that they can go out there and do the same shit.

And Old Head is an Old Head for a reason. Most of them have been through shit, and some still have short fuses. Women don't expect a man to put hands on them until he does. These youngsters are the same way. But some wolf tickets come with a price, as this young man found out.

I hate that the Old Head put hands on the youngster, but I know that the youngster had it coming. Hopefully he'll think twice before he bucks up against another Old Head.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that young man was taught a lesson that day. don't waste your time stepping to old heads. ...never know what that brother has seen or been through.

Da Backshot Champ

Rising Star
I hate when grown men have to deal with Single Mother Shit! I hope he beat the spawn to death, make that shiteating bitch he calls mom a reason to cry.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dude spit on that bus driver though. He deserved that ass whooping.
Yeah... I actually missed that at first watch. I can only hope and pray that I can calm myself down to not do what this man did. In my opinion... spitting on someone is one of (and to some) the most disrespectful things you can do to someone. I may only hit them once so I don't get a charge, but I would surely make it count...

Smh at this...
Last edited:


Rising Star
They keep on wanting to try generation X and generation Y. I don't know why, but they do. Unlike our parents, we ain't scared to lose a job. We'll find another goddamn job, but what we ain't going to do is take your shit.

While our parents might have let that shit pass, oh no not us.

In 2016 I was suspended for 2 weeks without pay. I'm not going to tell you how I retaliated afterward, because I'm not trying to get caught up and 'self snitch', but let's just say the person who's suspended me felt it in the pockets

I left my job two months ago because I was half a cunt hair away from doing something similar to a similar piece of shit the bus driver in the video dealt with.

I am too fucking old to be trying to fend off charges of assault. Or manslaughter. I wish the bus driver well.

Did what he had to do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well, if he did care then he wouldn't have whooped that lil boys ass for being disrespectful.
Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, you can lose your composure. Take for instance George Kennedy's character, who in his excitement over Cool Hand Luke's truck escape, impulsively joined him. However, once the thrill faded, he recognized he had only a few years remaining in his sentence. Similarly, when a person realizes that securing another job with a salary of $65,000 to $80,000 a year isn't straightforward, and begins to withdraw from their 401(k), they may rue their impulsive decision.


Rising Star
Just the lack of respect in society overall
Sometimes I wonder if I am just becoming a grumpy old man...

or are people actually devolving socially? It seems to me
that being disrespectful, I mean going out of one's way to be disrespectful,
is the order of the day. It is to be expected.

This situation, assault weapons on demand and legal bump stocks are a toxic mix.

There has been an average of at least one freeway shooting in SE Michigan for most of a year now.
Most people don't even seem to know it's going on, but I am a news junky.
There was some dude clocked at 130mph on a motorcycle a day or so ago, on I-94, passing through Detroit
and a couple of suburbs.

I don't take the freeway.

We are rapidly losing the trappings of civilization.


Rising Star
I know it's hard, bur you can't let these young ignant niggas trick you outta your spot. Black folks are sick and tired of niggas, man. That shit has reached a boiling point.

But I was in a situation where I was essentially having to chose between being punked by some shitheat juvenile- and management was FULLY aware of the situation-or taking matters into my own hands.

And my antagonist was aware of this.

In the end, I didn't need the job for survival, and I was ready to leave anyway.
I am glad I didn't get escorted out by the police.

I made that mistake in the distant past. I learned.

That is why I quit before a video was made of me. You'd probably be talking about it now.

I feel sorry for the bus driver, actually.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This feels so right ... and is legally so wrong at the same time.

Tired driver. Is this his first big mistake? Could be... 100th little bitch coming at him. Spitting. What man takes that...? Temporary insanity.

If the kid is a 16 year old manchild with no record, driver is fucked up.

If the kid is 18 and has a record of violent offenses, maybe driver has a chance.

I bet the driver has years of code switching under his belt, pulled apart by spittle. Driver professed he was a 'real nigga' and backed it up.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Don't you break dat shit up. Let that pussy get his ass whipped. He earned it.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He might be able to spend it that he has PTSD and the job didn't protect him. Very similar to a situation where a woman was attacked at McDonald's by a gay customer who reached across the counter and grabbed her color. I don't know if that woman used this same defense, but I sure as hell would.
...was she transparent after that?! Gay dude just took all pigmentation out of her? This broad just became CLEAR after that?!

Just fcuking with ya.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You gotta be real careful without witnesses it turns into his word against yours and some companies would rather fcuk you than deal with the press. But I enjoyed that ass whoopin! Knocked him out, then choked him out. His brain is ALL kinds of fcuked up!!!


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
...was she transparent after that?! Gay dude just took all pigmentation out of her? This broad just became CLEAR after that?!

Just fcuking with ya.
Android has gotten considerably worse with talk-to-text since the Droid X in 2011. I never had to check the Droid X. Siri for iPhone is worse by a long shot, but Android is still better.

You know what I meant, you jive turkey lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Android has gotten considerably worse with talk-to-text since the Droid X in 2011. I never had to check the Droid X. Siri for iPhone is worse by a long shot, but Android is still better.

You know what I meant, you jive turkey lol
It's not that Talk-to-Text has gotten worse, it's that you mumble mouth motherfcukers and your shytty regional accents make it impossible to understand!!!!

I am well aware this doesn't apply to you, but it helps my joke and I am DERAILING this thread for NO reason!!!!!

I am the Lord of Chaos!!!


Rising Star
Whewww I haven’t seen someone get their ass kicked this bad in a long time. Whatever he did I bet he won’t do it again


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Whewww I haven’t seen someone get their ass kicked this bad in a long time. Whatever he did I bet he won’t do it again
If he does it again, he's gonna get his ass beat again, might not see another day.

Let's hope this is a lesson for him.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
It's not that Talk-to-Text has gotten worse, it's that you mumble mouth motherfcukers and your shytty regional accents make it impossible to understand!!!!

I am well aware this doesn't apply to you, but it helps my joke and I am DERAILING this thread for NO reason!!!!!

I am the Lord of Chaos!!!

Fuck you, ninja :roflmao:

This is exactly what I was talking about in the killagram RIP message.

I come here everyday and your motherfuckers make me laugh every single fucking day. I don't know y'all and if I walk by you on the street I will walk by you on the street not recognizing that I chopping up y'all fuckers everyday

So thank you bro