Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)


Rising Star

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You've know Dania for a little over a year because she's a cashier at your local Supermarket. Usually, you go to her line, but you noticed that if things are slow she'll come over and help the other cashier pack your items.

She always comments on how well groomed you are and one day asks you do you trim your own beard and facial hair? You tell her sometimes which prompts to have a small request of you, but she will have to explain in private.

With your permission she wants to know if she can come by your place? But, if you have girlfriend then it's a no go. You tell her you live alone and that it's ok, you exchange numbers and she will call you about 6 pm.

Dania calls around 6:09, and tells you she is on her way and you met her downstairs. Once she's in your place she gets comfortable and tells you:
"I'm not one to beat around the bush, I need a trim."
Now you're looking at Dania likes she's crazy, but then she takes off her clothes and you begin to understand.

Oh, I don't have much money so you'll have to decide how you want to be paid.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your sister's friend Keke, who is also a dancer at the "Dance Theater of Harlem." Keke immediately gets her phone to prove to you she dances there because a lot of people don't expect a brown girl to be there.

She accidentally shows you theses photos...

Of course, you're wondering was it really an accident?