Celtics coach Ime Udoka suspended for the entire 2022-2023 season for his role in a consensual relationship w/ female staff member


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Man, these motherfuckers are scrambling to find something, anything to stomp this cat. If I'm reading this correctly, he used 'crude language to the woman BEFORE the relationship started and she still went on with it?

Man, it's some fuckery going on here.

You not wrong

But Ime is

Period full stop

Cause guess what

If he didn't f*ck her or f*ck with her?

None of this would have happened.

Before we point fingers and measure blame

We need to acknowledge the Black man in America is a walking target.

He had one if the rarest prominent positions in America

He was a role model and potentially able to bring a whole lot of black folk in behind him

He had a responsibility whether he wanted it our not.

He could have just went home. Or hired a chick. Or sleep with someone NOT in the company.

Ime gotta hold this L.

I am with critiquing Boston the Celtics the rules inequities espn etc etc

But we need to strongly remember

Not just mention in passing

Ime f*cked up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You not wrong

But Ime is

Period full stop

Cause guess what

If he didn't f*ck her or f*ck with her?

None of this would have happened.

Before we point fingers and measure blame

We need to acknowledge the Black man in America is a walking target.

He had one if the rarest prominent positions in America

He was a role model and potentially able to bring a whole lot of black folk in behind him

He had a responsibility whether he wanted it our not.

He could have just went home. Or hired a chick. Or sleep with someone NOT in the company.

Ime gotta hold this L.

I am with critiquing Boston the Celtics the rules inequities espn etc etc

But we need to strongly remember

Not just mention in passing

Ime f*cked up.
OJ ain't taught these mofos nothing! Niggas still gettin caught with their hand in cookie jar :smh: :smh: :smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Tell it all. Expose everyone's dirty little secrets in the league. From Adam Silver on down.

Burn it all down on your way out Ime!

Oh he ain't never ever gonna do that.

And why would you want him to do that?

So you want black players coaches gms etc and their families to suffer?

Cause it will NEVER be the same punishment especially from the public as opposed to their white male counterparts.

He messed up.

Now let him do his penance and hopefully be able to get another coaching position.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh he ain't never ever gonna do that.

And why would you want him to do that?

So you want black players coaches gms etc and their families to suffer?

Cause it will NEVER be the same punishment especially from the public as opposed to their white male counterparts.

He messed up.

Now let him do his penance and hopefully be able to get another coaching position.

You extrapolated a whole lot out of the words I wrote there. You put that spin on it, not me. Whatever floats your boat though.

You can't say what a guy will or won't ever do.

Not many thought their idol Kobe would rat on Shaq when he was in that interrogation room trying to make it all go away.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You extrapolated a whole lot out of the words I wrote there. You put that spin on it, not me. Whatever floats your boat though.

You can't say what a guy will or won't ever do.

Not many thought their idol Kobe would rat on Shaq when he was in that interrogation room trying to make it all go away.

that was cold but true.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You extrapolated a whole lot out of the words I wrote there. You put that spin on it, not me. Whatever floats your boat though.

You can't say what a guy will or won't ever do.

Not many thought their idol Kobe would rat on Shaq when he was in that interrogation room trying to make it all go away.

OK so what were you saying with your post?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Gone for a year huh?


Ime ain't coming back because he can't be trusted.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, these motherfuckers are scrambling to find something, anything to stomp this cat. If I'm reading this correctly, he used 'crude language to the woman BEFORE the relationship started and she still went on with it?

Man, it's some fuckery going on here.

Any and everything will be done to frame this as anything but the consensual relationship it was...


Transnational Member
The reason women pursue you 10x more while in a relationship is because of the masculine energy you give off. They see the meals that your wife/girlfriend is making slaving over a hot stove. They see your clothes neatly pressed and ironed. They see her not manspreading

What is he doing to her in the bedroom to get her like that. I want what she is getting. It is the same thing with fiends seeing somebody drop and get rescued with Narcan. They want to get that same high and will line up.

