I want you bros and sisters to think about something. Why have the U.S. and other countries been putting away body bags, and shutting down businesses for years? Whole companies have gone under. The last year or so, most of the world's high-end CEOs were either fired or left their companies. We have been knowing for years something was gonna come down the pipe. Just didn't know what. This could be it. Your civil liberties will be taken. You will be shut in for a long time. After people run out of money and their supplies go down, what do you think gonna happen. There will be chaos, unless we get together and share our resources. Believe me, shit about to get real in this bitch. I can only speculate that the disease been here awhile. I think it has. People travel back and forth from China all the time. Yeah, it wasn't no damn bat either that passed this shit along. It is biological warfare and this shit been going on for a very long time. (There is an article in the New York Times that claims Wuhan has a biological warfare site there and the workers sold infected animals to the local market.) Just look at history and you will see the pattern. We are in for a long ass run. A lot of people will die, but you have to keep your heads. Social distancing isn't new either. During the mist of the bubonic plague, people would leave the cities to avoid it. There are books written about the shit, during their times that tells you what was going on, i.e. Canterbury Tales, etc. Shit gonna get worst. Just look at the Spanish Flu of 1918. Over 500 million people were infected and 50 million died. We can expect a few million from this pandemic. Especially here. We are handling it wrong and I think that is by design. So, lets not fight over who is right or wrong, but share the information to keep us informed. If you are wrong about your assessment then let it be and keep it moving. We are gonna need all of your input in the near future. Its just my two cents.