But see this is whats so crazy
Dudes are like shes always been about the bag she's just doing it for the money
She left Puffy over a year or more ago ...for a nigga that is a trainer - if a chick is a gold digger she's not gonna do that ...leave a multi multi multi millionaire for a dude that at best earns about as much as a manager at Starbucks.
If she just wanted the dough from.puffy she would have sued for money right after she left ..not live "broke" for however long and now years later go "oh now imma go after his pockets..."
That shit makes no logical sense - Amber Heard who faked most of her shit lied on Johnny Depp and sued him for millions right after he divorced her ass. She didn't wait a few years . She was always about the bag ....
And here's the thing - unlike Puffy who has WAY more money than Johnny Depp - Johnny Depp fought and WON ....he denied everything she alleged about him being abusive ...anywhere and everywhere...again unlike Puffy.
But here is the kicker - there ain't ONE person. Celebrity or employee not even the fucking maid saying " nah Puffy didn't do any of that stuff "...not one person is saying " nah she's exaggerating "
None of the people she names as witnesses are saying "I didnt see that " or " i don't know about any of that " or " that didn't happen "
But hey - you wanna say Puffy didn't do it ..shrug ...
I overall agree with the J.Depp comparison. The only and maybe important difference is Puff and Cassie weren't married. This could explain why Cassie didnt initially try to get money.
It could also be that Puff did something to trigger her. For example, him calling himself brother love or the time he mentioned her at whatever award show. Maybe she talked with someone who coached her to ask for money. Whatever her reason or how she wants to see him punished ( financially in this instance) isn't up for any of us to decide.
I also agree it's weird that no one is coming out speaking to Puff's character. The other part is people could be quite due to being guilty of something themselves. For example, no one wants to put themselves into a situation like Mark Curry has done.
If I were famous or even rich, I'd be concerned. In my teens or early 20s, it wasn't uncommon to do things that would be considered sexual assault today. Technically I guess it always was, but most people men or women only really counted rape or forcing yourself on someone.