COONS aka Congressional Black Caucus PAC (awash with lobbyist) to endorse Hillary Clinton


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know all of this. I'm a progressive. But I'm a realist. I understand that most of the country does not think like I do.

Bernie supporters bristle when you try to get them face reality.

Hillary supporters are lazy.....instead of moving they say well she is more acceptable.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
They been on the right side of civil rights and the wrong side when endorsing a candidate

These the same niggas who endorsed Hillary over Obama the first time and went as far to say he ain't black enough

Yeah them niggas some prime time coons, we ain't forget that bullshit
a coon CANNOT be on the right side of civil rights issues.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
He contradicts himself:

From Conversations: William Jefferson Clinton : from Hope to Harlem. Page 317

google books

In the 60's Hillary was a Goldwater girl
I have enormous respect for John Lewis, but found this funny.

Agreed, no mention of her Goldwater past?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Man listen, when a CAC gets black people to start calling civil rights leaders coons because they don't support him, that's when I know the Bernie koolaid is strong as fuck.

Man, Bernie could tell these dude to walk into traffic and the board would lose a third of its members.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I have enormous respect for John Lewis, but found this funny.

Agreed, no mention of her Goldwater past?

Hillary Clinton didn't last long on that side of the political spectrum, however, reporting that "By the time I was a college junior, I had gone from being a Goldwater Girl to supporting the [1968] anti-war campaign of Eugene McCarthy."

The meme shown above (circulated on social media in conjunction with the Martin Luther King Day holiday) plays on that brief period of Ms. Clinton's early political interest, claiming that she both "actively campaigned" and "voted" for Goldwater, a candidate who sought to "overturn the Civil Rights Act" and "re-segregate the nation." Those statements are highly exaggerated versions of what Clinton and Goldwater actually thought and did, however.

Although Hillary Clinton may have been a Goldwater supporter in 1964, saying she "actively campaigned" for him implies a more substantive role than the one she actually played. She was a mere 16-year-old who wasn't a member of the Goldwater campaign staff in any way, nor did she even meet the candidate — she related in Living History that she had to persuade her father to drive her and a friend to hear Goldwater speak when the GOP nominee made a campaign swing by train through the Chicago suburbs. And although Hillary Clinton might have wanted to vote for Barry Goldwater in 1964, the fact is that she didn't: she turned 17 just a few weeks before the election and thus wasn't eligible to vote for anyone, as the minimum voting age at the time was 21.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Lewis is the one making it sound like she was present and Sanders was not during that time ... But he's already on record saying he hadn't even heard of Bill until the 70's. He's full of shit on this one. He's tap dancing for the Clintons by misleading (Black) people going into SC into thinking Hillary was in thick of it when in reality she was a teenager who was feeling Goldwater.

He should've Just keep it 100


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

But while Lewis is carefully using his words to make it appear that Bill and Hillary were known to him during the civil rights movement and he questions Sanders there is a picture of Sanders participating in the march but where are Bill and Hillary ?

Lewis has been part of the democratic establishment playing on the rock to his head for 50 years. Lewis is never in front speaking out with Conyers ad Cummings. He isn't standing along side Waters when she is bringing the noise. Instead he is forgiving the crakka who abused him.

Just because he was in the fight 50 years ago doesn't mean he is still in the fight. Remember Eldridge Cleaver , where he started and where he ended.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
’94 Clinton Crime Bill: Fmr. Black Caucus Chair Tells Big Fat Fib on @MSNBC - See more at:

Voice Vote on the Largest Crime Bill in American History? Um, No.
Former Congressional Black Caucus Chair Kweisi Mfume, who represented Baltimore in the 1990s, told a big fib on MSNBC on Tuesday night (see video below). The lie: That there was no vote on the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, aka the Clinton Crime Bill, and that it passed by “voice vote.” No it didn’t. The final vote on August 21, 1994 is right here.

