Clarence Thomas is one corrupt bastard


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The focus is on Thomas out of envy. He’s just a foot soldier but instead of people focusing on the root of the problem (the banking cartels and think tanks) they focus on the pawns because they wish they were in the same position.

true true, the problem WAS for so long the banksters pulled the ultimate SATAN act on the slow thinkers amongst us,

they convinced them they simply didnt exist, and only those crazy conspiracy guys would think otherwise..

Time aka the Aquarian Age has exposed them.....the slow thinkers amongst us are slowly getting it,

Hey the waning parasites in charge that soon wont be... well in fact they lost their grip on power a long time ago...

its just that these parasites mastered ONE thing, and ONE thing only, and thats THE ART OF ILLUSION,

Disney brags about it all the time, they call it disney magic... but its code word for Mass Mental Programming...

and through illusion especially from movies and television is dying out, their illusion through journalism is damn near DEAD,

especially print form... their magazines which once weilded crazy power and influence over the minds of women..

the reason female pale face look was so upheld.... that is slowly changing, I mean sure there are still too many muthafuckas

out here doing foolish shit, like going full sammy sosa, but more and more are awakening into their true powers and doing things

so they can process the solar light codes for true power and not turn them away.... but I digress.

you are correct, there are too many pussys amongst us who would sell us in a second if they thought they

could join team soulless parasite...

thats why you have to live right, stay CLEAN and you will attract those like you and repel the filthy wanna beez....

hey nothing wrong with living well, and having abundance..

I wish that for all righteous folk, dont care what you look like!!

Respect given is respect earned... I earn my respect and give it to those

who give it to me!!! everybody gets ONE chance!!!

but there is

something wrong with selling your soul or your people out to achieve/acquire this wealth/abundance!!

stupid spiritually retarded shit!!

I like to sleep GOOOD at night!!!


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
true true, the problem WAS for so long the banksters pulled the ultimate SATAN act on the slow thinkers amongst us,

they convinced them they simply didnt exist, and only those crazy conspiracy guys would think otherwise..

Time aka the Aquarian Age has exposed them.....the slow thinkers amongst us are slowly getting it,

Hey the waning parasites in charge that soon wont be... well in fact they lost their grip on power a long time ago...

its just that these parasites mastered ONE thing, and ONE thing only, and thats THE ART OF ILLUSION,

Disney brags about it all the time, they call it disney magic... but its code word for Mass Mental Programming...

and through illusion especially from movies and television is dying out, their illusion through journalism is damn near DEAD,

especially print form... their magazines which once weilded crazy power and influence over the minds of women..

the reason female pale face look was so upheld.... that is slowly changing, I mean sure there are still too many muthafuckas

out here doing foolish shit, like going full sammy sosa, but more and more are awakening into their true powers and doing things

so they can process the solar light codes for true power and not turn them away.... but I digress.

you are correct, there are too many pussys amongst us who would sell us in a second if they thought they

could join team soulless parasite...

thats why you have to live right, stay CLEAN and you will attract those like you and repel the filthy wanna beez....

hey nothing wrong with living well, and having abundance..

I wish that for all righteous folk, dont care what you look like!!

Respect given is respect earned... I earn my respect and give it to those

who give it to me!!! everybody gets ONE chance!!!

but there is

something wrong with selling your soul or your people out to achieve/acquire this wealth/abundance!!

stupid spiritually retarded shit!!

I like to sleep GOOOD at night!!!
All fact. Especially about the soulless parasites and especially about them losing power and have been losing power for a long long time

I remember an episode of The Sopranos where Meadow did something and she was lightly punished and Tony said to Carmella, we're going to give her this one and she's going to think that she won but if she realizes we're powerless on this, we're fucked"

White people for a long time have ruled by cheating. That's how they gerrymander the states so they can stay in office. There are far more black and brown people than there are white people. And while white people might own those super cold and empty States like Wyoming, North and South Dakota, there are far more of us and more areas than they want us to know

There have been sellouts among black people since we got to this country. Some people can do it, I can't. Give me extra treats or fewer beatings for snitching out my people? Nah, can't do it. Just so you can pretend I belong? No, fuck you. If you want me to backstab my people then YOU have no honor and it doesn't benefit me at all to be around dishonorable people just so my life can be a little less difficult.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All fact. Especially about the soulless parasites and especially about them losing power and have been losing power for a long long time

I remember an episode of The Sopranos where Meadow did something and she was lightly punished and Tony said to Carmella, we're going to give her this one and she's going to think that she won but if she realizes we're powerless on this, we're fucked"

White people for a long time have ruled by cheating. That's how they gerrymander the states so they can stay in office. There are far more black and brown people than there are white people. And while white people might own those super cold and empty States like Wyoming, North and South Dakota, there are far more of us and more areas than they want us to know

There have been sellouts among black people since we got to this country. Some people can do it, I can't. Give me extra treats or fewer beatings for snitching out my people? Nah, can't do it. Just so you can pretend I belong? No, fuck you. If you want me to backstab my people then YOU have no honor and it doesn't benefit me at all to be around dishonorable people just so my life can be a little less difficult.

no doubt, and in addition to their power of illusion, they also mastered PAPER MAGIC, got the whole world

under the spell of a DOLLAR... most dont even question what the fuck is a PYRAMID and fuckin OWL doing on AMERICAN MONEY,

many do NOT understand the POWER of SYMBOLS on UNFOCUSED and DISTRACTED MINDS...

thats why its important to stay in meditation CONTROLLING YOUR MIND TELLING IT WHAT TO PROCESS.

sheeet most folks are depressed simply because they running negative depressing thoughts through their minds all day,

and all they have to do, is turn that shit off, and focus on the good times they had in life,

sheeet just do it RIGHT NOW, think about a time in yo life you was really happy... a time you felt victorious..



and by doing so, you make all that paper magic an illusion the powerless bullshit it is,

dont be a bitch to money

MAKE MONEY YO BITCH!!! when folk are a bitch to money, they give the waning powers that are not going to be,

the energy they need to control them...

