Coronavirus math says 1.4 million Americans will die this year? Or am I missing something

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
as you just said it you got it b4 the alleged date when the "experts" claim... Like I said it's been here possibly since dec/jan.. I never believed that bat theory cause that wasn't the first bat ever eaten and won't be the last and guess what there will be no corona virus.. I'm old enough to remember the monkeys gave humans aids story "scientist" were trying to say back in the days. . Nigs rehash the same fake origin stories every few decades hoping society fall for the same shenanigans.. If you not easily fooled and know your history and are woke you know it's always something else.. That's why I'm not following all this hearsay shit or scare tactics.. All you got to do is read up on history, know some facts, and question everything the experts say.. The numbers don't add up, the protocols don't make sense, the irresponsibility of public figures is outrageous, and the follower scary ass popular opinion with the public fall in line mindset is unbelievable... No way a person fully aware and whose able to watch this whole fiasco from afar could believe a lot of this bullshit going on.. Another thing if you want to put your aluminium foil hat for a sec remember months ago 5g was getting a lot of backlash for its possible negative effects on humans and other species in general well all that's been overshadowed by "this".. Ask yourself could this be a cover-up using a "virus" for the realization humans are feeling the effects from that radiation that 5g could have on people? Question everything


Rising Star
Platinum Member
name the plague in all the centuries of humans getting them where social distance was the go to cure? 19never happened
I hear what you are saying brother. And I concede that there are no recorded deaths attributed to marijuana.

Nonetheless, people also do not die from crack overdoses either. Does it make it any less dangerous? Not saying weed is crack. The only fact that I am stating is that the smoke byproduct from setting fire to weed is harmful. You can not debate that. Any physician will tell you that. Even the lungs of firemen are damaged due the amount of smoke inhalation.

Again, feel free to smoke away. Cigarettes are legal, weed is mostly legal, and alcohol is legal. Still ALL are bad for your health.

People do die from crack overdoses.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I want you bros and sisters to think about something. Why have the U.S. and other countries been putting away body bags, and shutting down businesses for years? Whole companies have gone under. The last year or so, most of the world's high-end CEOs were either fired or left their companies. We have been knowing for years something was gonna come down the pipe. Just didn't know what. This could be it. Your civil liberties will be taken. You will be shut in for a long time. After people run out of money and their supplies go down, what do you think gonna happen. There will be chaos, unless we get together and share our resources. Believe me, shit about to get real in this bitch. I can only speculate that the disease been here awhile. I think it has. People travel back and forth from China all the time. Yeah, it wasn't no damn bat either that passed this shit along. It is biological warfare and this shit been going on for a very long time. (There is an article in the New York Times that claims Wuhan has a biological warfare site there and the workers sold infected animals to the local market.) Just look at history and you will see the pattern. We are in for a long ass run. A lot of people will die, but you have to keep your heads. Social distancing isn't new either. During the mist of the bubonic plague, people would leave the cities to avoid it. There are books written about the shit, during their times that tells you what was going on, i.e. Canterbury Tales, etc. Shit gonna get worst. Just look at the Spanish Flu of 1918. Over 500 million people were infected and 50 million died. We can expect a few million from this pandemic. Especially here. We are handling it wrong and I think that is by design. So, lets not fight over who is right or wrong, but share the information to keep us informed. If you are wrong about your assessment then let it be and keep it moving. We are gonna need all of your input in the near future. Its just my two cents.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yes. I am implying that!
I have had bouts of the flu and like you said...the shit hit different.
I truly believe that they tested this shit during the months of December through Jan...I have never been that sick bro and doctors thought I was bullshitting cause all test came back negative for the flu (thought I was a pill head trying to get prescriptions)...this "pandemic" was here way before they told us fam and it didn't come from no fucking Chinese least not how they are saying it did.

I was so sick for a month and a half...doc tested for everythang...even pneumonia...I was so sick had to raise my bed up to sleep...lungs were severely impacted...I know exactly what you mean.. brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are 3mm people in jails and prisons in the US. It's going to hit there hardest.

My concern is with our innocent brothers and sisters in jails over dumb shit, forgetting to check in with P.O, weed and other small shit. Rikers isn't providing soap during a pandemic. All because they can't afford bail. :smh:



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I want you bros and sisters to think about something. Why have the U.S. and other countries been putting away body bags, and shutting down businesses for years? Whole companies have gone under. The last year or so, most of the world's high-end CEOs were either fired or left their companies. We have been knowing for years something was gonna come down the pipe. Just didn't know what. This could be it. Your civil liberties will be taken. You will be shut in for a long time. After people run out of money and their supplies go down, what do you think gonna happen. There will be chaos, unless we get together and share our resources. Believe me, shit about to get real in this bitch. I can only speculate that the disease been here awhile. I think it has. People travel back and forth from China all the time. Yeah, it wasn't no damn bat either that passed this shit along. It is biological warfare and this shit been going on for a very long time. (There is an article in the New York Times that claims Wuhan has a biological warfare site there and the workers sold infected animals to the local market.) Just look at history and you will see the pattern. We are in for a long ass run. A lot of people will die, but you have to keep your heads. Social distancing isn't new either. During the mist of the bubonic plague, people would leave the cities to avoid it. There are books written about the shit, during their times that tells you what was going on, i.e. Canterbury Tales, etc. Shit gonna get worst. Just look at the Spanish Flu of 1918. Over 500 million people were infected and 50 million died. We can expect a few million from this pandemic. Especially here. We are handling it wrong and I think that is by design. So, lets not fight over who is right or wrong, but share the information to keep us informed. If you are wrong about your assessment then let it be and keep it moving. We are gonna need all of your input in the near future. Its just my two cents.
And the purpose of this is to?
And who are the 2 sides and which "team" is Trump on. If we going to join this battle , we need to know exactly what we're up against.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
If this was the black plague your scientific information wouldve killed you a few months ago.. I remember when scientist and medical people said this virus only lasted less than 3 hrs on the surface and wasn't that bad as far as being caught... Boyyyyyy was they wrong.. If they were military they would've lead their platoon to a massacre.. Is this the group you want to follow into battle?
Listen. The amount of misinformation regarding this thing is fucking frightening. I too remember when they claimed it didn't survive long. They claimed masks were useless. How many lives were lost because of their wrong information?

When the research came out that the virus can last for 3 hours in the air, how long before WHO changed course? Took them a fucking week. This was back when the Chinese said it remained for a minimum of 30 minutes in the air and then had to retract because of pressure that the study was flawed.

I been keeping all the fucking receipts man. When this is over, a lot of people should get the business. It's been fail after fail at every fucking level.
NYC is my nigga but he's not doing the math...this shit is not hopscotch...its something else man. Jan through Feb I was gravely wasn't the flu but I lost 20 lbs, couldn't hold down any food and had the shakes ...this was tested and then conspiracy bullshit either..countless people experienced the same thing and came back negative for the flu!

Yeah, I read about people getting this shit, testing negative for other shit, being sent home with some 'guess medication', i.e., shit for other infections and then healing. Tests results come back after they healed saying they got corona. :smh:

So it's clear that SOME people get sick and recover while being classified as having other illnesses. Only difference between now and a month ago is the corona testing. A month ago these cases don't go on record.
I was so sick for a month and a half...doc tested for everythang...even pneumonia...I was so sick had to raise my bed up to sleep...lungs were severely impacted...I know exactly what you mean.. brah
That's the telltale sign of pneumonia. Having to sit up to take breaths. I remember back in January/early feb posting on here that word was out that Chinese were doing fucking chest x-rays to check for fucking coronavirus. Doctors do x-rays to check for pneumonia. They said serious corona infections looked like glass in the lungs. That showed how serious this was, but since our own government wasn't acting spooked, I assumed it was contained like SARS back in the day. :smh:

Give it a few months until they admit it's been here. I'm surprised they even let the researchers in the UK say they think it's been there since January.


Truth Teller
People do die from crack overdoses.
This is False. The pathology of the drug does not operate in that manner. However, people absolutely die from crack related instances. AIDS and homicide are the number one and number two causes of death among crack users. Look it up.

There is a reason why black folk joke that crack heads dont die.

Let me add this disclaimer:

It would be irresponsible for me to say that noone has ever died from a crack overdose. So, let me say that it is less likely that a person would die from an overdose of crack. This is excluding crack that has been cut improperly or crack that has additional chemicals which facilitate morbid outcomes. This is crack poisoning not overdose.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
This is False. The pathology of the drug does not operate in that manner. However, people absolutely die from crack related instances. AIDS and homicide are the number one and number two causes of death among crack users. Look it up.

There is a reason why black folk joke that crack heads dont die.

Let me add this disclaimer:

It would be irresponsible for me to say that noone has ever died from a crack overdose. So, let me say that it is less likely that a person would die from an overdose of crack. This is excluding crack that has been cut improperly or crack that has additional chemicals which facilitate morbid outcomes. This is crack poisoning not overdose.
So, people die from crack.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
And the purpose of this is to? perspective my brother.
And who are the 2 sides and which "team" is Trump on. If we going to join this battle , we need to know exactly what we're up against. You keep living and you will see what will come down the pipe.


Rising Star
The president is now saying 200k

And that’s best case scenario - 100% lockdown nationwide at least till May. Which is not the case. So Get ready for a surge in numbers

Just glad to be in California where we have had real leadership


Truth Teller
In this thread, I tried to use my medical experience to share the dangers of smoking marijuana as it pertains to covid-19. Not surprisingly, my word of caution was met with skepticism. Over the next few years we will get more data regarding smoking marijuana. Not eating, boiling, etc. Just setting fire to marijuana and inhaling. As I mentioned before, it's the carbon and other toxins as a result of the smoke that is harming marijuana smokers. Not the marijuana itself.



Truth Teller
Weed is not good for your heart, studies say
(they should have stated smoking weed")

Over time, we will get more information regarding the health implications of smoking weed. I still stand by the idea that oils, and othe methods of ingesting weed is much better. Its not the weed per se, that's bad, its smoking it.
