COONS aka Congressional Black Caucus PAC (awash with lobbyist) to endorse Hillary Clinton

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor


YOUNG FAM are waking up:


"When it comes to defense, Sanders is also politically adroit. He voted against the Iraq War, a position that, among others, makes him a hero to the left. But he isn’t averse to delivering Pentagon pork. After years of publicly attacking defense contractor Lockheed Martin for cost overruns and overpaid executives, he persuaded the defense behemoth, which manages the Sandia Labs research center for the Department of Energy, to place a Sandia satellite lab in Burlington. Even more lucrative for Vermont, Sanders snagged a piece of Lockheed’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program—a controversial $1.5 trillion program yielding the most expensive aircraft in history. Eighteen of the jets will be placed at the Burlington airport for the Vermont National Guard. Vermont progressives went ballistic, demanded that the “killing machines” be kept out of the Green Mountain State, but Sanders held his ground. At a town hall meeting, he defended the basing, saying with a politician’s shrug that the F-35s were “essentially built.”"


Renegade of this atomic age

Bill said that he faced timed 2 Chainz and he told everyone (black people) in ClayCo to "vote early."

Bill Clinton stumps in Clayton County; talks 2 Chainz, wife's policy

CLAYTON COUNTY, Ga. -- The Hillary Clinton campaign brought out a major player Saturday in hopes of inspiring voters ahead of Georgia’s primary.

Former President Bill Clinton made a stop in Clayton County.

11Alive’s Ryan Kruger was live from the North Clayton High School with more on Clinton’s speech.

It was an intimate crowd of a few hundred people that came out to hear the former president speak about his wife’s campaign.

He also encouraged voters to head to the polls early.

The crowd at North Clayton High School greeted him with a boisterous applause as he took the stage and telling the crowd he recently spoke with a famous North Clayton Alum – 2 Chainz.

From then it was on to policy, speaking first about his wife’s plan to help students with debt.

PHOTOS | Bill Clinton stumps for Hillary in Atlanta

The crowd at North Clayton High School waits for Former President Bill Clinton to speak at a rally for Hillary Clinton Sat., Feb. 13, 2016. 11Alive

“How crazy is this?,” he asked. “In the United States you can refinance your home mortgage if the interest rates go down, but you can’t refinance your college loans.”

He touched on the Flint water crisis, economic hardships in rural areas and national security.

“It’s a big mistake to do what the other party is doing and to demonize our fellow Americans who are Muslims,” he said. “Hillary said it’s dangerous, we need them.”

One thing that was seemingly absent, were any attacks against Hillary Clinton’s immediate opponent, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

“That’s what I respect about the Democratic Party versus the Republican Party because the Republican Party is just going back and forth,” attendee Cedric Gulley said.

“They consider me a millennial so they’re trying to get me over to the other side,” another attendee Kimberly Bandoh said. “But I’m feeling Hillary right now.”

Spencer Anderson of Stockbridge said he’s had his mind made up since Clinton announced she was running.

“I mean, I like Bernie too, but I just don’t think he’s electable,” Anderson said. “I like his message, but I did good with Bill in the ‘90s.”

The presidential primary for both parties in Georgia is coming up on Super Tuesday - March 1.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
The kool aid is strong in both sides.. But that Clinton machine destroyed a lot of black families and yet black folk rallying Behind these devils as if they are friends of us..

Whatever you think of the Clintons, just wait to see what a Republican president, House, Senate, AND Conservative packed Supreme Court has in store.

You will look back at what Bill and Hillary did as the good old days.

That's what's at stake.

Hillary can stop that form happening. Bernie cannot. Bernie never ran for President before because he knew he spent a lifetime of saying things that would make him unelectable. Republicans are playing it cool right now. Bernie says he doesn't have a superPAC. That's not quite true. Karl Rove and the Republicans are using a superPAC right now to attack Hillary to help Bernie win.

Why do you think Republicans are spending millions to help Bernie?

