Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

Tha Baldavenger

Rising Star
Platinum Member
You meeting Mira was by purely by chance, but apparently fate. Normally, you would be apprehensive about approaching strange women in stores, but you gave it a shot. You're shopping in Macy's, and standing in a long, make that a very long line and you notice Mira standing in front of you (ok, she's not Priyanka Chopra, but you're feeling her complexion). After awhile the usual suspects start complaining about the long line and how come there are not more people working on the cash registers (you know the routine). At that point Mira turns around looks at you, smiles, and says, "It's going to be one of those days."

You smile back, and agree and then take out a copy of "Rolling Stones 200 Greatest singers" (the list is trash, but you wanted to see what they had to say anyway). Mira turns back and notices what your reading and ask if she could look at it and you both share the magazine and critic the list. She's calling the list BS, because she feels there is no way in hell that Michael Jackson should be 86# on the list and then she mentions Minnie Riperton, Gladys Knight, etc., and you are looking at her like she is a "unicorn."

She notices the strange look that you just gave her and she tells you don't think this "brown girl" doesn't know her music and well let's just stay that you and Mira will be spending a lot more time together getting to know each other outside of Macy's.

she cute with her pierced nipple self

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know if you noticed that a lot of Indian women work in Dunkin' Donuts/Baskin-Robbins, and if you frequent them enough you will get to know the staff (of course in the process of getting to know a female you're attracted to that works there, you'll probably end up being 30 lbs heavier)



Rising Star

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You've just arrived back in New York after having spent a week in Florida, and you're just happy to be home. The only problem is that it seems like you're never going to get home because your luggage has yet to appear on the baggage carousel.

The only upside to this is the young lady standing to your right side...Kayla. Kayla, who is visibly upset, but makes light of it by saying she could be back in Miami by the time her luggage comes out.

Finally, after about 30 minutes your luggage finds it's way to the carousel. But, the wait allowed you to get to know Kayla, who ironically is going to Manhattan also. So, you decide to share a cab ride.

Now, the ride is going well, but you are trying to figure out the cost and how you plan on paying. Kayla seems unconcerned, but you ask her how do you want to split the fare? She smiles and said I use these...

Apparently, you and Kayla have a lot more to discuss.