Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately, a good friend had to spend some time in Lenox Hill hospital due to some medical complications and was a patient for about 6 weeks before being transferred to another hospital for rehabilitation. During his stay, you would try to make frequent visits and overtime you became more acquainted with the staff.

One young lady that stood out was the Maya Ramson, who was usually a mainstay at the front desk.
You would go back and forth trading lines with her and she always had a good comeback.

One time you stayed until about 4:00 AM, and to your surprise she was still wide awake at the front desk, so you told her that you were shocked to see she was up.
Maya told you that: "I have a lot of stamina, and I'm up all night long in case my patients or staff need me."
"I'm curious, can you stay up all night long?"

After 2 weeks, you made a move and Maya was with it...

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is your girlfriend, Desiree and she was a theater major and is a "SAG" member. On occasion, she has managed to get a few commercials and appeared on a few primetime television shows as an extra, you could say that "acting" is in her blood.

So, to keep things "spicy," she likes to "role play" with you when you get together.

The setup is that she is sitting alone at a table in "Starbucks," drinking tea while working on her laptop. You enter "Starbucks," place an order a "Frappuccino," and take a seat near her. She pretends that she can't get any "Wifi" reception and asks you for help, you help her log into the network and then she explains she is having the same problem at home.

She appreciates your help and was wondering if you would be so kind as to look at the setup she has in her apartment. She is aware that you are total strangers, but she feels comfortable with you. You in kind, tell her that you hope she is not a "serial killer" or plans on tying you up Annie Wilkes did Paul Sheldon in "Misery" (Kathy Bates and James Caan).

She says "No, unless you're into that kind of thing, just kidding."

Ironically, you go home with Desiree and she asks you "have you ever been tied up?"
You: "No"
Desiree: "Just for fun, want to try it?"

You: "Ok"

Things started off so "sweet an innocent," but they didn't end that way.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There was no denying that a mutual attraction between you and Sanija existed, but there was a multitude of reasons as to why you could not be together. You assumed the cultural differences might present a problem, but the biggest issue was Mr. Ahmed, that would be Sanija's husband.

You met Sanija at your neighborhood YMCA on 135th Street in Harlem in a Fitness class you had signed up for. The class was comprised of mainly women who were probably 30 years old and older and the instructor made sure that everyone worked out at a pace that they were comfortable with and sometimes would pair people off with a partner (that is how you met Sanija).

It's your basic nature to be flirtatious and once you found out that Sanija was a married woman you tried very hard to curb your inclinations, much to the dismay of Sanija. If anything Sanija started to "mentally seduce" you after the second week of class. The loose sweat pants quickly changed to yoga pants that accentuated her shape and her tops began to reveal a "welcoming" cleavage.

You told her that Mr. Ahmed must appreciate her keeping her body tone and being so flexible (she could actually put both legs behind her head would do this from time to time as a warmup).

She said that Mr. Ahmed treats her like she is a servant (cooking and cleaning), then she got really personal and said that Mr. Ahmed's idea of "love making" doesn't extend any further than the singing of the "National anthem" before a sporting event (after which his undivided attention is on the game and not her).

You told Sanija that you were sorry to hear that, to which she replied, "Are you?"

At that point, you paused and excused yourself and made a hasty retreat to the bathroom. You didn't really have to go to the bathroom, but the you realized that you were being tempted by the "fruit of another."

Now this is where the situation gets tricky, very tricky. Mr. Johnson, who is the "maintenance man" notices that you look flustered and asked you what's wrong. As much as you like to keep your personal business private you confine in him and tell him that you really want to "fool around" with this young lady in your fitness class, but she's married and you can't go to her house or yours because she is on a time schedule.

He told you, "Youngblood, don't sweat it. Since it's Saturday we close at 5:00 PM, but I'm here until at least 7:00 PM, cleaning up. Just have her hang around a little longer, do your thing and she just gets home a little later as to not raise any suspicion.

When you return back to class, you figure that Sanija might have lost her interest, but instead she got bolder and said, "Did I scare you?"
"Did the thought of us sharing a few stolen moments get you nervous?"

You told her to meet you by Mr. Johnson's office at 4:55 PM, and if anyone asks just tell them that you need his assistance because you can't get into your locker and he might have to cut the lock. You stood around talking to Mr. Johnson until he gave you the "all clear" sign at 5:00 PM, and then you went upstairs and met with Sanija.