GOP super PACs and outside groups have already spent about $5 million attacking Hillary Clinton, while they have spent $0 hitting Bernie Sanders, according a Democratic source who tracks media buys.

The only attack ads against Sanders this cycle have come from a super PAC tied to Martin O’Malley, the third candidate in the Democratic race, according to the source.

This week, American Crossroads, the group founded by George W. Bush strategist Karl Rove, released an ad attacking Clinton from the left that echoes many of Sanders’ talking points against her. “Ever wonder how Hillary Clinton can afford so many ads? Chances are, they were paid for with Wall Street cash,” the narrator declares. “Hillary Clinton’s gotten 54 times more money from Wall Street interests than from all of Iowa. Hillary rewarded Wall Street with the $700 billion bailout. And Wall Street made her a multi-millionaire.”

It’s part of a larger effort of Republicans to boost Sanders vis a vis Clinton, in an effort to damage the former secretary of state.

Republicans are playing progressives for suckers, and these dudes are falling right into the trap. Every fucking time.

It's time for folks to start thinking strategically.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
More proof.

Republican operatives are having a strange crush on Bernie Sanders.

During Sunday night’s Democratic debate, the Republican National Committee made the unusual move of sending no fewer than four real-time e-mails to reporters defending the self-described democratic socialist from attacks by Hillary Clinton or echoing his message against her. Based on their content, one could be forgiven for thinking the RNC communiques came from the Sanders campaign.

One RNC e-mail, which was titled “Clinton’s Misleading Health Care Attack,” defended the Vermont senator from what it described as “the Clinton campaign’s inaccurate remarks on Sanders’ single-payer plan,” and quoted news articles that featured rebuttals of her arguments. A second message countered Clinton’s attacks on Sanders over gun control by pointing out her gun-friendly statements in the past. Two other e-mails sought to bolster Sanders’ case that Clinton is too close to Wall Street and the drug industry.

Sean Spicer, the chief strategist and spokesman for the RNC, spent much of the evening tweeting Sanders-friendly commentary on the debate, often with the pro-Sanders hashtag #FeelTheBern. At one point, Spicer gently chided Sanders for what he deemed a poor response to a question and added, “come on we are trying to help u.”
After the debate, the Republican political action committee America Rising promoted the narrative that Sanders won the debate. “Clinton needed a win last night. Instead, everyone is talking about how well Bernie Sanders, her chief rival, did,” spokesman Jeff Bechdel wrote to reporters.

Meanwhile, American Crossroads, a group co-founded by Karl Rove, is airing an ad in Iowa bolstering a core tenet of Sanders’s case against Clinton: that she has received large sums of campaign contributions from Wall Street, and therefore can't be trusted to crack down on big banks. “Hillary rewarded Wall Street with a $700 billion bailout, then Wall Street made her a multi-millionaire,” a narrator in the ad says. “Does Iowa really want Wall Street in the White House?”

These Republican operatives are attempting to pick their Democratic opponent in the general election, and they’re making clear they’d rather face Sanders than Clinton.


BGOL Investor
Whatever you think of the Clintons, just wait to see what a Republican president, House, Senate, AND Conservative packed Supreme Court has in store.

You will look back at what Bill and Hillary did as the good old days.

That's what's at stake.

Hillary can stop that form happening. Bernie cannot. Bernie never ran for President before because he knew he spent a lifetime of saying things that would make him unelectable. Republicans are playing it cool right now. Bernie says he doesn't have a superPAC. That's not quite true. Karl Rove and the Republicans are using a superPAC right now to attack Hillary to help Bernie win.

Why do you think Republicans are spending millions to help Bernie?

Republicans are playing progressives for suckers, and these dudes are falling right into the trap. Every fucking time.

It's time for folks to start thinking strategically.

Bruh I was here for the Reagan and both Bush Presidencies.. I know what time it is with republicans


BGOL Legend
See your problem is that you spout shit you heard but know know anything deeper than that. So you talk about Goldwater when Clinton was in high school but when she left the Republican Party 3 years later that you don't mention. Or organizing two day sit ins to protest MLK's assassination.

You talk about three strikes but ignore the fact that the same crime bill you're pissed off about was happily signed by Sanders. Or that Sanders was against the Brady bill. I bet your ass didn't know about that dog whistle comment Sanders made about guns in urban vs rural areas. Which was really about white people with guns vs Black people with guns. In fact I know you don't know anything about it so go make google your friend.

See the difference between you and me is that I'm sophisticated enough to know there is more than one side to people. Your problem is that Sanders dick is so deep down your throat you can't back off enough to see the man for what he really is. He's playing all you simple minded dudes that won't ask him hard questions and look the other way when inconvenience truths about him pop up.

Stick to trying hard to be a hotep brotha....actually stop trying cause you even failing at that. Do something more than reading some dude's blog and acting like you're informed.



BGOL Investor
See your problem is that you spout shit you heard but know know anything deeper than that. So you talk about Goldwater when Clinton was in high school but when she left the Republican Party 3 years later that you don't mention. Or organizing two day sit ins to protest MLK's assassination.

You talk about three strikes but ignore the fact that the same crime bill you're pissed off about was happily signed by Sanders. Or that Sanders was against the Brady bill. I bet your ass didn't know about that dog whistle comment Sanders made about guns in urban vs rural areas. Which was really about white people with guns vs Black people with guns. In fact I know you don't know anything about it so go make google your friend.

See the difference between you and me is that I'm sophisticated enough to know there is more than one side to people. Your problem is that Sanders dick is so deep down your throat you can't back off enough to see the man for what he really is. He's playing all you simple minded dudes that won't ask him hard questions and look the other way when inconvenience truths about him pop up.

Stick to trying hard to be a hotep brotha....actually stop trying cause you even failing at that. Do something more than reading some dude's blog and acting like you're informed.

Damn Darrkman called him hotep :lol:


Support BGOL
Bernie Sanders Endorses Rev. Jesse Jackson

Contrasted with Bill Clinton thinking he had a friendly white private audience with Senator Ted Kennedy trying to get the undecided Teds endorsement for Hillary in 08'.
When the cameras off, this is what the Clintons really think of Black People, and specifically Barack Obama. Now her pandering ass is hugging him so tight for political gain in SC.

Ted Kennedy famously endorsed Barack Obama for President, after Bill Clinton (below) reportedly belittled the future president.
Bill Clinton helped sink his wife's chances for an endorsement from Ted Kennedy by belittling Barack Obama as nothing but a race-based candidate.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

After Kennedy sided with Obama, Clinton reportedly griped, "the only reason you are endorsing him is because he's black. Let's just be clear."

The revelations in "Game Change" are guaranteed to reopen the 2008 Clinton racial wounds that had been scabbing over amid his post-election public silence and his wife's high marks as Secretary of State.

Laden with potent pass-the-torch symbolism, the January 2008 endorsement of Obama by Kennedy and his niece, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg was a pivotal campaign moment that allowed the Democratic establishment to abandon the Clintons.

After she loses Nevada watch Hillary really "Rachel Dolezal" it up for SC. She might even get in "Formation".

#FeelTheBern2016 , At least he doesnt pander to us like we're stupid.

No Body will give us reparations. NO BODY! and with the right wing conservatives that our non-voting asses allowed to get into congress (2010 & 2014) controlling the purse strings it doesnt matter if someone supports reparations or not, it wont happen.

Reparations is only politically toxic in a majority white society and will only guarantee white racist voters come to the polls in droves to vote a white racist republican into the White House. If the GOP get to keep Congress/Senate, and get the White House they will really get down to the business of fucking us over! We dont need that now.
We need economic policies and laws, and funding of programs (like FDR's New Deal did largely for whites) that will help us help ourselves and allow us to build up a strong black community, so that when reparations finally comes to the table we will spend it on ourselves "Group Economics" not give it right back to the oppressors the following day!

