COONS aka Congressional Black Caucus PAC (awash with lobbyist) to endorse Hillary Clinton


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
This is scared business here. All of you supporting Hillary are doing so because you think she's the only one that can beat trump, but youre ignoring the level of enthusiasm Bernie generates.
Bernie polls the best against trump and beats him by wide margins in every hypothetical match up whereas Hillary polls even and even loosing in some cases.

This is the era of Debold electronic voting machines that steal elections that are close for the rethuglicans. In order for Dems to win the voter enthusiasm has to be through the roof with young voters the way it was for Barack. Anything short of that will end up with President trump.

Sanders has enthusiasm with millennials....the group of people that goes to the polls the LEAST. Sanders basically appeals to your lazy cousin.

If it rains or snows on election day half of Sanders support will stay home.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Dudes looking at polls when no one in the country really knows anything about Bernie.

Obamacare was popular with the public too... Until the Republicans unleashed hell on it in the airwaves. They called it socialized medicine and it was a wrap.

You cannot find video of Obama in Cuba praising Fidel Castro. So tell me how Bernie is going to convince Cubans in Florida to overlook how much they hated him, how their family fled their homelands to get away from him. Show me pictures of Obama in the Soviet Union hanging out with officials there, having his honeymoon there, asking to make Burlington Vermont a sister city to a town there. Show me video of Obama praising the uprising of the Sandinistas and other Marxists.

Show me video of Obama saying "I'm not a capitalist. I'm a socialist."

Bernie hasn't been really attacked by anyone yet.

But let Dems be dumb enough to nominate him.

Republicans will sense blood and unleash six months of bloody hell on him.

"North Korea is starting up their nuclear reactors again and testing long range missiles. Do you think he will be able to stand up to them? Look at him. Do you think he can keep you safe against ISIS or stand up to Putin? Will anyone in the world be intimidated by this frail old man?" You know it's coming.

Bernie will spend all his time answering his far left socialist past.

There aren't enough white liberal millenials to overcome that.
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BGOL Investor
Dudes looking at polls when no one in the country really knows anything about Bernie.

Obamacare was popular with the public too... Until the Republicans unleashed hell on it in the airwaves. The called it socialized medicine and it was a wrap.

You cannot find video of Obama in Cuba praising Fidel Castro. So tell me how Bernie is going to convince Cubans in Florida to overlook how much they hated him, how their family fled their homelands to get away from him. Show me pictures of Obama in the Soviet Union hanging out with officials there, having his honeymoon there, asking to make Vermong a sister city to a town there. Show me video of Obama praising the uprising of the Sandinistas and other Marxists.

Show me video of Obama saying "I'm not a capitalist. I'm a socialist."

Bernie hasn't been really attacked by anyone yet.

But let Dems be dumb enough to nominate him.

Republicans will sense blood and unleash six months of bloody hell on him.

"North Korea is starting up their nuclear reactors again and testing long range missiles. Do you think he will be able to stand up to them? Look at him. Do you think he can keep you safe against ISIS or stand up to Putin? Will anyone in the world be intimidated by this frail old man?" You know it's coming.

Bernie will spend all his time answering his far left socialist past.

There aren't enough white liberal millenials to overcome that.

As soon as they ask who's tougher on world stage fighting terrorists and Bernie segways back to talking about the 1% and Wallstreet, Trump will be declared the winner. People are busy latching on to what they like vs. The reality of "what is"


Support BGOL
Sanders has enthusiasm with millennials....the group of people that goes to the polls the LEAST. Sanders basically appeals to your lazy cousin.

If it rains or snows on election day half of Sanders support will stay home.

This ^^^ is only true when the Dems put up a whishy washy, middle of the road bule dog conservadem. The same people you described came through for Barack twice cause he presented himself as the Black FDR that spoke like MLK. 2012 in FL voters stayed in line all night into the morning even though the race was called the night before. They werent taking any chances! This is what happens when a party puts up someone who excites the base. You never see republicans putting up someone that leans democratic because they play to their base, so when Democrats put up a conservadem we're demoralizing our base while playing into their base that doesnt want us. Thats a losing strategy!

Some of y'all going to fuck around and get Trump elected. Go read about how the Bernie revolution said fuck reparations right after saying free college and free healthcare.

"What Reparations gonna do besides make Cadillac #1 dealer in the country?" -Barbershop-
We dont have the right mindset currently for reparations. Until we learn to stop this consumerism and practice "group economics" we'll just give that money right back to the white man and be back where we started with them wagging the finger at us. "we gave you your reparations and you failed, everything is equal now so stop complaining and get over it."
What we need is Government to put regs and enforece them on Wall Street (Glass-Steagall), Anti Trust, ect ect, then build up infrastructure in our crumbling neighbor hoods. We need to build ourselves up in Black owned homes, businesses then form unities with other Black neighborhoods to recirculate our wealth among ourselves. Then when Reparations come it will actually benefit us not just be pissed away into the oppressors hands tomorrow. You cant build a house before the foundation, and we as a people havent mixed 1 bag of concrete yet.

Dudes looking at polls when no one in the country really knows anything about Bernie.

