Candace Owens tells Congress white nationalism not a problem for minorities in US


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
You guys and your coon narratives are tired. You have no consistent criteria on what that is and you flip on each other about it all the time. You'll let Black people who's actually killed Black people, or done major damage to Black culture, turn ar9und and emerge as Black leaders lol. No one takes this shit seriously. You just say shit that sounds good to the people who been drinking the same Kool aid for the longest. And you think it's a win because people on tbe echo chamber you're in agree with you who believe the lies and mischaracterizations of other people's statements you tell. People are wising up to this act bruh. The words coon, bedwenxh, Tom, that shit has lost its meaning cuz y'all just throw it around like candy.

This is a truly bizarre argument you're trying to draw me into. Candace Owen's is just another black face propped up to legitimize the cartoonish racism of the right. I mean, she was literally trotted out by the GOP to argue that white nationalism isn't a problem (hint: it is and it's been the leading cause of domestic terrorism for years). Ofc she's a coon... she participated in a broadcast with the dean of right wing grift (Prager) and nodded along with the notion that "blacks are the real racists", she traffics in the dumbest "race card" politics... but she's not a coon? Who is then? You're hinting at it but you're being very opaque in the language you use. Who are these killers we celebrate and how is it relevant to a convo about this trash bitch?

So a vote that’s not for the republicans is as equal for a vote for them if u DONT vote Democrat?

So like if I write in Michelle Obama that’s just like me voting for republicans?

Do as though wilt my dude. There are material differences between these parties that all the false equivalences drawn here on BGOL will never erase.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I'm a pragmatist so I'll be voting for who ever emerges from the Dem primary. I don't buy this fantasy that both parties are exactly "just as bad". Warren, Sanders and Yang are my top choices but given the garbage fire currently burning at the WH I'll hold my breath and vote for anyone the Dems put up. Hopeful af it won't be Biden, that dude is trash.
Yang would be winning if the masses were about shit. MSM will push the gay guy on us. I'm just about done with national politics.
So a vote that’s not for the republicans is as equal for a vote for them if u DONT vote Democrat?

So like if I write in Michelle Obama that’s just like me voting for republicans?

Do you. If you're about your business, you're winning no matter who is in office.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Exactly. All them.words and you're just gonna do the same ol shit, then pretend you're gonna "hold their feet to the fire" lmao.

Lol, I said already I'm a pragmatist and all the false equivalences thrown around so casually here have no bearing on reality as I see it. I'm supposed to vote Republican now or withhold my vote? Lmao. Even when one party is literally trying to make healthcare inaccessible for people with preexisting conditions? Fuck any extended fam who'd be affected huh? Even when one party is literally drawing gerrymandered districts meant to diminish and disenfranchise black folks? When one party is working to overturn Roe vs Wade? When one party pretends Climate Change isn't real? When one party insists on selling trickle down economics as viable as we watch it implode the economy time and time again while siphoning wealth into fewer and fewer hands? When one party has real disdain for the rights of workers? When one party is working to reduce the already meager social safety net out here for the poorest and disabled?

I have actual pragmatic and well thought out reasons for not playing the popular "both sides!", faux enlightened centrism game BGOL plays. There are good arguments to be made that establishment Dems and Republicans are both ultimately responsible for this out of control military industrial complex and for our slide into a dystopian corporatocracy but to ignore the very obvious and clear material differences is retarded imo.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Lol, I said already I'm a pragmatist and all the false equivalences thrown around so casually here have no bearing on reality as I see it. I'm supposed to vote Republican now or withhold my vote? Lmao. Even when one party is literally trying to make healthcare inaccessible for people with preexisting conditions? Fuck any extended fam who'd be affected huh? Even when one party is literally drawing gerrymandered districts meant to diminish and disenfranchise black folks? When one party conducting daily assaults on the Voting Rights Act? When one party is working to overturn Roe vs Wade? When one party pretends Climate Change isn't real? When one party insists on selling trickle down economics as viable as we watch it implode the economy time and time again while siphoning wealth into fewer and fewer jands? When one party has real disdain for the rights of workers? When one party is working to reduce the already meager social safety net out here for the poor and disabled?

I have actual pragmatic and well thought out reasons for not playing the popular "both sides!", faux enlightened Centrism game BGOL plays. There are good arguments to be made that establishment Dems and Republicand are both ultimately responsible for the out of control military industrial complex and our slide into a dystopian corporatocracy but to ignore the very obvious and clear material differences is retarded imo.

Great post. Examine the policies not just the talking heads and media spin. It's the policies that make things happen or not for some. Weigh in on the policies and see which one have an affect on you negatively and the far right policies and their challenges to progressive legislation are just that. I don't agree with the Dems on everything but the harm of their policies is not comparable to the Repubs policies when it comes to vulnerable populations.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Yang would be winning if the masses were about shit. MSM will push the gay guy on us. I'm just about done with national politics.

Do you. If you're about your business, you're winning no matter who is in office.

I agree that Yang is extremely underrated bruh. He seems to be a 21st century candidate, especially in the way he frames problems and solutions. Just got an email from his campaign that the DNC is setting new thresholds for the debates in Nov but hasn't announced what they are yet. Establishment Dems are trash :smh:

Buttigieg is more or less done imo, he's too far behind now.


Rising Star
OG Investor
This is a truly bizarre argument you're trying to draw me into. Candace Owen's is just another black face propped up to legitimize the cartoonish racism of the right. I mean, she was literally trotted out by the GOP to argue that white nationalism isn't a problem (hint: it is and it's been the leading cause of domestic terrorism for years). Ofc she's a coon... she participated in a broadcast with the dean of right wing grift (Prager) and nodded along with the notion that "blacks are the real racists", she traffics in the dumbest "race card" politics... but she's not a coon? Who is then? You're hinting at it but you're being very opaque in the language you use. Who are these killers we celebrate and how is it relevant to a convo about this trash bitch?

Do as though wilt my dude. There are material differences between these parties that all the false equivalences drawn here on BGOL will never erase.
Who else.was she on that panel with? Who were the other witnesses? Who "trotted then out there ?

And now we can.discuss the real issue.

Show me how white supremacy is a leading cause of concern in the United States, especially for minorities.

How many Black people die from white supremacy groups vs how many die from gang violence every year?

I'm not an anti abortion person like her but she also asks how many Black babies are aborted every year from planned Parenthood? how is an organization started by a known eugenist CHAMPIONED by Black people?

How does 13% of the population represent 51% of the murders? And why isn't there a panel on that?

That's what she actually said. Not your misrepresentation of it. She never said the other doesn't exist at all. She said it isn't a priority for us NOW. YET, They keep telling you it is, right around election time instead of discussing issues.

And I guess they're trying to tell you that THEY, The good white people , will fight those bad white men FOR YOU, so Vote for them. The fact that you have to keep lying about what she said shows how weak this whole thing is You keep saying this lie about how she says Blacks are the real racists and you have other people believing it.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I agree that Yang is extremely underrated bruh. He seems to be a 21st century candidate, especially in the way he frames problems and solutions. Just got an email from his campaign that the DNC is setting new thresholds for the debates in Nov but hasn't announced what they are yet. Establishment Dems are trash :smh:

Buttigieg is more or less done imo, he's too far behind now.
:angry::angry::angry::angry: WTF man. So the only ones who can compete are the ones getting the millions of dollars of free press from MSM? They just changed shit for Sept.

Yang too damn nice to attack the retreads and get more buzz.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who else.was she on that panel with? Who were the other witnesses? Who "trotted then out there ?

And now we can.discuss the real issue.

Show me how white supremacy is a leading cause of concern in the United States, especially for minorities.

How many Black people die from white supremacy groups vs how many die from gang violence every year?

I'm not an anti abortion person like her but she also asks how many Black babies are aborted every year from planned Parenthood? how is an organization started by a known eugenist CHAMPIONED by Black people?

How does 13% of the population represent 51% of the murders? And why isn't there a panel on that?

That's what she actually said. Not your misrepresentation of it. She never said the other doesn't exist at all. She said it isn't a priority for us NOW. YET, They keep telling you it is, right around election time instead of discussing issues.

And I guess they're trying to tell you that THEY, The good white people , will fight those bad white men FOR YOU, so Vote for them. The fact that you have to keep lying about what she said shows how weak this whole thing is You keep saying this lie about how she says Blacks are the real racists and you have other people believing it.
I see where your going bruh but she don't need to be in the forefront being a spokesperson in Congress saying white nationalist is not the problem. She has her self serving need to be "exotic" or stand out from the "rest". Check her political history bruh. She found her "lane" now instead of being lost in the Democratic shuffle. She is accepted and found where she is appreciated and adored and is rare. This feels her narcissistic self. Kinda like Kanye not "feeling" not appreciated by the Democrats and not loved by Obama but found trump and he "stands" out immediately in the forefront . It's one thing to "try" to use resources from the white house but she is really doing that.

If she cares about the community where will she be if trump loses his presidency and what happens to her agenda?

She can easily work with established groups dealing with entrepreneurship,promoting self empowerment etc . Or organizations to deter black on black crime,police brutality race relations.
Last edited:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Lol, I said already I'm a pragmatist and all the false equivalences thrown around so casually here have no bearing on reality as I see it. I'm supposed to vote Republican now or withhold my vote? Lmao. Even when one party is literally trying to make healthcare inaccessible for people with preexisting conditions? Fuck any extended fam who'd be affected huh? Even when one party is literally drawing gerrymandered districts meant to diminish and disenfranchise black folks? When one party is working to overturn Roe vs Wade? When one party pretends Climate Change isn't real? When one party insists on selling trickle down economics as viable as we watch it implode the economy time and time again while siphoning wealth into fewer and fewer hands? When one party has real disdain for the rights of workers? When one party is working to reduce the already meager social safety net out here for the poorest and disabled?

I have actual pragmatic and well thought out reasons for not playing the popular "both sides!", faux enlightened centrism game BGOL plays. There are good arguments to be made that establishment Dems and Republicans are both ultimately responsible for this out of control military industrial complex and for our slide into a dystopian corporatocracy but to ignore the very obvious and clear material differences is retarded imo.

I'm glad you're talking issues now , I respect that.

Health care is a comes topic and neither party has any real solution. I have not heard anything on either side that makes sense. I read a lot about conservative views and.liberal views and I can't say I have come to a conclusion on it. I don't think it's as simple as you make it but I don't want to run on about it. If that's what you've come to then cool.

Gerrymandering is done by both parties and is a political talking point.

I was about to go down the line and address each point but honestly each deserve their own thread , because they can't be summed up in one sentence and each would take us down a different rabbit hole.

But I would say like every topic, there are conservative and liberal viewpoints on how to best deal with them. I don't fall into the idea of one party cares and one party doesn't. Wealth distribution , inequality , and even climate change- there are interesting takes on both sides. I believe in free markets and I believe in some social policies but when and where to apply what , is nuanced.

So while I disagree with some of what you said , it's a lot to unpack. But those things and how to address them.are more important than even the labels of Democrat and republican, liberal.and.conservative. As FREE people, we're allowed and CHALLENGED to examine them. So I appreciate what you wrote I just don't necessarily agree with your conclusions on each point.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah well police brutality, red lining, lending discrimination, wealth gap, education gap are all rooted in white supremacy. But according to you two, those aren’t problems either. I guess we’s jes needs ta go ta choich and pray de lawd hep us.

That’s literally her answer. Oh, that, stop thinking white people aren’t perfect.

