Clarence Thomas is one corrupt bastard


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's been a POS, Anita Hill said so


Transnational Member
He is code signaling something with this clear ethic violations.

I know he had issues back in the day with black women attacking him for almost speaking the truth on cannibalistic behavior. One of things I remember growing up is this push for you to go to college, loading up on debt. While you are distracted with that nonsense, your community was deindustrialized.

These fools promoted products contract manufacturing overseas. What really got me upset was the scholarships or building something on a college campus.

MKBHD is turning this around, he is selling shoes made in the USA, with unionized labor. He is saying that with the right trade policy and politically active unions, you can get a good paying job without a college degree.


Rising Star
Hunter Biden

Not good at embedding Twitter but yall get the picture.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just when you thought the Biden Family&#39;s corruption couldn&#39;t get any more repugnant or outrageous... <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) <a href="">April 2, 2022</a></blockquote>


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hunter Biden

Not good at embedding Twitter but yall get the picture.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just when you thought the Biden Family&#39;s corruption couldn&#39;t get any more repugnant or outrageous... <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) <a href="">April 2, 2022</a></blockquote>

1) Is Hunter Biden a government official, required to ethical standards?

2) Was Joe Biden an elected official or running for office when these "family crimes" occurred?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anita Hill wasn't lying but Bush needed a black House Kneegro to replace the legendary Thurgood Marshall. Dems including Joe Biden knew Thomas was an unqualified piece of shit but didn't go after him like they should have for fear of being perceived as beating up on the black man.

I will never forgive George H.W. Bush and John Danforth for getting this Judas on the Court. I hate Uncle Ruckus with a passion and my fervent hope is to be alive to see him carried to his grave. His will probably stipulates that all his pall bearers be white. :angry:
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor

If the courts can't police themselves then police shouldn't be able to police themselves either. Internal Affairs is not enough. We have to end qualified immunity and Force Police to pay for insurance. If they cannot find Insurance due to poor performance or too many lawsuits or too many settlements then they cannot keep their jobs

They're also has to be something in place to keep companies from failing to ensure minority police because we know how the fuck they do


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Hunter Biden

Not good at embedding Twitter but yall get the picture.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just when you thought the Biden Family&#39;s corruption couldn&#39;t get any more repugnant or outrageous... <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) <a href="">April 2, 2022</a></blockquote>

Where do they manufacture you niggas


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hunter Biden

Not good at embedding Twitter but yall get the picture.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just when you thought the Biden Family&#39;s corruption couldn&#39;t get any more repugnant or outrageous... <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) <a href="">April 2, 2022</a></blockquote>

This shit is so dumb. Not because I voted for the cat (I did), but because either there is evidence or there isn't! It's receipts on ole CT. That cat need to get gone! But see they are not going to move until they think they can get another Konservative in there. That nigga might be there until he kicks.


Music Producer/Writer
BGOL Investor
1) Is Hunter Biden a government official, required to ethical standards?

2) Was Joe Biden an elected official or running for office when these "family crimes" occurred?

I think these niggas are retarded or either republican agents. Why do they keep bringing up Hunter Biden like he's an elected official? Furthermore you won't hear a peep out of these same niggas when it comes to the crimes and corruption that all these Republicans are doing on the daily, they out here passing laws, Banning books, making it harder to vote, infringing on laws that they was sworn in to uphold, and etc but but Hunter Biden!!!!


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I think these niggas are retarded or either republican agents. Why do they keep bringing up Hunter Biden like he's an elected official? Furthermore you won't hear a peep out of these same niggas when it comes to the crimes and corruption that all these Republicans are doing on the daily, they out here passing laws, Banning books, making it harder to vote, infringing on laws that they was sworn in to uphold, and etc but but Hunter Biden!!!!
Shit is nuts


Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
Every Black Republican I’ve known has been there for themselves. Whatever crumbs they can get off the white folks tables. Most of the muhfuhkahs will tell you how dumb you are for not getting on the good side. For example, most who run for public offices are actually paid to run. Being a Republican is actually their hustle


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Every Black Republican I’ve known has been there for themselves. Whatever crumbs they can get off the white folks tables. Most of the muhfuhkahs will tell you how dumb you are for not getting on the good side. For example, most who run for public offices are actually paid to run. Being a Republican is actually their hustle
That's always been the downside of being black ( descendants from slavery). We literally come from nothing, which means white people will always find a sellout to buy, sometimes many. Because there's a large quantity of lazy dudes, who can't figure out how to get it themselves, just waiting to sellout in supply....


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
That's always been the downside of being black ( descendants from slavery). We literally come from nothing, which means white people will always find a sellout to buy, sometimes many. Because there's a large quantity of lazy dudes, who can't figure out how to get it themselves, just waiting to sellout in supply....
Some of them niggas lazy

Some of them bitch ass niggas scared because they know they ain't got what it takes to make it in or out of the trenches without sucking white pecker tips

Some of you bitch ass niggas are legit just dumb and I'm saying you because I know you fuckers are reading this just like you read the dumb shit you be smacking that like button on witcho dumb ass

Funny shit is it's largely an illusion and you gotta be the tip top percentile of coons to even get a marginally tangible piece of the cracka's promises


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Some of them niggas lazy

Some of them bitch ass niggas scared because they know they ain't got what it takes to make it in or out of the trenches without sucking white pecker tips

Some of you bitch ass niggas are legit just dumb and I'm saying you because I know you fuckers are reading this just like you read the dumb shit you be smacking that like button on witcho dumb ass

Funny shit is it's largely an illusion and you gotta be the tip top percentile of coons to even get a marginally tangible piece of the cracka's promises
too many dudes without any pride....


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
reichpublicans will try like fuck to hold onto that seat. with a death grip.

I really hope the dems get a solid majority in Congress so they can throw these incompetent motherfuckers out. I'm not saying everybody ain't getting a taste, I'm saying these motherfuckers are too incompetent, or arrogant to keep the shit on the low.

And Hunter Biden? Seriously? The fucking FBI and other alphabets investigated him and found nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch. That horse ain't got no flesh on the bones and mofos still beating him.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Hunter Biden

Not good at embedding Twitter but yall get the picture.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just when you thought the Biden Family&#39;s corruption couldn&#39;t get any more repugnant or outrageous... <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) <a href="">April 2, 2022</a></blockquote>



My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Some of them niggas lazy

Some of them bitch ass niggas scared because they know they ain't got what it takes to make it in or out of the trenches without sucking white pecker tips

Some of you bitch ass niggas are legit just dumb and I'm saying you because I know you fuckers are reading this just like you read the dumb shit you be smacking that like button on witcho dumb ass

Funny shit is it's largely an illusion and you gotta be the tip top percentile of coons to even get a marginally tangible piece of the cracka's promises

I'ma say this though.

Sometimes, niggas be working on some undercover shit. I rented this property one time from this old racist white lady. I was in her office talking to her about the lease when this nigga comes in, one of her tenants as the lady was blabbing to me about Obama, and talking about how she loves Trump. Next thing I know, this Uncle Ruckus ass nigga starts talking bout how he was a conservative, and he think trump is good for the country and all that shit. I'm sitting there thinking I have a Stephen from Django on my hands and he was gonna be her watchdog, watching me.

A month later I saw that fool and he was talking all kind of shit about that white lady, lol. He was in big violation of his lease too, but he was keeping that shit on the low. So all that coon shit was for show to fake out that cac, nigga rolled up a blunt and passed it to me, lmao.
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