Obamacare was popular with the public too... Until the Republicans unleashed hell on it in the airwaves. They called it socialized medicine and it was a wrap.

You cannot find video of Obama in Cuba praising Fidel Castro. So tell me how Bernie is going to convince Cubans in Florida to overlook how much they hated him, how their family fled their homelands to get away from him. Show me pictures of Obama in the Soviet Union hanging out with officials there, having his honeymoon there, asking to make Burlington Vermont a sister city to a town there. Show me video of Obama praising the uprising of the Sandinistas and other Marxists.

Show me video of Obama saying "I'm not a capitalist. I'm a socialist."

Bernie hasn't been really attacked by anyone yet.

But let Dems be dumb enough to nominate him.

Republicans will sense blood and unleash six months of bloody hell on him.

"North Korea is starting up their nuclear reactors again and testing long range missiles. Do you think he will be able to stand up to them? Look at him. Do you think he can keep you safe against ISIS or stand up to Putin? Will anyone in the world be intimidated by this frail old man?" You know it's coming.

Bernie will spend all his time answering his far left socialist past.

There aren't enough white liberal millenials to overcome that.

This is what debates are for, they toughen you up for the big stage, and just like President Obama before him he'll be ready to deal with anyone on the republican side, especially Trump! Trump has zero substance and that works for the idiots in the primary, but once he clears the nomination and moves on to the general he has no specifics that either Bernie or Hillary cant embarrass him on. Theres no way he can pull to the center enough to get undecideds. Bernie is holding his own with Hillary in debates now and Hillary would crush Trump in a debate. The problem with her is she doesnt bring excitement out of the democratic base which means a close election that Debold voting machines can steal (Al Gore, John Kerry).

As soon as they ask who's tougher on world stage fighting terrorists and Bernie segways back to talking about the 1% and Wallstreet, Trump will be declared the winner. People are busy latching on to what they like vs. The reality of "what is"

Barack beat Hillary and a Vietnam combat pilot without ever putting on the uniform. After Iraq the General election voters want a cool head behind the wheel, not another idiot calling the shots.
Bernie is fighting on the ground that wins for him in the Primary which is economics. Thats where he's strong and Hillary is the weakest. Hillary is a war hawk with the experience to back it up so taking her on there is a loser. Once in the General though it will be Bernie (former chair of Veterans affairs committee) who will have the advantage over Trump when it comes to Defense both in responsibility of sending troops to war and caring for them when they come back home.
Trump is openly advocating committing war crimes in the GOP primaries to the point that Bill Orielly on Fox News has to call him out on his bullshit!

All that to say this.... Dont be scared Black People, a Trump VS Bernie match-up is the best possible outcome we could hope for!!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
wait wait WAIT.

why are we calling the congressional black congress coons?

John Lewis aint no cot damn coon. John Conyers aint no coon. Elijah Cummings aint no coon.

the CBC has been on the right side of every civil rights issue sine the early 70's including condemning the Iraq war BEFORE it started, demanding justice for Sandra Bland, reinstating the voter's rights act, demanding accountability from police for civil rights violations and violence, etc.

y'all REALLY need to chill with that shit.
Let the record reflect that John Lewis endorsed Hilary Clinton over Barack Obama October of 2007.
Let the record reflect that of the 42 members of the CBC in 2008, only 17 endorsed Barack Obama.

I hate to throw the word coon around, but I'm no fan of the CBC as a group.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
The mistake Tea Party members and members of the far left make is believing that there are so many of them that if you just put up someone far left or far right, the numbers of true believers will rush them to victory.

The truth is, about 10-15% of the country is on the far left or far right.

There is no way Bernie beats any Republican on foreign policy. The only foriegn policy he ever mentions is not voting for the Iraq war.

That is the extent of his foreign policy.

Like I said before, Sanders supporters are so zealous, they don't listen to reason.

Name the last person elected president on a platform of raising taxes.

Sanders supporters don't understand middle America at all. You have people that have worked their entire lives to get a good job with good health insurance for their families. Now we're supposed to believe that because Bernie says so, everyone os going to be ok giving all that up and getting on Medicare.

Because Bernie says so, middle America is supposed to give up Capitalism.

And what will Bernie say about supporting the F35 jet, repeatedly going to bat for it to because it benegits Vermont? What's the difference in taking benefits from Wall Street and from the Industrial Military Complex?

But Bernie guys honestly believe that everyone else will be so in love with Bernie like they are that their willing to drop everything they believe and everything they've built overnight because Bernie says so.






still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Let the record reflect that John Lewis endorsed Hilary Clinton over Barack Obama October of 2007.
Let the record reflect that of the 42 members of the CBC in 2008, only 17 endorsed Barack Obama.

I hate to throw the word coon around, but I'm no fan of the CBC as a group.
endorsing Clinton over Obama does NOT a COON MAKE.

coons are self loathing, self hating, white worshiping, sell a brother out for a biscuit cogs in the white supremacy machine.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Let the record reflect that John Lewis endorsed Hilary Clinton over Barack Obama October of 2007.
Let the record reflect that of the 42 members of the CBC in 2008, only 17 endorsed Barack Obama.

