Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mr. Chadha had recently opened a 24 hour Convenience store in the neighborhood to pick up the slack due to the closing of a 7/11 store. The store was basically a bodega run by him and his family (wife, sons, daughters). They filled a niche and did pretty good business during the day and evening because, well, to be honest his daughters were very pretty, and a lot of guys would patronize the store trying to "weasel" their way into getting with the girls (Mr. Chadha knew this and figured it was good for business).

Now, what struck you as odd was that sometimes Mrs. Chadha would work overnight, and appeared to be alone sometimes. Personally, you didn't think this was a good idea because of safety reasons, and sometimes you would stop by there around 2:00 AM, and "hang out" with her for a while (you worked from 4:00 PM to 1:00 AM, and would get home around 2). From there you and Mrs. Chadha developed a friendship and you figured that she appreciated your company late at night because it made her feel safe.

Perhaps, you were wrong for doing this, but because it was late at night you would sometimes "flirt" with Mrs. Chadha (initially, you were a gentleman, but your natural curiosity took over and you fantasized about what it would be like to "sleep" with Mrs. Chadha). Albeit, she was a mature woman, but what intrigued you about her was that she was very passionate about her beliefs and you assumed that this translated over into the bedroom.

One night, you stopped by the store a bit later than you normally due because of train delays, and Mrs. Chadha seemed concerned. She said she figured you would have arrived earlier, and you told her that the train was delayed. You joked and said "that this train better start moving soon because my wife is at home waiting for me."

Mrs. Chadha got a big laugh out of that, but then quickly got serious and said:
"You wouldn't know what to do with a woman like me."
This statement by her caught you off guard, and you're thinking is she serious?
It's not like you haven't thought about it, but she's married.

Mrs. Chadha came from around the counter and immediately went to the front door and locked it, then she asked you if you could escort her to the basement of the store because she required assistance with a few boxes that were too heavy for her to bring up on her own.
She lead you to a dimly lite section of the basement and before you could figure out what was going on she threw you against the wall and then.

Your late night rendezvous have been going on for a few weeks now.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you look back on how you and Vanessa Rao ended up in this place, it truly doesn't make sense. Your job make it mandatory that every employee attend a "Sexual Harassment Class," and the only bonus was that since you worked nights you would be credited with paid overtime.
You arrived earlier and took a seat and watched as other employees walked in the large conference room, but one young lady stood out to you.
Maybe it was the long flowing hair, or the caramel colored complexion, but something about her caught your attention, and for some reason she took a seat near you.

You greeted each other and she asked what department did you work in? You explained that you worked over night and briefly explained what you did and she listened very attentively. The conversation then shifted to movies, and that seemed to pique Vanessa's interest.

You're still not exactly sure how you mustered up the nerve to ask her out (considering where your at), but when she mentioned that she would like to see the "Watchers" with you since she doesn't like viewing scary movies alone you agreed.

So, how did you end up in bed with Vanessa Rao? Well, you see...

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You hadn't seen "El" in a few months, but when you did you noticed he seemed to be moving differently. There was more "pep" in his step and he appeared to be brimming with confidence. El had been working security for the last few years and usually had assignments in Queens, but recently had been reassigned to a migrant shelter on the Upper East Side.

At first, he was a bit concerned about the position because he had heard some wild stories, but his fears were soon assuaged because of a few factors. The first thing was that the majority of the residents were female headed families (there were a few males, but mainly women and children). The second thing was that a few weeks ago the city imposed an 11:00 PM curfew and that was a bonus because he would be working the 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM shift, furthermore he lived within walking distance of the facility.

There were a few guys that worked for "Door Dash" that might stroll in after 11:00 PM, but that number was less than 7 or so, but the "piece de resistance" of the gig was he met a young lady named Menka, who worked overnight with him.

Initially, he thought Menka might have been Venezuela, but it turned out she was of Indian descent and her family hailed from Guyana. El was honest and said that initially there were a few "growing pains" because Menka appeared to be a bit standoffish, but over time she became more comfortable with him and the 5 other staff members that worked that tour.

Since they worked overnight, Menka would normally bring her food in (El had the option of either bring food in or just walking home during his meal period) and El, by default became her "taste tester." Usually, Menka would bring in East Indian cuisine (which was new to El) and would also offer El some food.

El really wanted to invite Menka to his home, but he wasn't sure if she would feel comfortable so he refrained, but he often fantasized about how thing would go down if he did. However, one night Menka told El that she brought in a "Special dish" she made that she wanted him to taste, and she was hoping that he had an appetite.

Menka was so excited that she wanted El to sample what she had made and she felt she could no longer wait until they had lunch. So she asked El to escort her to her locker room.

Just as Menka expected, El devoured everything that she put before him.



Rising Star
Platinum Member

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You met Divya when you used to go to the "Taste of Tandoor," unfortunately business took a turn for the worst when Covid-19 protocols decreased the amount of people that were frequenting the area (more people worked from home and that meant less customers). Since you patronized the business on a weekly basis you developed a friendly relationship with Divya, and your conversations extended beyond her workplace.

Divya eventually gave you her cell phone number because she was basically tired of working in the restaurant and felt she needed a change. She was hoping that you might be able to find her employment at your place of business, so you would contact her whenever you saw an opening that she might be interested in.

Divya would call you sometimes late at night just to talk, and explained to you that sometimes she felt restricted and "caged" by her family ("Taste of Tandoor" was a family run business). She didn't really go out much, and just wanted to experience more (especially living in New York City).

One night, you and Divya got into a discussion about dance clubs and how she loved to dance, but didn't really have anyone to take her out and the few guys that might accompany her had "two left feet."

That prompted you to ask her was she a "Good dancer?"

Well, Divya said that she was going to record a video of her dancing for you (with the promise that you don't share it with anyone).

You're not sure if her family would approve of your relationship with Divya, but you're definitely taking her dancing!


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator