Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You had to go check on some property outside of Atlanta, GA and although you have family in Atlanta, you thought it was best to stay in a hotel (as to not inconvenience anyone or for that matter yourself).

During the day and early parts of the evening you were able to spend some time with "family," but at night you would return to your hotel room, that was until you encounter Riva.

Initially, you assumed that Riva was part of the housekeeping staff because a good majority of the young ladies working there appeared to be of East Indian descent. However, you soon discovered that Riva was in fact the night manager at the "Ritz-Carlton," and this became apparent when you had made an inquiry about things to do at night and places to eat in Atlanta (that was the first time you met Riva).

Some of the places she recommend sounded good, but you probably needed to make advance reservations so you figured it would just make more sense to dine in the hotel's restaurant. It felt kind of strange dining alone, and you probably could have ordered room service, but you wanted a temporary break from your room.

Nevertheless, your solitude was interrupted by a very soft and sultry voice that sounded familiar, it was Riva, and she asked if it was okay to join you? Riva said she noticed you all alone and felt that you might appreciate some company (she also let you know that she was "off the clock" at the moment also). Riva was smart and told you that she could only stay a minute or two because she knew that "eyes would be on her," and she slipped you her number and asked you to text her when you finish eating.

About 15 minutes later, you returned to your room and sent a text to Riva and about 10 minutes later you received a knock on your door. Riva (playing it off) said that "we received a complaint from you regarding a malfunctioning television set and you're having problems with the air conditioning unit?"

"Yes, I am," you stated as you closed the door behind you.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tonight, your friend Harlan called you up and said that he needed to talk about something with you, but felt the need to do it in person. So you ended up just chilling at your place watching Baylor vs. Colorado. Harlan seemed stressed out and asked you did you have any liquor, which is highly unusual because Harlan doesn't drink?

Harlan, started talking to this young lady that works with him named Janie, who lives in the Richmond Hills section of Queens with her daughter Mahika. The relationship started back in April and things have been going well and there were no problems. Her daughter, Mahika is currently attending NYU and will probably graduate this December and is looking at attending Graduate school (so for now Mahika is attending Summer school).

Harlan continued and said the problems began around the start of summer and the issue is Mahika. Mahika is an attractive young lady and Harlan said that he has never said anything improper to her or done anything to give her the idea that he is interested in her. However, about 2 weeks ago
he called Janie to tell her he was coming over and asked her did she need anything?

She said "no," and told him that she wasn't home yet, but you can give Mahika a call she might want something from the store. So, he called Mahika and the conversation started off normal then it went "sideways" when Mahika but him on a video call...

Harlan said he wanted to look away at first, but was kinda "turned on," by that the fact that this young girl was giving him some attention. It took him about 2 minutes to tell her that he had to go.

A few days passed and Mahika called him up and at first the conversation seemed "normal" then she started getting comfortable again and asked Harlan "did he consider oral sex cheating?"

Harlan admitted that he wants to sleep with Mahika, but at the same time he doesn't want to jeopardize his relationship with Janie and wants to know what should he do?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At one time or another most men have been "lucky" enough to experience a "One night stand." The majority of the time when you're single (or even married) men are hoping that they will meet a woman that they find "sexually attractive," and hope that the woman feels the same way upon their initial meeting.

However, in spite of women leaving the house with similar thoughts, most women will refrain from engaging in a "One night stand" for fear that they will be labeled as being "loose" or "for the streets."

Obviously, there are exceptions to this because it "takes two to tango," and there are women that will engage in satiating their "lustful desires" without any regard for anyone's opinions, but their own.

So, how do you response when you come over to pick her up for your "first date" and you're invited into her bedroom?