Not only was there was a vote on the final bill — which former Rep. Kweisi Mfume votes YES on — there was a massive rule fight that held up the bill from getting to the floor in the first place. Why? Because a coalition of members against the bill including seven members of the Congressional Black Caucus fought hard against it coming to the floor. Mfume was not one of those members.

It gets worse: After talking to members and staff who worked on the Clinton Crime bill in 1994, they confirm that Mfume assisted the Clinton Administration in picking off Black Caucus votes to get the bill to floor. Realize, the Clinton Crime Bill greatly furthered the war on drugs, rewarded states with money for locking people up, strengthened mandatory minimum policies, included $9 billion for prisons and added 100,000 police. Guess which communities bore the brunt of all that? The prison population in American grew 800% during the Clinton presidency. So let’s not be coy, the Clinton Crime Bill was a disaster for Black communities. See NPR piece from Sept. 2014

Vice President Biden, Rahm Emanuel and Sen. Chuck Schumer played huge roles in making sure the Clinton Crime Bill became law as did Mfume. Own it. There were members at the time who figured out that $9 billion for prisons and 100,000 more cops would impact Black communities (see Maxine Waters, Bobby Scott, Lou Stokes…). Mfume was not one of those members.

- See more at:


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
COONS aka SOME black voters refuse to DEMAND shit for their votes for decades.

Seriously, is Clinton really the problem? She is a piece of shit, but the black vote helped to create that piece of shit. Black vote is the easiest to get(play saxophone, shoot hoops, or dab) and the easiest not to answer to.



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I have enormous respect for John Lewis, but found this funny.

Agreed, no mention of her Goldwater past?

Sanders campaign has already admitted this isn't Sanders.

But I'm gonna let y'all finish.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Man listen, when a CAC gets black people to start calling civil rights leaders coons because they don't support him, that's when I know the Bernie koolaid is strong as fuck.

Man, Bernie could tell these dude to walk into traffic and the board would lose a third of its members.

Yep. Think about it. Black men are in here calling John Lewis a coon to help a Jewish dude from the second whitest state in America who also says our problems are economic and not racism.

We got a special bunch in here.


Medium well
BGOL Investor
Let the record reflect that John Lewis endorsed Hilary Clinton over Barack Obama October of 2007.
Let the record reflect that of the 42 members of the CBC in 2008, only 17 endorsed Barack Obama.

I hate to throw the word coon around, but I'm no fan of the CBC as a group.
is this true. I know they started to hit Obama with the he ain't black enough bullshit. But I cannot believe support from the cbc was that low.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Oh one more thing Bernie Sanders fans. Sanders voted for the crime bill just like everyone else did.

Not everyone voted for that fuckery...

But as for Sanders, found out about that the other day. They create the problem now want to campaign on fixing it. Fuck everyone. At this point, I'm just voting to keep Republicans out. Fuck Hillary and fuck Sanders.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh one more thing Bernie Sanders fans. Sanders voted for the crime bill just like everyone else did.
yes he did along with the majority of the congress.

but this was him talking about the issues that caused what he thought was the need......what was Hillary saying then and is it consistent with what she is saying now ?


Senator Sanders voted Yes on the Crime Bill but recently spoke of the Sandra Bland arrest saying, "we know we need some serious change in criminal justice in this country".

Transcript below.

[Congressional Record Volume 140, Number 39 (Wednesday, April 13, 1994)]
Mr. Speaker, let me begin with a profound remark: Two plus two equals four.

In other words, there is a logical and rational process called cause and effect. In terms of Newtonian physics, that means that every action causes an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, Mr. Speaker, there are reasons why things happen, as controversial as that statement may be.

A farmer neglects to tend and care for his fields—it is likely that the crop will fail.

A company neglects to invest in research and development—it is likely that the company will not be profitable.