Great post.The "I guess we’s jes needs ta go ta choich and pray de lawd hep us" part is hysterical. :lol:


Rising Star
OG Investor
I see where your going bruh bit she don't need to be in the forefront being a spokesperson in Congress saying white nationalist is not the problem. She has her self serving need to be "exotic" or stand out from the "rest". Check her political history bruh. She found her "lane" inst ad of being lost in the Democratic shuffle. She is accepted and found where she is appreciated and adored and is rare.
If she cares about the community where will she be if trump loses his presidency and what happens to her agenda? She can easily work with established groups dealing with entrepreneurship,promoting self empowerment etc . organizations to deter black on black crime,police brutality race relations.

I have checked her history. I don't have a problem.with her having whatevr position she has more than all these people complaining when no one "more palatable" to them is doing it. Whoever don't like it can go and do the same. I already said Antonio Moore should figure out how to get himself in panels like this. Yvette Carnell as well. They don't even try.

You realize that at some point these people who are just talking to Black people about what white people should be doing , will eventually have to talk TO THEM. And what will their followers say once they see them doing it?
TI mentioned the Black republican senator , Tim Scott. He wrote the bill that dealt with empowerment zones. Do you like him? Where are more people like him? Find em. People keep sahkngbreir are other Black conservatives who they like. Who are they?


Rising Star
OG Investor
Yeah well police brutality, red lining, lending discrimination, wealth gap, education gap are all rooted in white supremacy. But according to you two, those aren’t problems either. I guess we’s jes needs ta go ta choich and pray de lawd hep us.

That’s literally her answer. Oh, that, stop thinking white people aren’t perfect.
Lol that's the laziest response ever.

Police brutality is AGAIN, Not anything I worry about when I walk out the house. You neither. But Shaun King, the WHITE BOY, post shit to scare you about it every day.CNN too

Where are you trying to live right now that redlining effects you? And what's your credit score that's keeping you from getting a loan YOU want RIGHT NOW?

Theres a wealth gap between all kinds of groups. African born Americans are KILLING IT- Theyre also Black and they're making more than white people on average. Why? Caribbean born Americans as well. We all Blaxk. What's the difference? As an individual .more concerned with figuring out what I can do to.incrase my wealth than just a blanket of racism. When I encounter a specific problem that has to do with that (and I have) I deal with it. Specific problems need specific solutions. Telling kids about how racism is gonna cripple em before they even walk out the house is toxic.

And finally EDUCATION INEQUALITY--theres a point where you and Candace AGREE. AND I do too. THATS the biggest issue beceus that's where the opportunity for access starts. But there no panel for that. Thats wherw our kids fall behind from day one and it leads to those others. African and Caribbean immigrants value education and even when poor , they find ways to get their kids out of the public school systems. They have a CULTURE that values education more than (I'll use this word) ADOS, And it shows.

Thomas Sowell (who Killer Mike recommended everyone should read) did numerous studies on this - Candace is just repeating shit he said 40 years ago.

If white supremacy is Democratic socialist policies since the 60s that slowed the progress that Black Americans were making , and fucked up our hard working, economic empowerment geared culture, then yes I agree with you. Everything stems from it.

Btw I'm torn on use of church. I'm an atheist, but clearly when you look at all the HBCUs built by the African Methodist Church organization ,and how many strong communities were built around churches , I have less scorn for them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have checked her history. I don't have a problem.with her having whatevr position she has more than all these people complaining when no one "more palatable" to them is doing it. Whoever don't like it can go and do the same. I already said Antonio Moore should figure out how to get himself in panels like this. Yvette Carnell as well. They don't even try.

You realize that at some point these people who are just talking to Black people about what white people should be doing , will eventually have to talk TO THEM. And what will their followers say once they see them doing it?
TI mentioned the Black republican senator , Tim Scott. He wrote the bill that dealt with empowerment zones. Do you like him? Where are more people like him? Find em. People keep sahkngbreir are other Black conservatives who they like. Who are they?

