Celtics coach Ime Udoka suspended for the entire 2022-2023 season for his role in a consensual relationship w/ female staff member


Rising Star
Or A high profile celebrity that was publicly embarrassed by a mfkr that "they" told her was beneath her / no good for her, yet she still invested 8 precious yrs of life cultivating and growing with him regardless.......

He embarrassed her in public, she's gonna keep his L's coming......in public.

She hid their relationship and kid for the most part.....so for all of this to be so public...... c'mon man
nia did not want to come to the conclusion that this man was not worth her time or investment

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Standard spitefull baby mama moves. :smh:
Yeah, she feels the public shame and will weaponize the child. Instead of both parents saying it is what it is and continuing to do what's best for the kid, shit will get petty and put lawyers kids through college.

So all of a sudden he ain't a good dad because one of his affairs went public? FOH.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, she feels the public shame and will weaponize the child. Instead of both parents saying it is what it is and continuing to do what's best for the kid, shit will get petty and put lawyers kids through college.

So all of a sudden he ain't a good dad because one of his affairs went public? FOH.
He's missing child support payments...why?
Well his affairs went public, his employer frowned upon his activities, so then he lost his pay .....

So yeah, if as a father / co-parent you're supposed to support the child and if your actions put you in a position where you can no longer do that AND they're in different states so he's not visiting........I guess he's not a "good" father then.

He could be a hell of a guy, not throwing shots or kicking him when he's down, but this dude really fucked up. Shit is gonna be bad at times and maybe for a while, he's gotta weather this storm so when he gets back up, like Up- UP, he can make sure that shit is equally as public.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's missing child support payments...why?
Well his affairs went public, his employer frowned upon his activities, so then he lost his pay .....

So yeah, if as a father / co-parent you're supposed to support the child and if your actions put you in a position where you can no longer do that AND they're in different states so he's not visiting........I guess he's not a "good" father then.

He could be a hell of a guy, not throwing shots or kicking him when he's down, but this dude really fucked up. Shit is gonna be bad at times and maybe for a while, he's gotta weather this storm so when he gets back up, like Up- UP, he can make sure that shit is equally as public.
Where are you reading that his missed child support payments or that child support is even involved? See this is my problem with the system. Women and apparently some men think child support is mandatory regardless of the situation. She can be in her feelings all day about the man and she has that right, but unless it can be shown that the man is for sure not seeing his kid or paying half of the kids expenses, child shouldn’t even be on the table. Yall be low key brainwashed into thinking it’s a necessary thing. I was just talking to one of my former troops and he was going through it with his baby mama about custody and child support. Not because he doesn’t have the time and resources to keep his son half the time just because the standard practice in CS court here in Texas is to give the man every other weekend and two Thurdsays a month. The man is literally asking for custody of his kid an equal amount of time, but the mother would rather have child support payments and her son to see his father less. This is the bullshit that exists with child support. We don’t know the details of how Idoka supports his sons, but given his and her income bracket I‘d venture to say money is not a problem.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Where are you reading that his missed child support payments or that child support is even involved? See this is my problem with the system. Women and apparently some men think child support is mandatory regardless of the situation. She can be in her feelings all day about the man and she has that right, but unless it can be shown that the man is for sure not seeing his kid or paying half of the kids expenses, child shouldn’t even be on the table. Yall be low key brainwashed into thinking it’s a necessary thing. I was just talking to one of my former troops and he was going through it with his baby mama about custody and child support. Not because he doesn’t have the time and resources to keep his son half the time just because the standard practice in CS court here in Texas is to give the man every other weekend and two Thurdsays a month. The man is literally asking for custody of his kid an equal amount of time, but the mother would rather have child support payments and her son to see his father less. This is the bullshit that exists with child support. We don’t know the details of how Idoka supports his sons, but given his and her income bracket I‘d venture to say money is not a problem.
He failed to "support" his son.....whatever that means. The mfkr can't pay the private school tuition. He can't pay the Medical Insurance ...he hasn't come to see him.......

whatever that means. Hell you're right CS may not be involved, which I hope it's not. That system is fucked and only aims to rob /belittle men, black men especially.......

But he made this bed. Let's not act like he is just some regular dude, this was some regular family and this shit happens every day across America.

This mfkr made her shit hot for like 2-3 weeks and devastated her household (with other kids involved) permanently......


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
. This is the bullshit that exists with child support. We don’t know the details of how Idoka supports his sons, but given his and her income bracket I‘d venture to say money is not a problem.

You know there are mfkrs making $600k/yr that live check to check too right?

So if mfkrs like that are check to check, a mfkr that made $2-$3 mil should be straight, but his lifestyle is different ......

