Candace Owens tells Congress white nationalism not a problem for minorities in US


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've never bashed Obama. Same issues I raised before him I raised with him and after. I've seriously got less shit for talking about Jesus. :lol:

Yeah, Obama was a great option after Bush. He was better at disguising hawk shit and not pissing the world off.

and smart enough not to fuck with epstein and his lolita express.....

yo when the truth comes out about trump..folks are gonna be like...

how did that slimey piece of shit slither into the whitehouse..??

after the likes of the bushes and trump
history wont be kind to cracker voters..... their OWN future children are going to wonder why they were given voting rights....:lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All that says is that she was ONCE like you and changed her mind. Ask yourself WHY?

From day one she talked about how the NAACP situation realized how she was being used. She realized she could’ve handled the situation on her own and she didn’t have to be framed as some helpless idiot just cuz some goofy white boys got mad cuz she broke up with one of em. The guy happened to be the son of a politician so they made the whole thing political.

Obama supporter cuz we all were. Personally , I’m still glad he was president but all it did was make me realize having black politicians without economic power means nothing.

Anti Trump— again, obviously she hasn’t always held the same positions and would be once been ok with everyone — but so what if she now likes Trump? Who cares?

The “doxing” website was for people who troll and tweeted hate speech. You should like that. But she realized it was a stupid idea and abandoned it.

And the rest of it is where she is now. People are allowed to like something you don’t. At the revolt conference , all of s sudden, Charlemagne and Killer Mike realize it’s healthy to have someone push back sometimes.

And all she did when was there was talk about the breakdown of the black family and how that’s something WE can actually do , without begging anyone for anything.

ILLEGAL immigration effects Black people — really all working class, INCLUDING legal immigrants from south of the border.

None of that is comtroversial.

Dude, if what you get out of her schtick is that anyone who dislikes her does so because she supports Trump, you are purposely missing the point. She is modern day minstrel show that repeats white racist rhetoric for money. Joe Rogan called her a fraud, and I totally agree with his reasoning, because realistically, who can do a complete 180 and suddenly support EVERYTHING you once disagreed with? Everything?!?! I can allow giving up drinking because you had a DUI or you failed to show up to an event because you were drunk. To completely change views and suddenly believe in EVERYTHING of an fucking shit.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Dude, if what you get out of her schtick is that anyone who dislikes her does so because she supports Trump, you are purposely missing the point. She is modern day minstrel show that repeats white racist rhetoric for money. Joe Rogan called her a fraud, and I totally agree with his reasoning, because realistically, who can do a complete 180 and suddenly support EVERYTHING you once disagreed with? Everything?!?! I can allow giving up drinking because you had a DUI or you failed to show up to an event because you were drunk. To completely change views and suddenly believe in EVERYTHING of an fucking shit.
Lol "Joe Rogan. Called her a fraud"

First of all he didn't. Second that's weird that you run to a white guy validation.

I don't even give a shit about her "schtick". It's just weird the priority you place oj her and where you draw the line on who anyone can listen to and what qualified as coonery to you. And not really YOU, Cux I don't know you, but why is this thread so long? Everybody ain't gonna like everything , and damn sure not everything that one person says, but all this? This is the most dangerous shit to the black community to the point that everyone just has to chime in on it and cancel her ? And when someone says "part of what says is true" , you (specifically YOU Now ) decide to caracterize it as being a follower of her? That's just dumb


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
and smart enough not to fuck with epstein and his lolita express.....

yo when the truth comes out about trump..folks are gonna be like...

how did that slimey piece of shit slither into the whitehouse..??



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lol this is something I think people have used for decades and now people like Candace are using it to flip the same bullshit on you. The KKK was created as the militant arm of.tje Democratic party. BUT, For anyone to assume white militants are only on one side and not the other is retarded to me. Fuck the racist part cuz they're are racists in both parties. Ifnya never had an.issue dealing with Democratic racists I don't see why you'd have a issue with republican ones. Now pick another issue.
By your logic isn't Candace guilty of the same thing? Let her tell it all racists are democrats only.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First of all he didn't. Second that's weird that you run to a white guy validation.

