Good work my people, they think we are dumb.woooow the fucking lies smmfh
Good work my people, they think we are dumb.woooow the fucking lies smmfh
No they know white people are dumb and will latch on to any flimsy story to protect the system of white supremacy .Good work my people, they think we are dumb.
Another poster said that the attorney for the family stated that they have a few witnesses that heard her banging on his door to let her in.Now I'm hearing, the cop had a dog in her apartment ???
Sooo no fucking way she mistook the wrong apartment, if she walked in & her dog was not barking !!!
Dis bitch had 3 days to come up with a story.....and this is the best she could do ???
Another poster said that the attorney for the family stated that they have a few witnesses that heard her banging on his door to let her in.
She's made noise complaints to building management in the past about him. Up to the very morning of the shooting.
So any other narrative is pretty much BS at this point.
Yeah my theory to this all early on was since she lived below him, he a college student I'm sure she probably asked him turn it down maybe once or twice.Oh really? She’s mad. Pose complaints about him? The family lawyer need get a subpoena for those complaints.. this will show this bitch had it out for him
Not to mention off duty and with no backup. I've seen a search warrant issued and it is always a team, even if the cop is physically fit.Then the police officers are now also trying to gather enough evidence to present a version of the story that... "she may have been executing a search warrant".
So lemme get this right.... she was trying to execute a Search Warrant... with an ARMFUL OF GROCERIES, HUH???!?!? ORLY???![]()
If my door opens and I'm not expecting anyone, you goddamn right I'm going to grab my gun.She'll probably change her story again and add that it"..looked like he was making a motion like he was reaching for a weapon"![]()
Usually a dog runs to you, especially if it's just you two in the home.
Her alibis have more holes in them than a sponge. Add to that the coverup the police are trying to get in place.
I will never believe a police officer could be this stupid. There's also no way I'll ever believe those 2 apartments are identical in every way.
If a person still believes that blue lives matter horseshit after this attempted cover up by the police, they are just simply racist and should be proud to own it. The police are actively trying to cover up a murder for their colleague.
Merritt did reveal that the same day as the shooting, someone in the apartment immediately below Jean’s — which happens to be Guyger’s place of residence — made a noise complaint about Jean’s apartment; furthermore, he said, it was not the first noise complaint.
did anyone explain why she called for assistance after she shot him than before when saw her "unlocked door"?
just sayin'
This don't make no sense...
LOLThey need to
-Search that bitch crib for drugs
-Publish her blood test results
-Search her computer and phone for any evidence of racial animus, from browser history to texts to email
-publish security footage
-confirm the complaint record
-fry this bitch like a piece of cheap bologna
Yeah it's a given they won'tLOL
That would only happen if she was black and he was white. She got's that Complexion for the Protection.
Because that entire sequence of events, in her story is complete bullshit
I brought this up a couple pages back.....
If she truly thought he was a burglar, he would have been in handcuffs before she called 911
All cops are taught to...
1. Shoot for center mass
2. Neutralize the perceived threat, first (slap the cuffs on)
3. Then call for backup and/or first aid
In that exact order
That's what you see in every single YouTube video, of a brotha getting shot by police
Her sequence of events...
Shoot gun , call 911 (in the dark), turn on the lights, walk to the door number & then realize wrong apartment
Sooooo.....are we supposed to believe, she had her phone in her hands calling 911 in the dark, before she even bothered to double check for a second "burglar"
A second "burglar could've been hiding behind the couch, or in the bedroom, or some shit
The bitch needs to get the electric chair
As well as most of the cops in that department, for covering up her bullshit lie
This don't make no sense...
Excerpt from the article:
One witness says they heard a woman say, “Let me in! Let me in!” before the gunshots, and one claims she heard a man’s voice yell out, “Oh my God! Why did you do that?” after the shooting. According to a lawyer for the family, these may have been Jean’s last words.
If I just got shot, I'm gonna ask why did you do that? Not why did you shoot me? Maybe someone else said it.
Also don't forget, them doors self close, they are spring assisted. If she was inside the apartment when she shot him, you wouldn't hear any talking. After seeing that lady close her apartment door, they sound pretty solid. I really believe she stood in the doorway and argued with dude and shot him right there with the door open.
Side note:
When you guys go to work, make a mental note of all the colonizers in your office who still believes this was an "accident"
Cause that CAC at your job is either...
1. Extremely naive & hasn't been paying attention to the story/facts, cause they just dont care
2. Is a closet racist
Because anyone with an once of common sense can see this bitch is lying & that she straight up murdered the brotha
If it was too dark for her to see him you know he was blinded by the flood of light from the hallway into a dark room. So in the scenario they've concocted some random intruder is issuing commands to the resident. That's so far afield of anything remotely resembling logical that it's tragically comical these cock smokers would even dare to inject it into their narrative. Fuck these blue devils forever.just imagine for a second if this was reversed and it was him "mistakenly" parking on the wrong garage level and "mistakenly" thinking her apartment was his and him demanding that she put her hands up before he shoots her for not complying.... with him being a cop or not a cop in the scenario... either way. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!