And then factor in he forfeited at least half his salary due to that suspension........


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey she could just be being bitter and spiteful.....

I could be giving her too much grace.....

But again a woman that stays low until her projects come out was in the public spotlight for a very embarrassing reason for damn near a month........

Can you blame her for being spiteful? This isn't Keisha in the hood, mad her stamps ain't coming or that he won't keep giving her dick and money.....

This woman was made a fucking fool
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55th View

Rising Star
Did they ever shed light on whose wife he fucked? You'd think it was the owner, the way this shit was handled.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He failed to "support" his son.....whatever that means. The mfkr can't pay the private school tuition. He can't pay the Medical Insurance ...he hasn't come to see him.......

whatever that means. Hell you're right CS may not be involved, which I hope it's not. That system is fucked and only aims to rob /belittle men, black men especially.......

But he made this bed. Let's not act like he is just some regular dude, this was some regular family and this shit happens every day across America.

This mfkr made her shit hot for like 2-3 weeks and devastated her household (with other kids involved) permanently......
Stop the cap bruh. She suffered embarrassment she didn't lose any work over this. Like I said she has right to be mad, but nothing you're talking about has anything to do with trying get primary custody or child support and again nobody knows his involvement in his kid's life. She filed in HER court request that he didn't support the child with zero context. She can say anything in her request and she would need to say that to achieve primary custody regardless if he is or isn't so I'm not speculating on his involvement with their kid. What I do know is that when a woman makes effort to take a man out of their child's life without legitimate proof he's being a deadbeat dad, it's majority of the time some "In my feelings shit" and not actually about support of their child. That's fucked up regardless.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stop the cap bruh. She suffered embarrassment she didn't lose any work over this. Like I said she has right to be mad, but nothing you're talking about has anything to do with trying get primary custody or child support and again nobody knows his involvement in his kid's life. She filed in HER court request that he didn't support the child with zero context. She can say anything in her request and she would need to say that to achieve primary custody regardless if he is or isn't so I'm not speculating on his involvement with their kid. What I do know is that when a woman makes effort to take a man out of their child's life without legitimate proof he's being a deadbeat dad, it's majority of the time some "In my feelings shit" and not actually about support of their child. That's fucked up regardless.
She didn't say no visitation. She "reportedly did ask the judge to allow him a reasonable opportunity to visit his son as long as it was 'consistent with the child's best interest.'"

So she's not saying "F that dude kick rocks."
It appears to be more like "You're fucking up in regards to me, but you can still come see him as long as he wants to and etc..."
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stop the cap bruh. She suffered embarrassment she didn't lose any work over this. Like I said she has right to be mad, but nothing you're talking about has anything to do with trying get primary custody or child support and again nobody knows his involvement in his kid's life. She filed in HER court request that he didn't support the child with zero context. She can say anything in her request and she would need to say that to achieve primary custody regardless if he is or isn't so I'm not speculating on his involvement with their kid. What I do know is that when a woman makes effort to take a man out of their child's life without legitimate proof he's being a deadbeat dad, it's majority of the time some "In my feelings shit" and not actually about support of their child. That's fucked up regardless.
Didn't lose work?

She couldn't leave her house without mfkrs judging her.
And paps were swarming to get a pic of her grabbing fucking coffee a few days after the scandal broke.......

So she might have lost work.......

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She didn't say no visitation. She "reportedly did ask the judge to allow him a reasonable opportunity to visit his son as long as it was 'consistent with the child's best interest.'"

So she's not saying F that dude kick rocks. You're failing on this aspect, but you can still come see him and etc......
I'm not failing to understand anything. I have kids and know enough about these situations. She wants to control access to her kid with him is all that means. It's amazing you can understand her being extremely upset about this situation, but somehow completely ignore that fact that this can easily lead into doing this out of vengeance. It's not a far step to take in these situations. Breaks ups/divorce with have you ALL the way in your feelings. It's takes a lot to put that shit aside to focus on your kids' happiness.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Where are you reading that his missed child support payments or that child support is even involved? See this is my problem with the system. Women and apparently some men think child support is mandatory regardless of the situation.
Why would dude not be expected to help cover some of the costs of raising his kid? This ain't Tyrone with ten kids paying child support from his minimum wage job.

55th View

Rising Star
Damn, he lost Nia Long over THIS?


Da Backshot Champ

Rising Star
The bitch couldn't even be worthy enough of being a wife, LOL! The bitch was living the life of an average Black bitch working at Target, babymom status and proud as fuck!