In a similar way, Mr. Speaker, a society which neglects, which oppresses and which disdains a very significant part of its population—which leaves them hungry, impoverished, unemployed, uneducated, and utterly without hope, will, through cause and effect, create a population which is bitter, which is angry, which is violent, and a society which is crime-ridden. This is the case in America, and it is the case in countries throughout the world.

Mr. Speaker, how do we talk about the very serious crime problem in America without mentioning that we have the highest rate of childhood poverty in the industrialized world, by far, with 22 percent of our children in poverty and 5 million who are hungry today? Do the Members think maybe that might have some relationship to crime? How do we talk about crime when this Congress is prepared, this year, to spend 11 times more for the military than for education; when 21 percent of our kids drop out of high school; when a recent study told us that twice as many young workers now earn poverty wages as 10 years ago; when the gap between the rich and the poor is wider, and when the rate of poverty continues to grow? Do the members think that might have some relationship to crime?

Mr. Speaker, it is my firm belief that clearly, there are some people in our society who are horribly violent, who are deeply sick and sociopathic, and clearly these people must be put behind bars in order to protect society from them. But it is also my view that through the neglect of our Government and through a grossly irrational set of priorities, we are dooming tens of millions of young people to a future of bitterness, misery, hopelessness, drugs, crime, and violence. And Mr. Speaker, all the jails in the world, and we already imprison more people per capita than any other country, and all of the executions in the world, will not make that situation right. We can either educate or electrocute. We can create meaningful jobs, rebuilding our society, or we can build more jails. Mr. Speaker, let us create a society of hope and compassion, not one of hate and vengeance.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
is this true. I know they started to hit Obama with the he ain't black enough bullshit. But I cannot believe support from the cbc was that low.

Black Caucus divided over Obama

January 17, 2008

Even though Barack Obama may become the first African-American ever to represent a major party as the nominee for president, many black lawmakers on Capitol Hill are not supporting him. And that’s creating tensions within the Congressional Black Caucus.

More than a third of the black members of Congress are backing Hillary Rodham Clinton or John Edwards in the presidential primary, a stance that puts them at odds with many of their African-American constituents, who, recent polls show, are beginning to shift to Obama’s camp.

The Clinton supporters — among them, civil rights pioneer Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) and Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) — have said their endorsements didn’t hinge on race. Instead, they cited long-standing relationships with the Clintons, a respect for Hillary Clinton’s experience in national politics and, for some, geographical alliances with her in New York.

But now that Obama has won the Iowa caucuses and appears poised to do well in other early-primary states, some African-American lawmakers are pointing to the Clinton backers and calling them political opportunists who did not believe in the electability of a black candidate.

Read more:


Medium well
BGOL Investor
yes he did along with the majority of the congress.

but this was him talking about the issues that caused what he thought was the need......what was Hillary saying then and is it consistent with what she is saying now ?

yes he did along with the majority of the congress.

but this was him talking about the issues that caused what he thought was the need......what was Hillary saying then and is it consistent with what she is saying now ?


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Dudes in here are doing some serious mental gymnastics. Hillary Clinton was evil to black America because she voted for the crime bill but Bernie Sanders was just doing what everyone else did even though he voted for her just like she did.

All this for a guy who didn't give two fucks about any black person until the black lives matter movement got in his face about it.

All this for a guy who when he met al Sharpton, a meeting he requested, and Al Sharpton ask him about race and income inequality he wouldn't answer the question.

All this for a man who actively try to get the Democratic Party to run a primary against the first black president in 2012. Think about that for a minute he actually wanted the Democratic Party to run a primary against a democratic sitting president. BLACK sitting president.