To be honest the showers were not the most romantic place for your rendezvous, but from the look in her eyes, Sanija wasn't interested in romance at the moment.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and some of the fellas decided to "hang out" at this Sports bar in Harlem called "The Fox." Nice mature crowd and plenty of single women so you're in your element. The crowd seems tuned in to the match between Frances Tiafoe and Taylor Fritz, and you would think you're at actually at the US Open.

As you look to your left you notice a young lady who's screaming in your ear with an almost fanatical interest in Frances Tiafoe's success. You asked her was she related to Tiafoe and she laughed and said that she just wanted to see him win because there are so few black tennis players that have reached the finals.

That statement alone impressed the "hell out of you," and Natasha didn't have to pay for another drink while she was in your presents (which also lead to you getting some Butterfly Cut Fried Shrimp and French fries for you both). You had no expectations as to where this was going and just looked at the situation as you're having fun.

The place closed at 2:00 AM, and you looked around for your friends (since they were your ride home), and at that moment Natasha suggested you come home with her. This is a big surprise because these type of invites are highly unusual for you and you're "paranoia" starts to kick in (suppose it's a "setup," and she has some dudes waiting to rob you? Suppose she plans on taking you to her place or somewhere and drugging you?)

"Common sense" is usually a very close friend of yours, but tonight you throw all "caution to the wind," and catch a cab to Natasha's apartment at "Lenox Terrace."

You're hoping for the best, but you're still keeping your head on the swivel.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were so excited because had a good friend make some alterations to your bathroom, which included replacing your shower head with a hand held shower head. Fate would have it that you run into your neighbor, Latika while you were standing and waiting for the elevator. Latika had help you decorate your bedroom and the living room in the past so she was the perfect person to discuss the changes you made your bathroom.

So, you invited her over, and she said she would come over as soon as she dropped her bags off and changed out of her work clothes. After about 20 minutes, Latika came over to see your bathroom and she was very impressed, even to the point that she wanted to use your shower to test out the "hand held" shower head.

You provided her with a fresh towel and told her that there is some body wash on the rack in the shower, in addition, you told her that if she needed anything else to just call out.

After about 10 minutes, Latika called out to you, but her request caught you totally off guard.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were about a semester away from receiving your Master of Public Administration degree from NYU. After all these years you decided to go back to school after taking a break from the basic "9 to 5" life, and was hoping that an MPA would help "springboard" you into a more lucrative position.

Since you were once again a "poor student" you lucked up and managed to get a position as a TA (Teacher's Assistance) in one of your English classes (EXPOS-UA 5, Writing the Essay: Art and the World). The salary wasn't great, but every little bit cost.

Now, it feels a bit weird to be back in school and things have changed since you attended school, but one thing that hasn't changed is the availability of young coeds. It's not that you're chasing after them, but there's no harm in just looking, right?

At least that's what you thought until you found yourself "holding a glance" with Ms. Lilly Datta a bit too long. Classes had basically just started, but one day last week Lilly approached you and was wondering if you could assist her in formatting her first paper? This seemed a bit odd, simply do to the fact that most student should probably consult with the professor regarding this matter (and you did suggest that to her).

But, for whatever reason Lilly told you that she felt comfortable with you and was somewhat intimidated by the professor's presentation. So you agreed to meet with her the next day at the library. The meet went well and it appeared that Lilly had a good grasp of the material and even thought the paper wasn't due for another 2 weeks, you suggest that she could let you look at a "rough draft" to critique.

She said she would appreciate that, but likes to work at home and edit from a hard copy, but her printer is malfunctioning. Then she said maybe you could come over and look at her printer, and maybe you could fix it?

Ok, maybe it was an accident while you and Lilly were working on fixing the printer, and ink got on her clothes, but did she have to change into this outfit?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your coworker, Nadia had a very strange request and you had to take a few minutes to consider the potential ramifications that might come with it. Nadia was dating this cop, Bobby that she met at work (you work for an agency know as "DTAP," which is a Drug Treatment Alternative to Prison), and would see Bobby because he would transfer many of the arrested defendants to be processed by Nadia.

Initially, Nadia didn't care for Bobby because she thought he was too arrogant and she didn't like the way he treated the defendants, but
overtime he won her over. You didn't think to high of Bobby, and to exacerbate the situation her family didn't care for Bobby either, and that was saying a lot because it wasn't the cultural difference. Furthermore, you figured that Bobby had "the complexion for affection," but they saw past that and thought he was a "scumbag."

