Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)


Rising Star

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Clifton, a good friend of yours requested a small favor of you. He has to work this weekend and his cousin Vanessa is visiting America for the first time (Clifton is orginally from Guyana and his cousin Vanessa is half Indian/English and born and raised in London).

He wants you to take Vanessa out and show her the city. He tells you that Vanessa is very attractive, nice body, personality and you will probably like her (yet, he has this sneaky smile on his face while he is telling you about Vanessa. Furthermore, you think he is setting you up).

Well, Friday comes and you finally meet Vanessa...

Dinner, drinks, a few games of pool (Vanessa knew how to play and conned you into believing she didn't) ,and Vanessa rubbing that big ass against your crotch didn’t help you maintain your gentleman's status.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You ran out to the local supermarket to pick up a few items and then come back home. So as you walking pass the Entenmann's display this beautiful scent seems to fill the air. In addition, as you pass you notice a very attractive young lady at the display trying to decide whether to buy cookies, cakes or pastries.

So you comment and ask is that the cakes or you? She laughs and says, she's not sure and suggest you move closer to her neck to get a good whiff of her perfume. It's here, and you inquiry as to what her fragrance is?
"Bombshell," by Victoria Secrets, she replies.

You thank her and continue shopping, but fate has you standing in the same checkout line, so you continue to talk. You end up leaving out the Supermarket together and walking in the same direction (You learn that her name is Nikki, and she lives a few blocks from you).

Now this is where things get weird, Nikki suggest you come up to her apartment (she lives alone) and she can show you the perfume and see how it smells (she explains perfume can smell different on people due to body chemistry). So you follow her back to her place, and you realize she smells so good she is literally "leading you around by your nose."

Unbenounced to you, Nikki might have good surprises for your other senses as well...

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