BGOL Investor
@Darrkman Hillary is Bill is Hillary.. My thing is what was Bernie's record on AA programs since he's been in office since the early 80s


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
@Darrkman Hillary is Bill is Hillary.. My thing is what was Bernie's record on AA programs since he's been in office since the early 80s

Bernie has never really addressed any kind of issues that really affect the black community. He will talk a good game talking about how economics will this list of everybody but really he's saying that because he wants to appeal to his white voters. So he won't say the issue is racism and we have to address that directly because those same liberal white voters will suddenly turn on him when they think that they're going to get something taken away from them. So he runs that stupid idea of it's about economics and not race when we've all seen that it is about race. History has shown when you have these programs and you don't factor in race once again you'll have all of the benefits of going to one group of people white people. You saw it with Social Security you see it with the GI Bill you saw it with FHA loans. The whole reason there's a white middle-class was because of all of those programs yet black people because of racism or cut out from any of those benefits. So it's not like we're pulling this out of our asses history has shown this is what happens but Bernie Sanders will tell you it's not about race it's about economics. That's bullshit.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
@Darrkman Hillary is Bill is Hillary.. My thing is what was Bernie's record on AA programs since he's been in office since the early 80s

One more thing. Bernie is out here promising people the world and he's not telling you how the hell he's going to do it. He's saying he's going to give everyone free college education and he's going to change the health care status so we're at single-payer healthcare. To do that it has to work with Congress. When asked how does he plan to make all this happen while working on Congress his exact answer is we're going to have a political revolution. Which is really a non fucking answer. We're supposed to have a political revolution driven by young voters but in the last two caucuses the actual amount of young voters was less than in 2008. Sanders of selling your wolf whistles and the people are falling over to want to believe him. Without even questioning how the fuck is going to do anything.

You dudes and hear better wake up really really quick. Because this next election will be the one that decides at least two to three Supreme Court nominations. And Bernie Sanders can't win and worse once that Republican slander machine really gets a hold of some dude like Bernie Sanders you won't believe what the fuck would happen.


BGOL Investor
@Darrkman that primary shit he was talking was because he ain't agree with the Pres compromises with republicans on the economy and fiscal policy.. That mofo was rabble rousing

Secondly don't lump me in with these other niggas drinking the Bernie kool aid but make no mistake who are you talking as the lesser of 2 evils? At least with Bernie he has been pretty consistent for damn near 30 years unlike Hillary who goes wherever the wind blows..

The bitch ain't genuine at all and that's not just on black issues..

Who you want in office? The 2 dems or the circus of clowns in the GOP running for President?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Dudes in here are doing some serious mental gymnastics. Hillary Clinton was evil to black America because she voted for the crime bill but Bernie Sanders was just doing what everyone else did even though he voted for her just like she did.

All this for a guy who didn't give two fucks about any black person until the black lives matter movement got in his face about it.

All this for a guy who when he met al Sharpton, a meeting he requested, and Al Sharpton ask him about race and income inequality he wouldn't answer the question.

All this for a man who actively try to get the Democratic Party to run a primary against the first black president in 2012. Think about that for a minute he actually wanted the Democratic Party to run a primary against a democratic sitting president. BLACK sitting president.

Fam Hillary didn't even vote for the crime bill. She wasn't in office.

Dudes are holding the crime bill against the candidate that didn't vote for it, but are makin excuses for the one that did.

Think about that for a minute.

Bernie could vote to re-institute slavery and dudes in here would say "Well his heart was in the right place"


BGOL Investor
Fam Hillary didn't even vote for the crime bill. She wasn't in office.

Dudes are holding the crime bill against the candidate that didn't vote for it, but are makin excuses for the one that did.

Think about that for a minute.

Bernie could vote to re-institute slavery and dudes in here would say "Well his heart was in the right place"

Hillary had a lot of influence in policy with her Husband dont be fooled..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know all of this. I'm a progressive. But I'm a realist. I understand that most of the country does not think like I do.

Bernie supporters bristle when you try to get them face reality.

Brah... You are not progressive if you think Sanders is on the far left. He is actually closer to the center than candidates that we have had who are more on the far right and that includes our present President.
And to say that Bernie Sanders is a socialist just speaks of ignorance. So, there is no way you are a progressive in any sense especially when what Sanders is saying lines up with the majority of Americans.