Chadwick Boseman Dies of Colon Cancer


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Practicing in the craft isn’t for everyone.

those deals Chadwick made seem to be catching up with him. I hope it was worth it!

He left a strong legacy with ‘Black Panther’ but the Faustian’s deals are no joke.



FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I've been thinking about starting to get tested recently, this may have just convinced me.

How do they test for it now and how often are you tested?
I had a digital exam for the first couple of exams at 40 and 42, but through Labs ever since.
I've had a colonoscopy at 50 and then 55 based how many polyps have been found, which have been normal...thank goodness.
They'll be like every 5 years unless some sort of issue turns up to require a more frequent exam. I have no family history of these cancers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mods, ban this nigga so he can go mourn for about a week.
Chad just turned 43. It was said he battled colon cancer for 4 years and when he was initially diagnosed he was stage 3. That would put him around age of about 37 or 38 depending on his Bday.

So he probably developed colon cancer sometime between the age of 34 to 35. Being that young and the shape he was in, it was no way for a doctor to know as they would have not suspected him of ever having anything like that.

At stage 3 it more than likely got to his liver. Generally that is terminal:smh:

Mad Genius

Avid CAC Slapper
BGOL Investor
T'Challa is gone, y'all. WTF??
