Props for recognizing what you used to do was foul. (I hope you realize that includes excluding him from the wedding.)
I think it's okay to be happy that your kid is not gay. But I think it is sad and treacherous to treat any kid (especially your own) as less or even nothing because he or she is gay.
What was discouraged was moving too quickly toward sexual behavior-- Not their basic attraction to the other sex.
I am okay with kids knowing that who they are is okay. I'm opposed to anybody who makes that harder because they have a psychotic obsession with other people's sexuality.
Yes I realize that was fucked up and I apologized to him
I don't think u should treat ya child different if he's gay but reality is no real man wants a gay son
When u 1st find out ya kid likes girls its the best feeling in the world
We can't front like we didn't whisper to ourselves like "happy as hell he not gay YES"