Blah, Blah, Blah... Black and brown people have been taking TO THEM for centuries. What makes you think they at their core will ever change; and contained in that core is a deep seated belief that they are superior to every other race on the Planet and they have, and always will, act in accordance with that belief. Candace Owen is lost and her hatred of self is evident, stop caping for her and the perpetually grinning Tim Scott. :hmm:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Blah, Blah, Blah... Black and brown people have been taking TO THEM for centuries. What makes you think they at their core will ever change; and contained in that core is a deep seated belief that they are superior to every other race on the Planet and they have, and always will, act in accordance with that belief. Candace Owen is lost and her hatred of self is evident, stop caping for her and the perpetually grinning Tim Scott. :hmm:
Ok. That's cool too. Don't talk to the people you're complaining about. No black person should be in the Senate, the house, be a police man, work in any government office , nothi. Full on separation. Where you going? Btw who are these "brown" people you're united with? Arabs? Latinos?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Health care is a comes topic and neither party has any real solution.
You're such a lying piece of dog shit. :lol:

One group actually has plans and models on hand... Oh, and that same group created the ACA, which was actually implemented. The other side keeps saying "we will repeal and replace it with something better", but 3 years into term and we have yet seen or heard wtf that is or looks like.

You and the false equivalency , devils advocate bullshit is laughable.


Rising Star
OG Investor
You're such a lying piece of dog shit. :lol:

One group actually has plans and models on hand... Oh, and that same group created the ACA, which was actually implemented. The other side keeps saying "we will repeal and replace it with something better", but 3 years into term and we have yet seen or heard wtf that is or looks like.

You and the false equivalency , devils advocate bullshit is laughable.

You ever notice I only call you the dumbass you are when you start with stupid shit? You notice the civil discussions I have with people who are civil?

There are TONS of criticisms and shortcomings to the ACA which is what I'm talking about when I say its complex. I'm damn sure no swoxert on it and I can already tell you aren't either. But look how you speak witb somuch authority and arrogance on how its so Good for you and how this one side has all the solutions. It's like you believe superhero cartoons are real life with this good guy/bad guy shit. You're literally a child.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok. That's cool too. Don't talk to the people you're complaining about. No black person should be in the Senate, the house, be a police man, work in any government office , nothi. Full on separation. Where you going? Btw who are these "brown" people you're united with? Arabs? Latinos?

You are obviously an intelligent person, but in my opinion your intelligence gets the cold shoulder and a lot of push back because of your penchant for arguing for argument sake. I have no use for or desire to interact with black people who wish they were anything but. That is Candace Owens to me. You, on the other, seem to believe her thoughts on a number of subjects that affect people of color are not influenced by her obvious desire to make sure white people know and see her as not being "one of them", or as they say when she's not in their presence "she's a good Nigra".

I truly believe you believe Candace hates her blackness yet you choose to defend, deflect, excuse and rationalize her willingness to approve of, and long for, all things white. And I believe you do so not so much because you identify with her and buy her bullshit, but rather because, simply put, you like to argue. And that's okay I suppose, we all do things we hope will bring mostly favorable attention to ourselves. But unfortunately many people so crave attention they'll gladly seek and accept it whether it be favorable or not. Only you know in which of those categories you fit, we can only guess based upon your responses. :hmm:


Rising Star
OG Investor
You are obviously an intelligent person, but in my opinion your intelligence gets the cold shoulder and a lot of push back because of your penchant for arguing for argument sake. I have no use for or desire to interact with black people who wish they were anything but. That is Candace Owens to me. You, on the other, seem to believe her thoughts on a number of subjects that affect people of color are not influenced by her obvious desire to make sure white people know and see her as not being "one of them", or as they say when she's not in their presence "she's a good Nigra".

