mafuggin hyper chicken wrote the affidavit fully exonerating this trigger happy race soldier.
howintheFUCK are you supposed to follow verbal commands coming from someone who just broke into your apartment???
mafuggin hyper chicken wrote the affidavit fully exonerating this trigger happy race soldier.
The narrative is shifting with every passing second like sand in an hourglass.I thought from previous reports that he was shot in the doorway?
It blatantly contradicts itself all within 4 sentences of the same paragraph when you read the timeline of events. Totally brazen these terrorist clowns are.mafuggin hyper chicken wrote the affidavit fully exonerating this trigger happy race soldier.
howintheFUCK are you supposed to follow verbal commands coming from someone who just broke into your apartment???
i thought it was completely dark in there, so how was she able to hit her target center mass?I thought from previous reports that he was shot in the doorway?
This is the epitome of I'm white and I say so
Slow down, let's wait for white folks to explain what he should have done differently so that she wouldn't have HAD to shoot him.2 months and community outreach. Told y'all. She broke in his pad and murdered him, but it's his fault for moving while black.
Wait wait wait
Link scanned copy of affidavit
Man after reading this shit, when they release her 911 call, is gonna be very critical to her telling the truth or not.
Link scanned copy of affidavit
The vague words were she gave him commands and he didn't comply.She should be done. Even if people believed in the Affidavit, it’s still murder I. If a person is in your house or apartment and they are not a threat, you can’t shoot them. She should have known that the elements of her story is a unlawful entry at best. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Affidavit didn’t saying anything about her being in danger or believing she was in danger of her life...
You niggas keep really looking for a reason to just write this off as a mistake and move on
What the fuck
The vague words were she gave him commands and he didn't comply.
Amongst everything that was stated what also gets to me is you have a lock on your door that uses your key card. You typically use it to get into your home, no? So what sense does it make that you try to use your keylock and hmm, this lock looks different. Let me enter anyways. Hmm ok, my apartment is dark, I'm going to leave it that way. I see a shadow, I'm still not gonna flip a light switch, or grab flashlight on my service belt which I am wearing to see. I'm just gonna point my gun in the dark to this mysterious figure who's burglarizing my home.
Too many holes...
This is the epitome of I'm white and I say so
I saw that, exactly why you should yell into the apartment and say "hey" or flip on the light switch typically by the door.In her more recent lie she now states that "the door was ajar" when she approached the room.
yeah man. 911 operators asking her the address and the bitch cant outright give them her fuckin address?Man after reading this shit, when they release her 911 call, is gonna be very critical to her telling the truth or not.
Too many holes in the story.
AND she wasn't on official police business. I can use my company badge to get into the server rooms of businesses, but I have to go there for a purpose, not just stroll in because I'm bored.Crazy thing is that doesnt even need to be in their. So what she gave verbal commands. She was in the WRONG APT, that info is not needed
5'3 130 lbs
They seriously allow people of this size to be police?
Fix'd.What criminal is she going to stop? She is not physically capable of doing the job. She needs tobe behind a a pine box.
Fixed.If she walks they need to burn every cop car from now to eternity.Soon as the pigs leave em unattended,torch them and the paddy wagons. City has to pay if this bitch walks.
What criminal is she going to stop? She is not physically capable of doing the job. She needs to be behind a desk.