Bro you're being a cunt and purposely twisting my statement. I said I agree with Rogan's reason about how it just isn't possible for someone to do that radical of a 180 and be genuine.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I don't know man. I discussed politics on here for years before Obama. Had the same fucking stance when Obama came on the scene. All of a sudden, I was a hater and coon. I was a republican. :hmm:

Cats still kind of fucked up in the mind over Obama. Granted, their grandkids will clown the shit out of them because the politics of Obama won't age well and is already showing that.

I'm telling you. If Obama could run again, folks would be back to copping pleas. They'd be asking :confused: "what do you want' 1000 times OR telling us how government works. It's patience with Obama. It's a monarchy when it's Bush and Trump.

Over man. Those cats would all be self-hating coons going against Obama. Because best believe Obama going to play politics and that don't involve tangibles.
You ALWAYS been Tom Cisco @Amajorfucup


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Her argument is that black people are fools for believing wholeheartedly in Democrat the solution it to be a Republican and wholeheartedly believe in that ideology.
Thats the sad hilarity of her entire existence. She goes around talking about libs using blacks as tokens and shields, while being a token and shield for wingnuts. That bitch is sick.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Weird ass thread

Very weird
Usual suspects doing usual shit.
Dude, if what you get out of her schtick is that anyone who dislikes her does so because she supports Trump, you are purposely missing the point. She is modern day minstrel show that repeats white racist rhetoric for money. Joe Rogan called her a fraud, and I totally agree with his reasoning, because realistically, who can do a complete 180 and suddenly support EVERYTHING you once disagreed with? Everything?!?! I can allow giving up drinking because you had a DUI or you failed to show up to an event because you were drunk. To completely change views and suddenly believe in EVERYTHING of an fucking shit.
She and Trump running the same hustle. Hes a lifetime democrat and atheist turned repub and leader of the party of family values and God.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Holy fucking shit :lol:

Imagine taking this grifter bitch seriously? Like... the level of credulity and self delusion? Jesus @exiledking ... tf wrong with you my guy?

This coon sat in front of that dilapidated CAC Dennis Prager (one of the great agents of misinformation in our time) as they waxed poetic about how "blacks are the real racists". Her entire schtick is providing cover for the cartoonish racism of Republicans. Revolt should never have platformed this con artist and no one on Earth should be listening to a goddamn thing she says smdh


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This coon sat in front of that dilapidated CAC Dennis Prager (one of the great agents of misinformation in our time) as they waxed poetic about how "blacks are the real racists

In what sense? How? Black people don't champion police that shoot unarmed white people. Black people don't hold on to symbols of racism like the Confederate flag. Black people aren't removing white voters from voter rolls and closing down polling places near white neighborhoods. The fact that she echoes that horseshit means she's a shameless grifter.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Holy fucking shit :lol:

Imagine taking this grifter bitch seriously? Like... the level of credulity and self delusion? Jesus @exiledking ... tf wrong with you my guy?

This coon sat in front of that dilapidated CAC Dennis Prager (one of the great agents of misinformation in our time) as they waxed poetic about how "blacks are the real racists". Her entire schtick is providing cover for the cartoonish racism of Republicans. Revolt should never have platformed this con artist and no one on Earth should be listening to a goddamn thing she says smdh
Lol look at Bgol espousing censorship. She's more dangerous than the porn board we're on. Boy, we some fuckin hypocrites. A simple "i don't like her " will suffice.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
In what sense? How? Black people don't champion police that shoot unarmed white people. Black people don't hold on to symbols of racism like the Confederate flag. Black people aren't removing white voters from voter rolls and closing down polling places near white neighborhoods. The fact that she echoes that horseshit means she's a shameless grifter.

Well... conservatives aren't particularly known for their compelling and logical positions lmao.

Lol look at Bgol espousing censorship. She's more dangerous than the porn board we're on. Boy, we some fuckin hypocrites. A simple "i don't like her " will suffice.

