It has nothing to do with what he looked like. It was out of respect. That man never came out and said he was sick so who the fuck am I to sit here and tell him he is? I'll be the first to say I was wrong. I wish I was right. Wish we still had that brotha here but if you want o take the time out to make these type of comments go ahead. This a fucked up one right here.a lot of dumb muthafuckas earlier in this thread, ya can't tell a sick person when ya see one??
RIP CHAD so young. yea but those stool exam nothing like a colonoscopy, which will detect polyps at a early change. This procedure is the only way to go!!! especially if you have family history of it.... you sleep the entire time and dont feel anything... I just hate the prep the day before when you have to completely clean the colon out its likes diarehha thats completely comes out like water!!!do tell... how do we get this done?
my pops died of colon cancer in 85, i mean no disrespect and this shit hurts, i wrote that post cause i was surprised to see this merged wit the "is he sick" thread and more surprised how many ppl were giving the op shitIt has nothing to do with what he looked like. It was out of respect. That man never came out and said he was sick so who the fuck am I to sit here and tell him he is? I'll be the first to say I was wrong. I wish I was right. Wish we still had that brotha here but if you want o take the time out to make these type of comments go ahead. This a fucked up one right here.
Yeah I was definitely one of them. Maybe I didn't want it to be true. It just didn't sit well with me personally telling someone they had a disease especially if they were actually battling that disease. And come to find out he was battling with it for 4 years and didn't say anything so that tells me he wanted this shit quiet. Doesn't sit well with me people trying to expose that part but it is what it is. I was wrong. OP got this one pops died of colon cancer in 85, i mean no disrespect and this shit hurts, i wrote that post cause i was surprised to see this merged wit the "is he sick" thread and more surprised how many ppl were giving the op shit
Agreed. I only happened to get tested that early because of the awareness of Blacks being susceptible and was being encouraged. I was still in uniform at the time and the Army made it a part of the physical.You’re high risk, you should’ve been test at age 40 at the latest.
Was not expecting this.
I saw the pics earlier this year and suspected something. Did not expect this.
Curious to know why he kept it hidden.
Nah he ain't gotta apologize for that. OP speculated and got it right. I will give him that but this ain't the time for people to be sitting here talking about "I Told You So" in the light of someones death. We don't do that shit.Apologize to the OP
....and it's a silly sentiment as well. You can't live like that.I get her sentiment but people sure love to tout that shit at the wrong time. My man body ain't even cold and she typing this type of shit......
Sorry for your loss Bruh. I know this just irritated a wound that's still very unexpected.
this shit hurts man.
my mom died from colon cancer last summer.
fuck cancer
Right. Shit gonna drive your ass insane living like that and your dumb ass gonna be dead by 25 doing that shit to.....and it's a silly sentiment as well. You can't live like that.
Why can't the ultimate truth bring balance and put a bullet through Trump's head?
My pops died at 54 so my time to get checked is 44