I truly believe you believe Candace hates her blackness yet you choose to defend, deflect, excuse and rationalize her willingness to approve of, and long for, all things white. And I believe you do so not so much because you identify with her and buy her bullshit, but rather because, simply put, you like to argue. And that's okay I suppose, we all do things we hope will bring mostly favorable attention to ourselves. But unfortunately many people so crave attention they'll gladly seek and accept it whether it be favorable or not. Only you know in which of those categories you fit, we can only guess based upon your responses. :hmm:
No, i dont lkke arguing at all. I just call bullshjt when i see it. Clearly on this board only cerain ideas are welcome ON THE SURFACE. The loud people talk and they're under the assunption thag everyone agrees with them. Thats ok but theyre mistaken. They're also under the assumption that they decide what is and isn't Black. I'll include you in this because of all that you just said.

I base my assessment off of all the years I've been on this board. I was a lurker for years and I've written on it for a few. I've made predictions about people I've felt were scammers and i recieved tbe same.pushback every time. I've rarely been wrong. So it doesn't matter to me what you think. I don't even care to spend time reading minds , but you just did it so that's the response you're gonna get.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You ever notice I only call you the dumbass you are when you start with stupid shit? You notice the civil discussions I have with people who are civil?
No. Actually i dont notice your civil discussions. I notice you being either a provocateur, or sincerely intransigent cac apologist more often than not. I notice you pivoting in exchanges when cornered and/or confronted with evidence to the contrary.
There are TONS of criticisms and shortcomings to the ACA which is what I'm talking about when I say its complex.
You can find tons of criticism on all legislation... Certainly something as partisan as ACA.. That aint the point.. (btw, this is what i mean by your bullshit pivoting ), you said both sides are doing nothing. That clearly is false. Dont now reframe it as "well its highly criticized thus....".
But look how you speak witb somuch authority and arrogance on how its so Good for you and how this one side has all the solutions. It's like you believe superhero cartoons are real life with this good guy/bad guy shit.
And look how you over dramatize a response which was a mere observation of fact. There was no authority needed to call you a fucking liar and charlatan of a debater. This has nothing to do with bad guys or good guys.. Im saying you're full of shit and a dishonest person as it pertains to discussions you partake in here.
You're literally a child.
child>>>> water carrying disingenuous sambo


Rising Star
OG Investor
No. Actually i dont notice your civil discussions. I notice you being either a provocateur, or sincerely intransigent cac apologist more often than not. I notice you pivoting in exchanges when cornered and/or confronted with evidence to the contrary.

You can find tons of criticism on all legislation... Certainly something as partisan as ACA.. That aint the point.. (btw, this is what i mean by your bullshit pivoting ), you said both sides are doing nothing. That clearly is false. Dont now reframe it as "well its highly criticized thus....".

And look how you over dramatize a response which was a mere observation of fact. There was no authority needed to call you a fucking liar and charlatan of a debater. This has nothing to do with bad guys or good guys.. Im saying you're full of shit and a dishonest person as it pertains to discussions you partake in here.

child>>>> water carrying disingenuous sambo

You intentionally don't notice and you expect take your bullshit seriously. Yeah as soon as I mentioned there are criticisms of ACA , instead of the magic wand you posted it as, you wanna call that a pivot. It's complex. It's a whole nother thread. And I've not seen a thread where people discuss complexities, just dumbasses like you who presenr it like it's checkmate. You don't know wtf you're talking about ever.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Blah, Blah, Blah... Black and brown people have been taking TO THEM for centuries. What makes you think they at their core will ever change; and contained in that core is a deep seated belief that they are superior to every other race on the Planet and they have, and always will, act in accordance with that belief. Candace Owen is lost and her hatred of self is evident, stop caping for her and the perpetually grinning Tim Scott. :hmm:
Btw wheres reparations supposed to be coming from? Those people who ain't never gonna change?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You intentionally don't notice and you expect take your bullshit seriously.
I have zero expectations of you my man.. I just read the posts and comment on how you double down on stupid and often make bullshit assertions that you goal post move when called out on it. Real bitch shit.
You don't know wtf you're talking about ever.
I know you're a lying piece of shit with self hatred issues. And i know the general consensus on this board you spend so much time on is that you're a hankerchief head knee grow.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Btw wheres reparations supposed to be coming from? Those people who ain't never gonna change?

