Control of Virginia legislature could be determined by Chaturbate scandal: "Va. Dem. House candidate performed sex online with husband for tips"


Rising Star

"In a possible reflection of shifting social norms, Gibson nearly won the race anyway — she lost by less than 1,000 votes and has not ruled out a return to electoral politics in the future. (Despite losing Gibson’s race, Democrats still took full control of the Virginia State Legislature.)"


Rising Star
My point is that I have empathy for the poor and middle class but high-income consumers don't "struggle to pay," they are gluttonous and irresponsible.

These people are moronic.

I have not been the smartest with money so I'm not casting stones without taking account for my own glass walls. (At first I said "these people are morons" but I kindly adjusted my statement to speak to their behavior.) But there is a huge difference between wasting money and struggling on a low income. It is not even the same conversation.

“A lot of people live paycheck to paycheck no matter how much money you make”
