Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)


Rising Star
her titties have me intrigued.

:cool: that is my weakness too :lol:


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You went to CVS a few days ago and you needed some assistance from one of the Sales Clerks, Shivona. There were a few items that you could not locate and even when you did she still needed help because they were locked in a display case. While you were there you engaged in friendly banter with Shivona and she notice you had on a football jersey. She then started talking about the Super Bowl and said she didn't know that much about the game, but would like to learn. She suggested that maybe you could teach her so you exchange numbers.

Now, one of you good friends usually has Super Bowl parties at his house and you have a standing invitation, do you invite Shivona also? And yes, there may be some other women there.



Independent thinker
BGOL Investor
You went to CVS a few days ago and you needed some assistance from one of the Sales Clerks, Shivona. There were a few items that you could not locate and even when you did she still needed help because they were locked in a display case. While you were there you engaged in friendly banter with Shivona and she notice you had on a football jersey. She then started talking about the Super Bowl and said she didn't know that much about the game, but would like to learn. She suggested that maybe you could teach her so you exchange numbers.

Now, one of you good friends usually has Super Bowl parties at his house and you have a standing invitation, do you invite Shivona also? And yes, there may be some other women there.

you should be a script writer lol. you really be putting some thought into these thread post

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, it's Friday and you were looking forward to leaving work early and just going home to chill. Well, around 4:30 your Manager needs you and Rakhee to work on a case that will be present in court next Tuesday.

The only consolation is that you get to work with Rakhee (she is of Indian descent grew up in London, but attended Columbia Law school), she's sexy, always smells great, and has an alluring English accent.

It appears that you and Rakhee work well together as you review case law and are able to support your arguments and she is getting comfortable (considering this is the first time you've work together).

When Rakhee does this all you can think about is having those Big Brown legs wrapped around your shoulders. You dare not say anything or even hint at what you're thinking because your not sure how Rakhee might respond?

Nevertheless, you're at a point where you are contemplating risking it all and then something strange occurs. Rakhee's very perceptive and can pick up that you’re a bit nervous so she decides to ask you a question.

"If you were all alone with a 'hostile witness' in a courtroom where no one could see you. What would you do to make them comply?"

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