Bernie has the excitement to not only win the General election, but also coat tails long enough to sweep in all down ticket Democratic candidates. If we take back congress with "real" progressives then reparations can happen down the road.

So if Reparations are what some on here are looking for then the ground work has to be laid from now. its a step by step process starting in a party that uses us for political gains then ignores us afterwards and also fighting against another that outright hates us.

Electing an Independent Democratic Socialist sends a shot across both bows that we will not be taken for granted anymore!


Renegade of this atomic age
It means VOTING and raising AWARENESS

In reference to Bernie Sanders. When his name and HBCU are entered in a search engine, only 1 hit comes up before 2015. Did he say or do anything before now when he is trying to pick up more black votes? Did he work on appropriating any funds for HBCU's, speak on their behalf or raise money for them?

Like I said, what does "support" mean?


Renegade of this atomic age
Like I said, what does "support" mean?

Kasim Reed on Bernie Sanders: ‘He’s not going to be the nominee.’
February 16, 2016 | Filed in: Bernie Sanders, Elections - President, Hillary Clinton.



Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders, left, and Hillary Clinton take the stage before a Democratic presidential primary debate at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee last week. AP/Tom Lynn

Hours before Bernie Sanders kicked off a tour of historically black colleges with an event at Atlanta’s Morehouse College, Hillary Clinton’s campaign slammed her adversary for what it calls a “fairly misleading” omission.

“It’s fairly misleading that Senator Bernie Sanders is kicking off a tour of Historically Black Colleges and Universities without mentioning that his plan leaves many of their students out in the cold,” said U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., a graduate of Morehouse.

“While Hillary Clinton has made HBCUs a priority in her higher education plan, Bernie Sanders’ doesn’t even mention HBCUs once in his proposal.”

Sanders and Clinton have sparred at college campuses over dueling college affordability plans. Sanders plan would provide tuition-free higher education, while Clinton’s offers free tuition for students at community colleges and a pledge that students will “never have to pay more than 10 percent of their income when repaying the loan.”

Clinton’s campaign sees historically black colleges, like Morehouse, as a bastion of support in the Feb. 27 South Carolina primary and the votes in Georgia and other Southern states that follow on March 1. The Sanders campaign, which didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment, is hoping to convince minority studentsand others to give him a second look.

Meanwhile, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed also stepped up his attacks on Sanders as the visit neared. Our AJC colleague Katie Leslie reports that he predicted a Sanders thrashing in Georgia on March 1.

Our AJC colleague Katie Leslie reports that at a press conference on Tuesday, he predicted Sanders would be clobbered on Georgia’s March 1 primary.

“He’s never led anything in the U.S. Senate. What has he led? How many bills has he passed? He’s no Senator Kennedy,” Reed said of Sanders, comparing his rallies to Republican frontrunner Donald Trump’s raucous events.

“We are not going to put our party in the hands of someone who is not even a Democrat and watch him take this party over a cliff,” he said. “He is not going to get away with this foolishness in Georgia or South Carolina.”

He added: “Stop treating Bernie Sanders like he’s something special. He’s not going to be the nominee.”


Rising Star
Maybe you'll believe his words this time. If you won't then I don't know what to say. :23

Since you say no progressive would consider Bernie a socialist and since he himself considers himself one, does that mean you don't consider Bernie a progressive either.

And you still haven't given me an example of someone on the far left.

:hmm:.... How did you enjoy K-12 schooling? Or driving on streets and interstates? Or fire, rescue and police services? And the list goes on and on!! The point is, we're already living in a socialist government!!! Your talking like we're still living the Cold War yrs!!

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
:hmm:.... How did you enjoy K-12 schooling? Or driving on streets and interstates? Or fire, rescue and police services? And the list goes on and on!! The point is, we're already living in a socialist government!!! Your talking like we're still living the Cold War yrs!!

First off, I know what socialism is.

Secondly, I actually like a lot of socialist ideas.

Most of the country doesn't agree with them though. This is what Bernie is going to have to deal with.