Reparations?? I never said a word about it. But since you did I'll just say you didn't mean to but you just proved my point. Reparations is a pipe dream. Why? Because "those people" ain't never gonna change. :hmm:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Reparations?? I never said a word about it. But since you did I'll just say you didn't mean to but you just proved my point. Reparations is a pipe dream. Why? Because "those people" ain't never gonna change. :hmm:
Lol.well.whaddyaknow... we agree on that one

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Lol that's the laziest response ever.

Police brutality is AGAIN, Not anything I worry about when I walk out the house. You neither. But Shaun King, the WHITE BOY, post shit to scare you about it every day.CNN too

Where are you trying to live right now that redlining effects you? And what's your credit score that's keeping you from getting a loan YOU want RIGHT NOW?

Theres a wealth gap between all kinds of groups. African born Americans are KILLING IT- Theyre also Black and they're making more than white people on average. Why? Caribbean born Americans as well. We all Blaxk. What's the difference? As an individual .more concerned with figuring out what I can do to.incrase my wealth than just a blanket of racism. When I encounter a specific problem that has to do with that (and I have) I deal with it. Specific problems need specific solutions. Telling kids about how racism is gonna cripple em before they even walk out the house is toxic.

And finally EDUCATION INEQUALITY--theres a point where you and Candace AGREE. AND I do too. THATS the biggest issue beceus that's where the opportunity for access starts. But there no panel for that. Thats wherw our kids fall behind from day one and it leads to those others. African and Caribbean immigrants value education and even when poor , they find ways to get their kids out of the public school systems. They have a CULTURE that values education more than (I'll use this word) ADOS, And it shows.

Thomas Sowell (who Killer Mike recommended everyone should read) did numerous studies on this - Candace is just repeating shit he said 40 years ago.

If white supremacy is Democratic socialist policies since the 60s that slowed the progress that Black Americans were making , and fucked up our hard working, economic empowerment geared culture, then yes I agree with you. Everything stems from it.

Btw I'm torn on use of church. I'm an atheist, but clearly when you look at all the HBCUs built by the African Methodist Church organization ,and how many strong communities were built around churches , I have less scorn for them.

I've had police put their hand on their weapons and tell me not to move, twice. So, yeah it's something I have to worry about.


NEW YORK (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase & Co has agreed to pay $55 million to settle a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit accusing it of discriminating against minority borrowers by allowing mortgage brokers to charge them more for home loans, a person familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.

The U.S. Justice Department complaint, filed in Manhattan federal court on Wednesday, accused the bank of willfully violating the U.S. Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act between 2006 and 2009 and showing “reckless disregard” for the rights of at least 53,000 African-American and Hispanic borrowers.

So yeah this shit does exist and the suit was filed by the Justice department.

And fuck Thomas Sowell. He's the house negro you coon republicans like to throw at as some type of intellect when he isn't. And stop throwing out Killer Mike like he represents all black people.

You're just the Paris Dennard of bgol.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I've had police put their hand on their weapons and tell me not to move, twice. So, yeah it's something I have to worry about.


So yeah this shit does exist and the suit was filed by the Justice department.

And fuck Thomas Sowell. He's the house negro you coon republicans like to throw at as some type of intellect when he isn't. And stop throwing out Killer Mike like he represents all black people.

You're just the Paris Dennard of bgol.
So since I asked you about YOU in tbe first example , I have to accept your enecdotal response that proves why you're so scared if. Police ansnwhyball Black people should be. Cool. Fuck the data. I asked and you answered.

then your next example instead of the anecdotal you switch to some article. And it talks about how one policy from govt that was supposed to get everybody into home owning even with poor credit and no money down , made shit even worse for them. But you still wanna leave it in the hands of that govt.

you can always tell when someone is criticizing someone theyge actually never READ because that's exactly what Sowell stresses. while you rely on govt to feed you and these "Black leaders" to tell you what you wanna hear , a person who's only background is economics , tells the cold facts. He ain't a leader. He's an economist. One of the top scholars in it, period.