FLIP THE SCRIPT ON THE PARASITES!!!! keep them the powerless maggots they are...

without that paper magic, they will run back to the caves bruh..



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
no doubt, and in addition to their power of illusion, they also mastered PAPER MAGIC, got the whole world

under the spell of a DOLLAR... most dont even question what the fuck is a PYRAMID and fuckin OWL doing on AMERICAN MONEY,

many do NOT understand the POWER of SYMBOLS on UNFOCUSED and DISTRACTED MINDS...

thats why its important to stay in meditation CONTROLLING YOUR MIND TELLING IT WHAT TO PROCESS.

sheeet most folks are depressed simply because they running negative depressing thoughts through their minds all day,

and all they have to do, is turn that shit off, and focus on the good times they had in life,

sheeet just do it RIGHT NOW, think about a time in yo life you was really happy... a time you felt victorious..



and by doing so, you make all that paper magic an illusion the powerless bullshit it is,

dont be a bitch to money

MAKE MONEY YO BITCH!!! when folk are a bitch to money, they give the waning powers that are not going to be,

the energy they need to control them...

FLIP THE SCRIPT ON THE PARASITES!!!! keep them the powerless maggots they are...

without that paper magic, they will run back to the caves bruh..

They won't run back to the caves bro. They will detonate another nuclear bomb before they do that. That's what they're trying to do, although right now metaphorically. But I don't doubt that there will be a time when they will do it for real, no metaphors

They've cheated so long, they think they're Superior. But they've cheated in every game. If not for their ability to cheat we would have lapped their ass a long time ago. Now that it's getting closer and closer to the end they aren't going to go quietly into the night that's for sure


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They won't run back to the caves bro. They will detonate another nuclear bomb before they do that. That's what they're trying to do, although right now metaphorically. But I don't doubt that there will be a time when they will do it for real, no metaphors

They've cheated so long, they think they're Superior. But they've cheated in every game. If not for their ability to cheat we would have lapped their ass a long time ago. Now that it's getting closer and closer to the end they aren't going to go quietly into the night that's for sure

Lol nah they will never ever ever detonate a nuke..

They know it will wipe out Thier existence..

Kniggas and Roaches never going extinct bruh..

But recessive genetics will be gone for good.

But I do get your point. They will go out kicking and screaming

Like the spiritual toddlers they are...

Just making Thier demise more prolonged and painful than it has to be..

Oh well ain't my problem bruh


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Lol nah they will never ever ever detonate a nuke..

They know it will wipe out Thier existence..

Kniggas and Roaches never going extinct bruh..

But recessive genetics will be gone for good.

But I do get your point. They will go out kicking and screaming

Like the spiritual toddlers they are...

Just making Thier demise more prolonged and painful than it has to be..

Oh well ain't my problem bruh
Donald Trump has to be the clearest example of white people ever. Petulant, screaming whining, physically inferior uncouth baby.

To quote Shawshank Redemption, their judgment cometh and that right soon
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Donald Trump has to be the clearest example of white people ever. Petulant, screaming whining uncouth baby.

To quote Shawshank Redemption, their judgment cometh and that right soon

The orange chimpster known as trump

Is a self serving glutton but that's what's needed

To get the soulless goons running wild in check..

Biden is allowing this country
Donald Trump has to be the clearest example of white people ever. Petulant, screaming whining, physically inferior uncouth baby.

To quote Shawshank Redemption, their judgment cometh and that right soon

all facts, but that baby is needed today to block the take over of this country.... communist have taken

over the democratic party and run that shit from afar, see soros.... and making americans foolishly think

we have a "DEMOCRACY" thats such bullshit... thats code word for communism/socialism which is a kinder gentler

way of stealing your property, fuckin you in the ass, spitting in your face.. and sayin but hey you guys are all on the same level,

nobody richer or poorer than the other, while the wealthy are still taking everybody's shit...

at least under capitalism, there is a chance for EVERYONE to get a slice, under communism its IMPOSSIBLE

NOBODY OWNS NOTHING... and thats what the democrats ultimately want to bring society to..

A Nation of begging weak simp muthafuckas, who can only march and hold banners....and use

faggot mind fuckery words like 'toxic masculinity"

Yea trump is ALLL THAT... but to clean up and fill in the hole Biden left you NEED THAT>.

bruh its a fuckin NO BRAINER.....

Everybody laughed at Trump when he said we need to build a wall.. the same muthafuckas that were laughing

back when trump said it,, ARE SAYING THE SAME THING NOW..

and look whats happing under biden, he is literally making the WHOLE FUCKIN COUNTRY


I aint worried about NO impoverished people seeking a better life, folks gotta do what they gotta do...

but no telling who is just waltzing on in the country now, THIS IS THE PATHETIC NON EXISTING LEADERSHIP


hey this years elections are going to be crazy and democrats are nervous as fuck..


the minute they claim, they cant get a count right you KNOW



waking people up
BGOL Investor
wait, is this post real? dumbocrats on here think I'm Maga even when I see their name on the same thread. :smh::lol: I better take this down


waking people up
BGOL Investor
ghoststrike, Nightmare Paint: "Please, delete this HNIC, it doesn't fit our bullshit narrative we created because we have no other argument against what he said"