This shit is just sad bruh, and it's a retarded hill die on. You ol "argue about anything" ass nigga lol.

She's a rabid coon and Revolt should absolutely not have platformed her. That's not "censorship", it's common fucking sense. I want to hear from her like I want to hear from David Duke.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
@sharkbait28 who u voting for?

I'm a pragmatist so I'll be voting for who ever emerges from the Dem primary. I don't buy this fantasy that both parties are exactly "just as bad". Warren, Sanders and Yang are my top choices but given the garbage fire currently burning at the WH I'll hold my breath and vote for anyone the Dems put up. Hopeful af it won't be Biden, that dude is trash.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Well... conservatives aren't particularly known for their compelling and logical positions lmao.

This shit is just sad bruh, and it's a retarded hill die on. You ol "argue about anything" ass nigga lol.

She's a rabid coon and Revolt should absolutely not have platformed her. That's not "censorship", it's common fucking sense. I want to hear from her like I want to hear from David Duke.
You guys and your coon narratives are tired. You have no consistent criteria on what that is and you flip on each other about it all the time. You'll let Black people who's actually killed Black people, or done major damage to Black culture, turn ar9und and emerge as Black leaders lol. No one takes this shit seriously. You just say shit that sounds good to the people who been drinking the same Kool aid for the longest. And you think it's a win because people on tbe echo chamber you're in agree with you who believe the lies and mischaracterizations of other people's statements you tell. People are wising up to this act bruh. The words coon, bedwenxh, Tom, that shit has lost its meaning cuz y'all just throw it around like candy.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I'm a pragmatist so I'll be voting for who ever emerges from the Dem primary. I don't buy this fantasy that both parties are exactly "just as bad". Warren, Sanders and Yang are my top choices but given the garbage fire currently burning at the WH I'll hold my breath and vote for anyone the Dems put up. Hopeful af it won't be Biden, that dude is trash.
So a vote that’s not for the republicans is as equal for a vote for them if u DONT vote Democrat?

So like if I write in Michelle Obama that’s just like me voting for republicans?


Rising Star
OG Investor
I'm a pragmatist so I'll be voting for who ever emerges from the Dem primary. I don't buy this fantasy that both parties are exactly "just as bad". Warren, Sanders and Yang are my top choices but given the garbage fire currently burning at the WH I'll hold my breath and vote for anyone the Dems put up. Hopeful af it won't be Biden, that dude is trash.
Exactly. All them.words and you're just gonna do the same ol shit, then pretend you're gonna "hold their feet to the fire" lmao.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
You guys and your coon narratives are tired. You have no consistent criteria on what that is and you flip on each other about it all the time. You'll let Black people who's actually killed Black people, or done major damage to Black culture, turn ar9und and emerge as Black leaders lol. No one takes this shit seriously. You just say shit that sounds good to the people who been drinking the same Kool aid for the longest. And you think it's a win because people on tbe echo chamber you're in agree with you who believe the lies and mischaracterizations of other people's statements you tell. People are wising up to this act bruh. The words coon, bedwenxh, Tom, that shit has lost its meaning cuz y'all just throw it around like candy.
When does the white community let white entertainers or comedians be leaders for they community?


Rising Star
OG Investor
When does the white community let white entertainers or comedians be leaders for they community?
Not sure what you mean , but Hollywood is full of actors making all these woke speeches trying to influence their peoples votes. I dunno if that answers your question tho.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I quoted Malcolm x bro
Ok, but the question might be a little.innacurate or at least out of context. During the time when he talked about that Hollywood was conservative. But even then they were infkeuncing culture with racist birth of a Nation, and all those John Wayne movies. Ronald Reagan went from.tbise films to being president so --- against not sure if that answers whoever's question it was.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Ok, but the question might be a little.innacurate or at least out of context. During the time when he talked about that Hollywood was conservative. But even then they were infkeuncing culture with racist birth of a Nation, and all those John Wayne movies. Ronald Reagan went from.tbise films to being president so --- against not sure if that answers whoever's question it was.
How u wake up and coon bro