Whoever you compare me to , rememeber I don't respect your opinion enough to give a. shit. You're bgols Angela Rye. You're also just one of the Bgol sheep.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
So since I asked you about YOU in tbe first example , I have to accept your enecdotal response that proves why you're so scared if. Police ansnwhyball Black people should be. Cool. Fuck the data. I asked and you answered.

then your next example instead of the anecdotal you switch to some article. And it talks about how one policy from govt that was supposed to get everybody into home owning even with poor credit and no money down , made shit even worse for them. But you still wanna leave it in the hands of that govt.

you can always tell when someone is criticizing someone theyge actually never READ because that's exactly what Sowell stresses. while you rely on govt to feed you and these "Black leaders" to tell you what you wanna hear , a person who's only background is economics , tells the cold facts. He ain't a leader. He's an economist. One of the top scholars in it, period.

Whoever you compare me to , rememeber I don't respect your opinion enough to give a. shit. You're bgols Angela Rye. You're also just one of the Bgol sheep.


You said banks don't discriminate.
I posted an article where Trump's justice department said they did.
So the justice department has evidence that a bank discriminated against black people. You have your feelings.

So, did the justice department say that JP Morgan Chase participated in discriminatory lending practices against tens of thousands black and brown people?
This goes directly against your assertion that they don't.

"The word 'racism' is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you a 'racist.'"
"Facts are not liberals' strong suit. Rhetoric is."
"The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department."
"The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive."
"What 'multiculturalism' boils down to is that you can praise any culture in the world except Western culture - and you cannot blame any culture in the world except Western culture."

So for someone whose only background is economics, he sure does say a lot of shot that has nothing to do with economics, and damn sure aren't cold facts.

Just like every other Republican, you run with the talking points they give you, but they're easily debunked. You just get propagandized and programmed to think you're right.

And if it wasn't for the government stepping in and not leaving it up to the private market you worship, your (allegedly) black ass would still have to drink at black only water fountains and not eat at white only food counters.


Rising Star
OG Investor

You said banks don't discriminate.
I posted an article where Trump's justice department said they did.
So the justice department has evidence that a bank discriminated against black people. You have your feelings.

So, did the justice department say that JP Morgan Chase participated in discriminatory lending practices against tens of thousands black and brown people?
This goes directly against your assertion that they don't.

"The word 'racism' is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you a 'racist.'"
"Facts are not liberals' strong suit. Rhetoric is."
"The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department."
"The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive."
"What 'multiculturalism' boils down to is that you can praise any culture in the world except Western culture - and you cannot blame any culture in the world except Western culture."

So for someone whose only background is economics, he sure does say a lot of shot that has nothing to do with economics, and damn sure aren't cold facts.

Just like every other Republican, you run with the talking points they give you, but they're easily debunked. You just get propagandized and programmed to think you're right.

And if it wasn't for the government stepping in and not leaving it up to the private market you worship, your (allegedly) black ass would still have to drink at black only water fountains and not eat at white only food counters.

You just typed a bunch of nonsense . Leaning on quotes you don't like and since they make you FEEL uncomfortable , they no good. The quotes come from.when he's speaking in his field and they're true and relevant. Even today as you demonstrate. And Im not the one who hates tbe government. It has its place. You're the one who says it was never great on one hand, and wanting it to DO something for you on the other hand. And I didn't vote republican but you and your Democratic party platforms have surely made it worth looking into. Everything within it's time. Just like Black people saw it as with it tonjking the party of the ACTUAL KKK at one point, there are definitely times and places where we least be split. There's no need for loyalty to either party now. But y'all's only method is to threaten Jim crow coming back. Talk about sounding like coons.

Anyway, this thread is long enough and I've said enough. Any question you got for me has been answerd 20 different ways already.
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