I hate to throw the word coon around, but I'm no fan of the CBC as a group.

You're calling a man that was on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement a coon???? Seriously?

Man you better educate yourself:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Key note is this is the CBC PAC (Political Action Committee). Clyburn among others have stated they have not made a decision yet. Keep in mind that some of these folk got bills to pay...

Meaning the Clintons helped them in their districts and now the bill is due to do the same. Thats the way Washington works.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Key note is this is the CBC PAC (Political Action Committee). Clyburn among others have stated they have not made a decision yet. Keep in mind that some of these folk got bills to pay...

Meaning the Clintons helped them in their districts and now the bill is due to do the same. Thats the way Washington works.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
You're calling a man that was on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement a coon???? Seriously?

Man you better educate yourself:
I wouldn't call John Lewis a coon. I have great respect for him. But let's not act like the shit didn't happen. If it were up to the CBC we would not have a had a Black President. Those few that stuck their neck out deserve credit, but the one's who didn't are just gonna have to live with being on the wrong side of history.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

He contradicts himself:

From Conversations: William Jefferson Clinton : from Hope to Harlem. Page 317

google books

In the 60's Hillary was a Goldwater girl

Mr. Bizkits

Rising Star
anybody who says the democratic party's agenda is the same as the GOP's is either patently stupid, extremely dishonest or woefully misinformed.

No. I'm not saying they have the same agenda's, I'm saying they both have the same priorities, same donors, and golf at the same country clubs.

Their priority is well being of the rich, wealthy, and powerful whom are always catered to first. Everything else comes second.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
No. I'm not saying they have the same agenda's, I'm saying they both have the same priorities, same donors, and golf at the same country clubs.

Their priority is well being of the rich, wealthy, and powerful whom are always catered to first. Everything else comes second.
but this isnt accurate. not all of US hobnob with all the REST of US. this is not a homogeneous group of people in lock step with one another, and most of US are trying to make sure our kids are safe and provided for. most of THEM are trying to make sure OUR kids are turned back into slaves.


BGOL Investor
These the same coon ass niggas in that caucus who said Senator Obama at the time he announced he was running for president they said "He ain't black enough, he didn't go through the black experience" then they enforced Shillary


Hillary should be worried now them coon niggas bad luck


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We don’t think you fight fire with fire best ; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism. We’re stood up and said we’re not going to fight reactionary pigs and reactionary state’s attorneys like this with any other reactions on our part. We’re going to fight their reactions with all of us people getting together and having an international proletarian revolution.


BGOL Investor
wait wait WAIT.

why are we calling the congressional black congress coons?

John Lewis aint no cot damn coon. John Conyers aint no coon. Elijah Cummings aint no coon.

the CBC has been on the right side of every civil rights issue sine the early 70's including condemning the Iraq war BEFORE it started, demanding justice for Sandra Bland, reinstating the voter's rights act, demanding accountability from police for civil rights violations and violence, etc.

y'all REALLY need to chill with that shit.

They been on the right side of civil rights and the wrong side when endorsing a candidate

These the same niggas who endorsed Hillary over Obama the first time and went as far to say he ain't black enough

Yeah them niggas some prime time coons, we ain't forget that bullshit


Medium well
BGOL Investor
They been on the right side of civil rights and the wrong side when endorsing a candidate

These the same niggas who endorsed Hillary over Obama the first time and went as far to say he ain't black enough

Yeah them niggas some prime time coons, we ain't forget that bullshit
my nigga I'm watching these people and I want to throw up.
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Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
We don’t think you fight fire with fire best ; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism. We’re stood up and said we’re not going to fight reactionary pigs and reactionary state’s attorneys like this with any other reactions on our part. We’re going to fight their reactions with all of us people getting together and having an international proletarian revolution.

The Republican party thanks you. To America, the only thing that makes someone less electable than being an Atheist is being a Socialist.

Mr. Bizkits

Rising Star
but this isnt accurate. not all of US hobnob with all the REST of US. this is not a homogeneous group of people in lock step with one another, and most of US are trying to make sure our kids are safe and provided for. most of THEM are trying to make sure OUR kids are turned back into slaves.

I see where you are coming from.

Question: Is it too crazy to believe that the wealthy 1% of America are only a handful of people who all know each other and they resolve their differences for the greater good of their wealth?

And is it too far to believe that they have politicians Republicans and Democrats in their back pocket? Or does money not run politics?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Republican party thanks you. To America, the only thing that makes someone less electable than being an Atheist is being a Socialist.

because some of you all don't know this has already been a democratic socialist government and the 1% has been taking that away.

great job thinking you have benefited from anything else....but you the one complaining about taxes for social programs why remaining silent for taxes for military and corporations

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
because some of you all don't know this has already been a democratic socialist government and the 1% has been taking that away.

great job thinking you have benefited from anything else....but you the one complaining about taxes for social programs why remaining silent for taxes for military and corporations

I know all of this. I'm a progressive. But I'm a realist. I understand that most of the country does not think like I do.

Bernie supporters bristle when you try to get them face reality.