Candace Owens tells Congress white nationalism not a problem for minorities in US


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Who else.was she on that panel with? Who were the other witnesses? Who "trotted then out there ?

And now we can.discuss the real issue.

Show me how white supremacy is a leading cause of concern in the United States, especially for minorities.

How many Black people die from white supremacy groups vs how many die from gang violence every year?

I'm not an anti abortion person like her but she also asks how many Black babies are aborted every year from planned Parenthood? how is an organization started by a known eugenist CHAMPIONED by Black people?

How does 13% of the population represent 51% of the murders? And why isn't there a panel on that?

That's what she actually said. Not your misrepresentation of it. She never said the other doesn't exist at all. She said it isn't a priority for us NOW. YET, They keep telling you it is, right around election time instead of discussing issues.

And I guess they're trying to tell you that THEY, The good white people , will fight those bad white men FOR YOU, so Vote for them. The fact that you have to keep lying about what she said shows how weak this whole thing is You keep saying this lie about how she says Blacks are the real racists and you have other people believing it.

This is so boring! Where do you get the energy for this bullshit... goddamn :lol:

Lying? My dude, there's no shame in falling for a grifter... millions do it every day... it's how Trump got into office. But to project and say I'm lying when you're the one spending pages on pages arguing on behalf of this shameless sellout bitch is truly something else.

This whole interview is an incredible feat of propaganda that Goebbels himself would probably give a standing ovation. Starting at 8:25 in the vid below your girl agrees that "blacks are more racist than whites" and that "whites don't give a damn about interracial relationships" suggesting that anti-miscegnation laws never existed lol. It really is a shitshow. Theres no logic to be found here man, all she traffics in are platitudes meant to assuage white folks of their racist practices.

As for the rest of your post including the classic meme that "13% of blacks are responsible for 50% violent crimes!" I'd suggest that any attempt to have a meaningful convo about this without examining the systemic issues that produce these results is disingenious.

I'm glad you're talking issues now , I respect that.

Health care is a comes topic and neither party has any real solution. I have not heard anything on either side that makes sense. I read a lot about conservative views and.liberal views and I can't say I have come to a conclusion on it. I don't think it's as simple as you make it but I don't want to run on about it. If that's what you've come to then cool.

Gerrymandering is done by both parties and is a political talking point.

I was about to go down the line and address each point but honestly each deserve their own thread , because they can't be summed up in one sentence and each would take us down a different rabbit hole.

But I would say like every topic, there are conservative and liberal viewpoints on how to best deal with them. I don't fall into the idea of one party cares and one party doesn't. Wealth distribution , inequality , and even climate change- there are interesting takes on both sides. I believe in free markets and I believe in some social policies but when and where to apply what , is nuanced.

So while I disagree with some of what you said , it's a lot to unpack. But those things and how to address them.are more important than even the labels of Democrat and republican, liberal.and.conservative. As FREE people, we're allowed and CHALLENGED to examine them. So I appreciate what you wrote I just don't necessarily agree with your conclusions on each point.

Cool, I can appreciate honest disagreement but I'd argue there isn't anything particularly honest about conservative thought (which seeks primarily to maintain the status quo via tired culture wars/religious pablum while advancing a psychotic kind of crony capitalism - at least Republican conservativism). Libertarians are the most intellectually consistent and generally principled conservatives and even they're incredibly full of shit too once you examine policies and their consequences rather than their rhetoric (which admittedly conservatives are good at).

I'm mostly bored with arguing online these days but if you create a healthcare thread I'd be happy to illustrate exactly how conservatives are full of shit and are literally fighting for insurer's rights to deny folks access on the basis of their pre-existing conditions etc. Ditto gerrymandering. Ditto Climate Change. All the way down the list bruh :cool:
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Rising Star
OG Investor
This is so boring! Where do you get the energy for this bullshit... goddamn :lol:

Lying? My dude, there's no shame in falling for a grifter... millions do it every day... it's how Trump got into office. But to project and say I'm lying when you're the one spending pages on pages arguing on behalf of this shameless sellout bitch is truly something else.

This whole interview is an incredible feat of propaganda that Goebbels himself would probably give a standing ovation. Starting at 8:25 in the vid below your girl agrees that "blacks are more racist than whites" and that "whites don't give a damn about interracial relationships" suggesting that anti-miscegnation laws never existed lol. It really is a shitshow. Theres no logic to be found here man, all she traffics in are platitudes meant to assuage white folks of their racist practices.

As for the rest of your post including the classic meme that "13% of blacks are responsible for 50% violent crimes!" I'd suggest that any attempt to have a meaningful convo about this without examining the systemic issues that produce these results is disingenious.

Cool, I can appreciate honest disagreement but I'd argue there isn't anything particularly honest about conservative thought (which seeks primarily to maintain the status quo via tired culture wars/religious pablum while advancing a psychotic kind of crony capitalism - at least Republican conservativism). Libertarians are the most intellectually consistent and generally principled conservatives and even they're incredibly full of shit too once you examine policies and their consequences rather than their rhetoric (which admittedly conservatives are good at).

I'm mostly bored with arguing online these days but if you create a healthcare thread I'd be happy to illustrate exactly how conservatives are full of shit and are literally fighting for insurer's rights to deny folks access on the basis of their pre-existing conditions etc. Ditto gerrymandering. Ditto Climate Change. All the way down the list bruh :cool:

Lol you always fall back on "systemic issues" like Black people are just helpless monkeys that have no control of ourselves. That's racist as fuck. "We just can't help killing ourselves"

Then you wanna go petition tbe same system.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Lol you always fall back on "systemic issues" like Black people are just helpless monkeys that have no control of ourselves. That's racist as fuck. "We just can't help killing ourselves"

Then you wanna go petition tbe same system.

Systemic and institutional issues are a reality whether you choose to accept it or not. You can work on your vertical all day my dude, but it ain't no denying gravity. I think folks should work hard, achieve, raise their kids to realize their full potentials, build community etc etc. I agree in spirit with that much hyped aspect of "conservative" thought. In my personal life I'm more disciplined than most but understanding complex issues requires a "sociological imagination".


Rising Star
OG Investor
Systemic and institutional issues are a reality whether you choose to accept it or not. You can work on your vertical all day my dude, but it ain't no denying gravity. I think folks should work hard, achieve, raise their kids to realize their full potentials, build community etc etc. I agree in spirit with that much hyped aspect of "conservative" thought. In my personal life I'm more disciplined than most but understanding complex issues requires a "sociological imagination".
It ain't much hyped. Both are a part of life. No one, ok ncluding conservatives have denied that. It's just that you guys overhype the other shit and DEemphasize what we can actually DO. That's the part that's ridiculous. And for ALL THE FRAUD LEADERS y'all accept, your antennas go up when someone says the same shit Farrakhan would say without the false principle of some separation from tbe country. And how you go about deciding what things are embarrassing to the Black community vs what ain't , I don't rock with at all. People spend all day talking about what some people or some.counfry they swear don't like em will do. Mention what we need to do and the pitchforks come out. This whole thread was based on a lie. She didn't say it. As for what anyone thinks of he character, I really don't care, but as for.what she actually said, it's right there


Rising Star
And Republicans are the preferred party of the Klan and the alt right.

But to you and Candace, the Klan wants what’s good for us too.

we just need to go to church

If fried chicken is the preferred meal of the Klan and alt right am I supposed to stop eating it?

BGOL logic


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Tree of Bitter Fruit is still on CO's wig. This bitch got supplanted by Candace and has been bearing her claws ever since. :roflmao:

:lol: the retired pig is right but the in-fighting is minimized because they are all discounted as confused unlike the paid for plants pushing left hand luciferian policies on BGOL.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“Minorities” = White women and soon will be white men.

That’s why separation and distinction are pivotal moving forward and anyone that is against the so-called black man and woman that want to identify as native are not to be trusted, especially the immigrants.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why would she be called by Congress to testify on anything?
Everyone in that room, including the Republicans, is laughing at her dumbass.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
despicable human, this ho interviewed Colby Covington on her show , (talk about believing in ur on hype!) what exactly is her relation to UFC other than Colby wears a MAGA hat?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“Minorities” = White women and soon will be white men.

That’s why separation and distinction are pivotal moving forward and anyone that is against the so-called black man and woman that want to identify as native are not to be trusted, especially the immigrants.

Nah dont let them fool you with the MINDFUCKERY, like they been fooling everybody,

When they say OVERPOPULATION, they want you to THINK they mean everybody,

but lets use a lil SIMPLE LOGIC HERE.. which WE KNOW die hard democratz do NOT possess.. they are psychotic,

they do the same shit over and over and expect different results..pyschotic personified.

but I digress.... True Americans so called "black" Americans are and have ALWAYS BEEN LESS THAT FIFTEEN PERCENT





cacs in the KNOW realize if they keep saying they are the MAJORITY then they will be the TARGETS

when it comes to population control...

HENCE the LATINOs "surpassing" pale face, to take the heat off pale face is mindfuckery....

first off there is NO LATINO race... CULTURE sure... BUT NOT RACE... cacs by race

are still the majority.... they just realized a long time ago, what being the majority MEANS..

if OVER POPULATION becomes an issue...

When they say the world is overpopulated they really saying WAAAY TOO MANY CACS...

just go to new york city .. and see it for yourself....

paleface is never going to admit it..





they just loves to try and squeeze US into THEIR ISSUES!!!

they are OBSESSED with doing THAT SHIT!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I guess the next thing her dumbass is going to say is water is not made of 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen. I’m just waiting for one of these dumb fucks to say some stupid shit like that