Nevertheless, Nadia ended up moving in with Bobby against the pleas of her family not to. This relationship lasted all of about 6 months before Bobby accused her of "sleeping around" when in reality Bobby was trying to "screw" everything that moved. Nadia began to get the hint when he would say he was going to work at "odd times," and when she would try to contact him he was never available.

When she finally got up the nerve to confront him with "alleged infidelity" he turned the tables on her and claimed she was cheating, in addition he got "physical" with her and she had to leave. She wanted to go back to her family, but wasn't ready for the "I told you so" comments so she asked if she could stay with you for a week or 2?

You had apprehensive trepidation for fear that Bobby could become a potential problem, but you gave Nadia the okay, and told her not to tell anyone where she was staying (if anything, tell your parents that you are staying with a female coworker for a few days while they paint and perform construction on the apartment).

The first week went okay up unto Friday evening when you heard Nadia crying in the spare bedroom. You went to talk to her and after about 30 minutes she seemed to calm down. You remember going to the kitchen simply to get her some apple juice and a box of tissues to dry her eyes, but upon returning her mood had totally changed.
And you had no protection against the looks that Nadia was now giving you...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You think back to when you first started dating Tameka, and everything was so fresh and new to you both. The trips, the clubs, the restaurants, and oh the sex. Back then the sex was wild and constant, and Tameka was a freak, who like to "push the envelope." That was about 7 years ago, and now you look back and think that maybe you "wore a ring that was taken to hastily."

You began to realize there were problems when your "dalliances" when from 3 times a day to barely 3 times a month that in conjunction with other things seemed to be taking it's toll on your marriage to Tameka. You still cared for her, but something needed to break the wall that you had built around each other.

Unfortunately, for you that wall was broken by Veena. You met Veena in "Target" while you were shopping for a few things for the apartment and she was kind enough to provide a "woman's touch" with some of the items you purchased (you had asked Tameka to come with you, but she declined your offer).

The strange part was that while you were shopping with Veena for a minute or two you felt like you were single again, and it reminded you of when you first started dating Tameka. So when she suggested you have something to eat afterwards you didn't hesitate. Veena did inquire about your "martial status," and you didn't go into details, but instead told her that you were "happily married" (you lied).

You exchanged phone numbers and tried your best to make it seem like it was "networking," and strictly a business relationship, but in your heart you knew that this was a lie also.

Apparently, so did Veena because after a few phone calls from her (she would call you while you were at work) she decided to take the relationship to another level...

Those phone calls, text messages and videos were the start of an "emotional affair" that soon turned physical and that wall that had been constructed on your part that was built by your frustration was slowly coming down.

However, you have to keep reminding yourself that "a house divided against itself cannot stand," and Veena may very well be jeopardizing your foundation.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ms. Jahnavi Khan worked for the Department of Health in NYC, and was trying to assist you make amendments on your son's birth certificate. When he was born you didn't officially designate an official name for him and he was just listed as "baby" with your last name. This wasn't a problem until you were trying to obtain a passport for him and you need a sealed copy of his birth certificate.

The Department of Health is not one of your favorite places to visit, and it's not a problem with the staff, but the fact that it's over crowded and the wait takes so long. The only "highlight" was watching this woman (an employee there) walk back and forth attending to people. The thing about her that caught your eye was the way that maroon skirt fit her. When you think about it the skirt was actually down to her ankles and loose fitting, but you could tell she had "ass for days" underneath. In addition, she had long black flowing hair, and truth be told, hair has always been one of your weaknesses (style and texture didn't matter).

You needed something else to pass the time, so you started working on the Daily News crossword puzzle and was suddenly startled by a soft voice. It was "that woman," who soon introduced herself as Ms. Jahnavi Khan and she asked you how she could be of assistance to you.

You told Ms. Khan that god has finally sent me a beautiful wife, and she laughed and said shouldn't we at least go out on a few dates first?

You must have been in "rare form" that day because you actually managed to get her to go out with you. After about 4 dates you ended up at her apartment and you remember that she would ask you on occasion did you think she was too fat?

You reassured Jahnavi that she was actually the "highlight" of your visit to the Department of Health and that put her at ease.

At that point Jahnavi got comfortable, real comfortable.

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