I have caught women staring at a home cooked meal I have brought in, fantasizing.

The grim fact is that for many people with opioid use disorder, the lethality of a particular batch of drugs isn't a deterrent – it's an attraction, says Howard Samuels, chief executive officer of The Hills Treatment Center in Los Angeles. Samuels, 60, speaks from experience: He's been in recovery from heroin addiction for more than 30 years.

"When I was on the streets of New York, when we heard a brand of heroin was causing people to overdose and killing them, we wanted that brand of heroin so badly," Samuels says. "We thought the people who were dying didn't know how to shoot it [properly]. I thought [overdosing] won't happen to me." This mindset is illogical, but it makes sense to someone struggling with substance use disorder, because denial is a hallmark of addiction, Samuels says. "It's all about denial and rationalization," he says. "I was shooting heroin and thought I was still in control. It was absolutely crazy."
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You not wrong

But Ime is

Period full stop

Cause guess what

If he didn't f*ck her or f*ck with her?

None of this would have happened.

Before we point fingers and measure blame

We need to acknowledge the Black man in America is a walking target.

He had one if the rarest prominent positions in America

He was a role model and potentially able to bring a whole lot of black folk in behind him

He had a responsibility whether he wanted it our not.

He could have just went home. Or hired a chick. Or sleep with someone NOT in the company.

Ime gotta hold this L.

I am with critiquing Boston the Celtics the rules inequities espn etc etc

But we need to strongly remember

Not just mention in passing

Ime f*cked up.
All facts!


Transnational Member

Most of the women have unknowingly interacted with the side chick. In the case of Nia Long, she was having her travel arrangements setup by this women, she could feel that energy, where she gave up her freedom to be subjugated by him willingly. Women can pick up that wavelength of dominate masculine energy being imposed on another women in the bedroom. They see you eating homecooked meals, clothes neatly pressed by your wife/girlfriend, her obsessively calling you while she is in a nearby office.

It is wife/girlfriend, that is attracting the side chick to the relationship, it isn't the man chasing after her.

It is the opposite of slavery where a person voluntarily gives up their freedom, and chooses not to escape even if given a chance. With slavery, the first chance somebody gets, they are taking off like me. This is why I ask from time to time that they are free to leave, and most women decline, I want you to continue my subjugation where I am better off than being a women that roams freely.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Transnational Member

You have to be careful in a roommate situation where a seal is next to another women that is single. You might try to mount her with the door closed thinking she won't know, she knows what you are doing and you are creating trauma slowly changing her to a side chick. You could have just wrapped up a session and she can see her roommate slowly regaining her senses. Why can't that be me getting mounted that way by him, I can feel his masculine energy just dominating her.

She can see the voluntary subjugation afterwards which makes her want you more, and will accept you on the side knowing you won't leave your wife/girlfriend initially. This is the highest, most intense level of this behavior. It is like you are having sex with both women.

I blame Nia Long for causing this drama, creating this desperate married side chick that threw herself at Ime after hearing her out of breath on the phone. As a man, we will always take the blame for something we did not cause.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If this dude was fucking the owners wife he will never get another job in the NBA.
It's not that hard getting pussy especially if you are a celebrity.
Him fucking the owners wife (If True) was a direct attack on the owner.
It had nothing to do with pussy.



Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
If this dude was fucking the owners wife he will never get another job in the NBA.
It's not that hard getting pussy especially if you are a celebrity.
Him fucking the owners wife (If True) was a direct attack on the owner.
It had nothing to do with pussy.
they got like 50 million minority owners as part of the group. curious who's wife it is

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For those that'll come talking about her looks we know how this works.

It's all about proximity. She was there, he's a cheater and he wanted to fuck.

Of course he wouldn't go after her in any other situation but working closely together, of course.

And knowing Ime he probably said something like "Your mouth is there, my dick is not"!


That was the first time, the next time it was "My dick is here, your mouth is not"!