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why would dude not be expected to help cover some of the costs of raising his kid? This ain't Tyrone with ten kids paying child support from his minimum wage job.
Where did I say he wasn’t expected to pay the costs for raising his kid? I literally said all costs should be split equally between both parties. My issue is that women take advantage of courts bias that mandated child support is a must. The CS process involves zero vetting on whether a man has been contributing to expenses and time before ordering somebody to pay. We have no idea what his level of involvement in his kid’s life is. Financial or otherwise.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Where did I say he wasn’t expected to pay the costs for raising his kid? I literally said all costs should be split equally between both parties. My issue is that women take advantage of courts bias that mandated child support is a must. The CS process involves zero vetting on whether a man has been contributing to expenses and time before ordering somebody to pay. We have no idea what his level of involvement in his kid’s life is. Financial or otherwise.
See this is my problem with the system. Women and apparently some men think child support is mandatory regardless of the situation.
I wasn't sure what you meant by this statement.

I'm thinking of child support as a loose term to define helping with the financial responsibilities of the kid(s) regardless of court involvement.

You're treating it has a strictly legal term that is defined by the courts.

With that being said, child support isn't mandatory if two people can equally agree on the costs and both parties can stay level headed. Obviously, this scenario is pretty rare.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wasn't sure what you meant by this statement.

I'm thinking of child support as a loose term to define helping with the financial responsibilities of the kid(s) regardless of court involvement.

You're treating it has a strictly legal term that is defined by the courts.

With that being said, child support isn't mandatory if two people can equally agree on the costs and both parties can stay level headed. Obviously, this scenario is pretty rare.
Well yeah, when you take it to the court it becomes legal ,but my point is that process never favors the man even if he's doing everything he should. I gave an example of a guy I used to supervise dealing with the system even though he has the money with receipts and time to watch his son half the time they pushing to make him a weekend dad because his baby momma is in her feelings and wants it that way. I know this guy, he's a good dude and was about his son from the jump. Even after he broke up with his girl.
To my point earlier of whether Udoka is taking care of his son, nobody knows, but in his tax bracket and Nia's I seriously doubt it's a money issue and most likely done for spite. If he is neglecting his son, I'm all for the court getting involved, but what's the history to show this? They were together for over a decade raising the boy and now he's all of a sudden a deadbeat dad? I'm not buying it personally.:dunno:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I can't hate on her for this. She downplayed getting married for years saying it wasn't necessary. She finally breaks down decides to get engaged and eventually get married and be a full on family.

Dude fucked her over pretty bad. If he was having second thoughts, he should have dealt with it the proper way and talked to his fiance.

Instead he blows up both his family and career fucking around with executive's wives.

To be honest, she probably only asking for full custody so she won't have to pay child support to him.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't hate on her for this. She downplayed getting married for years saying it wasn't necessary. She finally breaks down decides to get engaged and eventually get married and be a full on family.

Dude fucked her over pretty bad. If he was having second thoughts, he should have dealt with it the proper way and talked to his fiance.

Instead he blows up both his family and career fucking around with executive's wives.

To be honest, she probably only asking for full custody so she won't have to pay child support to him.
This is a good point I missed......

Also she can make decisions regarding the child without having to ask him.

"X wants to be in a play."
"He wants to get a teenager job."
"Wants to go to Jersey to visit my parents for the summer."

And there's nothing he can say about it.....

Unlike with Halle Berry, her ex got joint custody. This petty mfkr here said the son has to go to individual and family therapy, but the new boyfriend (Van Hunt) cannot participate in any activities.......


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't hate on her for this. She downplayed getting married for years saying it wasn't necessary. She finally breaks down decides to get engaged and eventually get married and be a full on family.

Dude fucked her over pretty bad. If he was having second thoughts, he should have dealt with it the proper way and talked to his fiance.

Instead he blows up both his family and career fucking around with executive's wives.

To be honest, she probably only asking for full custody so she won't have to pay child support to him.

Oh word she's paid like that? Udo gets paid 6.75 million next season.

What does she do for a living?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Where did I say he wasn’t expected to pay the costs for raising his kid? I literally said all costs should be split equally between both parties. My issue is that women take advantage of courts bias that mandated child support is a must. The CS process involves zero vetting on whether a man has been contributing to expenses and time before ordering somebody to pay. We have no idea what his level of involvement in his kid’s life is. Financial or otherwise.
You realize ALL of this could have easily been avoided by doing one simple thing.... I'm a let you say what Ime could have done to not be in this position...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You can be dismissive if you want...but you know it's the truth.

You wanna talk about her getting up in her feelings but he clearly has impulse control issues and it fucked up his family.

Ime traded his FAMILY for some basic white couch several times and you think that's fine??

Everything can't be compartmentalized.