Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Usually you would try to get your suits, pants and shirts clean every 4 weeks and allow them to pile up. That was until you found a new cleaners in the neighborhood and you met Mrs. Chatterjee (their prices were a bit lower and they provide good service).

Now you go to the cleaners at least twice a month and why? It's because of Mrs. Chatterjee...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kabir's sister, Jiya would be attending the Summer sessions at Columbia University (she transferred from Hunter College) and would be living on campus (Although, her family lived in Jackson Heights, Queens she just wanted to feel independent).

This weekend Kabir invited you to ride along with him and his mother to go visit Jiya and basically see what things she might need for her dorm room. They brought her a few things that might be difficult for her to carry and the one thing that she needed was a small refrigerator. You suggested that they might be able to find one at "PC Richards" so Kabir and his mother decided to take a quick trip downtown to buy one (Kabir and his mother went since his mother was going to pay for it, and you Jiya wanted to show you around campus).

Jiya wanted you to help her unpack a few things (after she gave you the brief tour), and Kabir told you that they should be back within an hour.
Now, at times you can be totally oblivious to things and this was one of those times because about 7 minutes after they drove off Jiya changed up.
Jiya was no longer "sweet little innocent" Jiya, but it was if someone else had taken over her body.

She looked you dead in the eye, and said:
"I know you're not going to turn this down."

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shanaya worked the 3:00 PM to 1:00 AM shift at your job and sometimes you would sit and talk with her during her lunchbreak (you worked 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM). She enjoyed talking to you and you found that there were many similarities within your cultures despite the fact that you hailed from different countries (She's from Guyana).

Another reason she enjoyed talking to you was because she had been divorced for a few years and she appreciated hearing a male's perspective on things. In addition, because you were comfortable with each other, you would joke about how you would treat her if you were dating, and this would always bring a smile to her face (In your mind you had X-rated thoughts for Shanaya, but because you were in the workplace you only spoke of PG rated things).

One evening you and Shanaya took a walk to "Little Italy" to pick up some lunch and it was either the "Pasta Primavera" of the "Tiramisu" that didn't agree with her stomach and she thought it was best that she go home. You could see that she was out of it and you asked her if she wanted you to catch a cab with her and make sure she got home alright (she didn't want to impose on you, but she really needed help)?

You escorted her outside and before you did you grab a Ginger Ale out of the Vending machine and figured that might help calm her stomach down (she took sips of it on the ride uptown). When you arrived at her place she made a run to the bathroom, and you were just hoping that she was able to remove whatever that was that upset her stomach. After a good 20 minutes Shanaya came out the bathroom and wanted to offer you something to eat or drink, but you told her that you thought it best that she just lay down.

So, she went to the bedroom and told her that you would sit in the living room and just watch television and just call out if you need something. You started thinking to yourself, "Damn, I'm finally alone with Shanaya, but this is not how I imagined it would be" (It was like you made a wish with an evil Djinn). You got really relaxed and before you knew it, you fell asleep (but, turned the television down low in case Shanaya called you from the bedroom).

You have no idea how long you were out, but you had this strange dream that you were at "Coney Island," and you had just purchased some Cotton Candy, and it smelled great. The aroma filled your nose and the dream brought back good memories, however, you soon realized that the sweet aroma was coming from Shanaya who was now standing over you whispering that she wanted to "Thank you."

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Eugene, a very good childhood friend of yours asked you to take a ride out to Long Island with him because he was supposed to be an umpire in a High school baseball game today. One of the school was short on players and ended up having to forfeit, so you and him hung around and watch a game of Cricket between Thomas Edison HS vs. Stuyvesant High School.

You don't really know anything about Cricket and Eugene knows very little, but you both noticed that there were some good looking women in attendance (the majority appeared to be Indian or Pakistani).

Now, Eugene still had on his umpire uniform and one of the young ladies sitting near you and him struck up a conversation with him (maybe she thought he was going to be involved in this game). One thing lead to another and you ended up staying for the entire game (the only bonus for you was that Amina, the young lady that Eugene met, explained the game to you and him).

Well, that wasn't the only bonus, at the end of the game (Amina was there to watch her younger brother play) Eugene managed to get Amina's phone number and they set up a date for later that evening.

You spoke to Eugene a few days later and asked him how did the date go with Amina?
He said things went well, but he was still in shock at how perfect her titties were!


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were so happy to be back in New York City because you just endured the "weekend from hell." You went to visit your friend David and his wife Kim in Washington, D.C for the extended Memorial Day weekend. You and David went to school together and this would be the first time that you met his wife Kim, although you had spoken to her several times on the phone.

What you didn't expect was that Kim had invited her Leila, her college roommate from Ohio State (Kim was basically trying to play matchmaker). From an aesthetic standpoint, Leila was stunning and you were down to do "whatever" if she wanted to "hook up" with you, and it seemed she did, at least you thought she did.

The first night you were there together Leila sleep in one guest room and you the other. You remember Leila seemed to like your accent and wanted you to tell her a bedtime story because she felt your voice was very soothing. So after David and Kim went to bed you found your way to Leila's room and started reading to her, as you're reading she starts playing with her breasts. You start to move in and she stops you because she feels funny since David and Kim are in the other room and felt that would be disrespectful.

What was really troublesome was that you swear you could hear her "playing with herself" after you left the room.
Then there was the time she wanted you to help her find this certain book on the bookshelf in her room (but, she didn't have any panties on while she was bend over on the floor).

Basically, the whole weekend consisted of Leila teasing you and then telling you "No." However, when you get back to New York Leila started calling you and wants to come visit you and spend time with you in the city, go figure.

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aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
This chick has a weird Channel ... she never shows pussy or titties but got vids worshiping at the temple ...

mind u never shows her face either .. i guess she can always say that wasnt me ... :giggle:

anyway pretty lil Indian bitch ...she might already b in here ... she brings her friends a long 4 the ride also ...:yes:

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You met Jessina at a birthday party for your friend Tyjuan (she's a coworker), and you were immediately intrigued by her red hair. You felt you had nothing to lose so you approached her and asked her to dance with you, and she accepted your invitation.

Not only did her hair look great, but it smell great also, and you told her that her hair color really complemented her complexion.
She thanked you, but said: "That's not what you're thinking."
You: "What am I thinking then?"
Her: "You want to know if the carpet matches the drapes"
A sly grin came across your face

Her: "The question now is are you brave enough to go hunting in the jungle?"
