Control of Virginia legislature could be determined by Chaturbate scandal: "Va. Dem. House candidate performed sex online with husband for tips"

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Wrong. If you’re going to complain about what she’s doing and you’re a Republikkklan who said Zero about Trump who illegally paid for prostitution with campaign money you need to be called out for your hypocrisy. Has nothing to do with “your side”. If Joe Biden was talking shit about Ted Cruz’s drug addict whore wife and said nothing about his son I’d call him out too.

None of those Republikkklan faggots said a fucking word about their cult master and his bullshit. But somehow this is worse? FOH

Republicans are going to vote for the Republican. It is soft Dems and independents who might change their vote based on this.

I agree it makes sense to mention if you are debating a Republican.

But that can't be the whole argument-- It makes a lot more sense to focus on abortion and whatever other issues this guy is bad on. Emphasis on "this guy"-- the focus has to be on the candidates, not Trump. You can mention Republican hypocrisy but resting your entire argument on it would be a mistake.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Trump is the Front runner and will be the Republikkklan nominee. He’s their guy so it’s very valid to mention him anytime they mention this. There’s no way to explain your way out of trashing her but OK with that faggot. It’s the best strategy when it comes to this one issue

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Trump is the Front runner and will be the Republikkklan nominee. He’s their guy so it’s very valid to mention him anytime they mention this. There’s no way to explain your way out of trashing her but OK with that faggot. It’s the best strategy when it comes to this one issue

That might make you feel good but it is not the best strategy. Around 45% of the electorate is ready to vote for Trump again despite everything-- you are not going to convince these independent fools to vote for a Democrat in a state legislative race by leading with Trump.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Gibson, 40, can be seen in the videos soliciting “tips” for performing specific acts — in apparent violation of Chaturbate’s terms and conditions, which say: “Requesting or demanding specific acts for tips may result in a ban from the Platform for all parties involved.”
:lol: :lol: :lol:this is bullshit all those sites work this way, how else are they gonna get somebody to tip, this is like stripclubs saying it's against their policy for strippers to ask for money for dances


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Love hot wives. Smashed one this weekend.

Funny how they clown her and not a word from GOP on abusers

Lauren Boebert Accused of Perjury in Bombshell Lawsuit

“In the attached affidavit, signed under penalty of perjury, Boebert does not deny being a paid escort, having abortions other than in 2004 & 2009, dancing nude, or illegal drug use as we alleged in our past (website) posts,” Wheeler told “She obfuscates these points by providing parsed denials with words we never used.”

Wheeler explained that he never referred to Boebert as a “prostitute” but instead called her an "unregistered paid escort” on “which is legal in some locales in Colorado.”

“There is a big difference legally in Colorado between ‘escort’ which is our allegation and legal, and ‘prostitute’ which is her word and illegal,” he points out.


Rising Star
How so? That's always been the game. People who are truly concerned about a certain policy are going to support the candidate who pushes that policy, regardless of that candidate's flaws.

That's any year since the dawn of the two-party system.

It's not foolish, it is strategic.

If you're a VA Dem pol, yes it strategic. If you're a voter, It's unserious.

We deserve the politicians we get.


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
Don't nobody got nuthin'?!?

Thread has to be deleted without any videos posted

U didn’t post this in the political forum

U posted this in the main board

U broke a rule

1 star

Pos and thread reported separately but equal

Where the vid at?
For research purposes

Album deleted​

I was trying to download them earlier but they timed out. I guess half of VA was trying to download them too!


The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
If you're a VA Dem pol, yes it strategic. If you're a voter, It's unserious.

We deserve the politicians we get.

If you are a voter who cares about the issues that differentiate between Dems and the GOP, it is strategic.

Abortion is a very clear example in Virginia.

You seem to lean conservative but how are you going to claim that someone who cares about abortion is unserious for supporting the candidate who represents their values, despite a silly scandal that is meaningless in terms of real people's futures?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@DJ For the win.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let me bottom line this for you closet republicons. If you didn't say nothing about Trump then miss me with any thing about this lady. (Hey girl) That republicon 2 step will not fly. Clean your own house first and stop cluching that pearl necklace Trump gave you.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Ok...lets digest all of this.

A thot is running for a state rep position and has fucking and sucking vids circulating on the web. The world is truly a crazy place...

Bih has a tight fucking body amd couldnt stop smiling at the camera. She has my vote!


Rising Star
That might make you feel good but it is not the best strategy. Around 45% of the electorate is ready to vote for Trump again despite everything-- you are not going to convince these independent fools to vote for a Democrat in a state legislative race by leading with Trump.
Exactly. Morality and strategy are nowhere near entanglable. Republicans vote for power not for progress.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok...lets digest all of this.

A thot is running for a state rep position and has fucking and sucking vids circulating on the web. The world is truly a crazy place...

Bih has a tight fucking body amd couldnt stop smiling at the camera. She has my vote!
With all the weird shit going on, and all the white politicians lusting after boys and children, this bitch ain't bad. She likes getting nasty with her husband on camera...that's vanilla af in 2023.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
That might make you feel good but it is not the best strategy. Around 45% of the electorate is ready to vote for Trump again despite everything-- you are not going to convince these independent fools to vote for a Democrat in a state legislative race by leading with Trump.
It’s not about convincing anybody it’s about throwing the bullshit back in their face and not being a pussy like Dems have been the past 60 years

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
seems she's a follower of zod the great


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Because it's indicative of her character and morals! Big difference between fucking on camera for money and a private exchange between two adults behind closed doors.

When Bill Clinton was in office, evangelicals said unfaithful in little, unfaithful in much. If he is not a good steward in his private life and faithful to his wife and family, he can't be a good steward for the country and faithful to his political oaths. When Trump got elected, those EXACT same evangelicals said his private life was between him and God, that they elected a president and not a priest.

I don't want to hear shit about morality from anyone who did not complain about the former first LADY Melania's bare ass all over the internet.

This woman wasn't cheating on her husband, she was making ends meet. I assume that means she will be more attuned to the financial struggles of her constituents and legislate accordingly.

If she was a republican she would confess her sins and say she asked God for forgiveness and the GOP would form a defense daring anyone to continue to bring it up or question her. I hope dems take a page from the GOP and don't concede power. We can't keep letting the GOP hold dems to a set of rules they don't abide by, but use to disqualify everyone else.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

While muhfuckas are actually arguing the proclivities of those voting or not voting for .....blah, blah, blah.....only ONE muhfucka was true to the BGOL sir are a legend!!!! Saved this post like a muthafucka.

BGOL Investor
I think neither her or Trump should be running for office. Him for paying off a porn star, and her for Chaturbate smut.

But Republicans started this mess by not caring.


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
While muhfuckas are actually arguing the proclivities of those voting or not voting for .....blah, blah, blah.....only ONE muhfucka was true to the BGOL sir are a legend!!!! Saved this post like a muthafucka.

We are all created equal, we are all not cut from the same cloth.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
When Bill Clinton was in office, evangelicals said unfaithful in little, unfaithful in much. If he is not a good steward in his private life and faithful to his wife and family, he can't be a good steward for the country and faithful to his political oaths. When Trump got elected, those EXACT same evangelicals said his private life was between him and God, that they elected a president and not a priest.

I don't want to hear shit about morality from anyone who did not complain about the former first LADY Melania's bare ass all over the internet.

This woman wasn't cheating on her husband, she was making ends meet. I assume that means she will be more attuned to the financial struggles of her constituents and legislate accordingly.

If she was a republican she would confess her sins and say she asked God for forgiveness and the GOP would form a defense daring anyone to continue to bring it up or question her. I hope dems take a page from the GOP and don't concede power. We can't keep letting the GOP hold dems to a set of rules they don't abide by, but use to disqualify everyone else.

She's a nurse practitioner with degrees from UVA and Columbia, and her husband is a well-known lawyer in Richmond. They were hardly trying to "make ends meet." I don't knock the hustle, but please don't try to sell this as a working-class sob story. :smh: