Cassie Accuses Diddy of Rape, Domestic Violence, Verbal Abuse & More


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I’m more talking about the accusations he payed up for . He ain’t get problems for being a weirdo.
The serious claims were grape.
Sex trafficking( which someone in here said diddy was pimping her). That’s why I commented about that.
And Domestic abuse (which doesn’t make sense if he gave her his blicky to hold all the time. ) one of those got a be a lie. Who would give somebody a tuneup(beat down) and tell them hold the blicky.

As far as him being a fruitcake has nothing to do with him paying out a settlement.
Pimps ask their bitches to hold their weapons all the time… abusive gangsters tell their chicks to hold their guns, mafia, etc.. that’s been forever.. when some people fears you even with a weapon around they will be scared to use it.. some people aren’t killers or just shook


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I heard him say diddy and Jaime fox seen him having sex. I didn’t hear liked

Similar to this story about Tupac after party for how do you want it video shoot.

Yeah so why did you ask me the question when you could just click and watch the 3 minute clip as you did anyways? It was self explanatory from his statement.
The point is he admitted to Puff being apart of sex parties/orgies which have been floating for years.

Interesting he mentioned Jodeci too? One of the members was known to be abusive to Mary J. Blige, but at least he addressed his mistreatment.

Right so no funny business just their last chance
And probably timed so that they'll get settlements as more suits come out
Women seeing Cassie hit the jackpot. Why wouldn't others? Who wouldn't expect the floodgates to open? No conspiracy.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
You back
Man this woman is as ugly as homemade sin. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So far. Down.
5 black
2 white.
Niccas clearly have a self control problem.

More sarcasm

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dudes clown passport bros, but you a damn food if you shit where you eat IMO.

Every woman with a vendetta can take any guy down now here. Its not just grimy dudes either.

A woman feels you did her bad after you break up 30 years later? Thats your ass if she wants it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You either work for Diddy or he fucked you before
Nah. I just peep game. I saw this coming. Where’s your me too shirt at shorty. You support this too huh. I said on page one this a me too shake down y’all trying to pull. Hey:dunno: I was right. Ain’t gone like. Might just be the weaker species at this point. Just keep falling for the same shit.
Or maybe it’s true. Blacks are just predators. So far the list is 90% black men


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Nah. I just peep game. I saw this coming. Where’s your me too shirt at shorty. You support this too huh. I said on page one this a me too shake down y’all trying to pull. Hey:dunno: I was right. Ain’t gone like. Might just be the weaker species at this point. Just keep falling for the same shit.
Or maybe it’s true. Blacks are just predators. So far the list is 90% black men
Oh so you saying you never been to the hand check thread.

Got it.


Rising Star
To be pimping means you are profiting directly off of sex 100%. By Legal definition. And as far as her being an employee, them being in a long term relationship voids that. For instance. My friend owns a food truck business and sells food with his girl and catering. . So when they leave the state your saying that’s sex trafficking?

Legal definition
§ 230.34 Sex trafficking.
A person is guilty of sex trafficking if he or she intentionally
advances or profits from prostitution

well everyhting you typed is completely incorrect
one - you dont void an employee / employer relationship because youre in a "long term relationship" with your employee. they are still an employee .

if your friend who sells food with his girl if they were in a relationship prior to the biz and if they arent married and he still pays her- he is an employer and shes his employee - but that complicates things ONLY if they were in a relationship BEFORE they got into biz.

but if he hired her and they start a relationship that does not void out the fact that he is her employer. and any lawyer would tell him - dont .

if he takes her across states lines and pays a man to have sex with her that is what makes it sex trafficking- you dont have to profit off of it - all you have for sex trafficking is travel across state lines and payment for the express purpose of a sex act .

if he sexually harassed her into a relationship and she has PROOF that he created a stituation or work atmosphere " you have to give me sex if you want to work for me " then is in in violation of Federal workplace laws and state statues. you cant be a superior and try to date your surbordinate ( ie someone that works for you ) . its been this way for decades. if you have a job and you try to ask women who work under you for a date or to go out for drinks or that you want them romantically or just that you want to fuck them ....thats illegal and you will probably get sued.