Clarence Thomas is one corrupt bastard

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The WHOLE SYSTEM is corrupted by the powers that shouldnt be,

why are we focusing on the PUPPETS like Clarance..


thats why we keep doing the same shit over and over, and expecting different


We have to stop being pawns on a chessboard.

Locate the head of snake... and regulate!!

we so caught up in the mindfuckery we dont even KNOW

who or where the head of the snake is..!!

that needs to start yesterday...

The powers that shouldnt be.. Need to NOT BE!!

and we sleeping to long!!

thats why they are mind fuckin you to make WOKE such a dirty word,


yall dont hear me tho!!!


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
The WHOLE SYSTEM is corrupted by the powers that shouldnt be,

why are we focusing on the PUPPETS like Clarance..


thats why we keep doing the same shit over and over, and expecting different


We have to stop being pawns on a chessboard.

Locate the head of snake... and regulate!!

we so caught up in the mindfuckery we dont even KNOW

who or where the head of the snake is..!!

that needs to start yesterday...

The powers that shouldnt be.. Need to NOT BE!!

and we sleeping to long!!

thats why they are mind fuckin you to make WOKE such a dirty word,


yall dont hear me tho!!!

Well said.

Clarence will be dead and gone, replaced by another doing their dirty work.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well said.

Clarence will be dead and gone, replaced by another doing their dirty work.

Exactly bruh..

Bruh the powers that shouldn't be

Was shitting bricks when Epstein got busted

The world wanted answers and were closing in.

Then when shit went high up to your boy

Prince Andrew .. bruh six months later.they shut the whole world down

And made muthafuckas wear mask as if tosay

Y'all better shut the fuck up..

They think it worked.

Big Bang

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The WHOLE SYSTEM is corrupted by the powers that shouldnt be,

why are we focusing on the PUPPETS like Clarance..


thats why we keep doing the same shit over and over, and expecting different


We have to stop being pawns on a chessboard.

Locate the head of snake... and regulate!!

we so caught up in the mindfuckery we dont even KNOW

who or where the head of the snake is..!!

that needs to start yesterday...

The powers that shouldnt be.. Need to NOT BE!!

and we sleeping to long!!

thats why they are mind fuckin you to make WOKE such a dirty word,


yall dont hear me tho!!!
Sincere question. Who are THEY? Who are the “powers that shouldn’t be” and the puppeteers and how do we deal with them?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sincere question. Who are THEY? Who are the “powers that shouldn’t be” and the puppeteers and how do we deal with them?

Demonic Parasitic Zionist Banking families who hire think

Tanks to wage war on us on a psychological biological financial and physical ..(,police state in our communities for example of physical war they wage).

You deal with them by getting your mind body and soul RIGHT

Know that they are fucking with you..

And this will set karmic action in motion...

Keep you and your environment clean and free from negative energy.

As you become the best person you can be for yourself your family your community and your people.

Next Question

Big Bang

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Demonic Parasitic Zionist Banking families who hire think

Tanks to wage war on us on a psychological biological financial and physical ..(,police state in our communities for example of physical war they wage).

You deal with them by getting your mind body and soul RIGHT

Know that they are fucking with you..

And this will set karmic action in motion...

Keep you and your environment clean and free from negative energy.

As you become the best person you can be for yourself your family your community and your people.

Next Question
Thanks. Your answer was enlightening. Apparently, I’m already doing what I need to be doing.

Big Bang

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you just refused to read any of the related articles where they literally give specific names huh? Congratulations.
Uh, I didn’t “refuse” anything. I just clicked “jump to new” and asked a question.

You just jumped to conclusions. Congratulations!


Rising Star
Uh, I didn’t “refuse” anything. I just clicked “jump to new” and asked a question.

You just jumped to conclusions. Congratulations!
Have you read it yet or not?

If you took THAT response from Freddy at face value then god bless you, dog.

Big Bang

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Have you read it yet or not?

If you took THAT response from Freddy at face value then god bless you, dog.
If “if” was a spliff we’d all be high.

Appreciate your concern with what I have or haven’t read. Don’t trouble yourself.

God bless you too….dog.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor

Clarence Thomas' lawyer says a billionaire bought his mom's house because it was in a 'blighted' neighborhood full of 'junkies' and they wanted to help her keep living there​

  • Billionaire Harlan Crow bought Clarence Thomas' mom's house — which the justice partly owned — in 2014.
  • The sale was undisclosed, raising questions about the ethics of billionaires secretly doing business with Supreme Court justices.
  • Thomas' lawyers now say the secret deal happened in part because of the terrible conditions of the neighborhood.
Earlier this year, we learned that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas secretly sold his childhood home, which his mother still lives in, to billionaire Harlan Crow in 2014. The justice was a one-third owner of the property at the time. Despite the obvious ethical concerns of a Supreme Court justice doing business with a billionaire, the sale was never disclosed, and only came to light thanks to ProPublica's reporting.

Today, in light of Thomas' most recent financial disclosure, which, wouldn't you know it, suddenly details all sorts of ties to Crow, the Supreme Court justice's lawyer released a statement defending the home's sale.

"In 2014, Harlan Crow, a longtime friend of Justice and Mrs. Thomas, visited Savannah with Justice Thomas," the statement from Elliot S. Berke reads. "Mr. Crow witnessed firsthand how the neighborhood was blighted and dangerous with derelicts, drug users, and junkies, notably in the house next to the Justice's mother and in the other houses on her street."

Thomas joined the Supreme Court in 1991, meaning that in 2014, when his mother was still living in a neighborhood "blighted and dangerous with derelicts, drug users, and junkies," he'd been one of the most powerful people in the country for more than 22 years.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The WHOLE SYSTEM is corrupted by the powers that shouldnt be,

why are we focusing on the PUPPETS like Clarance..


thats why we keep doing the same shit over and over, and expecting different


We have to stop being pawns on a chessboard.

Locate the head of snake... and regulate!!

we so caught up in the mindfuckery we dont even KNOW

who or where the head of the snake is..!!

that needs to start yesterday...

The powers that shouldnt be.. Need to NOT BE!!

and we sleeping to long!!

thats why they are mind fuckin you to make WOKE such a dirty word,


yall dont hear me tho!!!
The focus is on Thomas out of envy. He’s just a foot soldier but instead of people focusing on the root of the problem (the banking cartels and think tanks) they focus on the pawns because they wish they were in the same position.