I’m curious about you niggas opinion on something.... let’s put culpability aside for a moment.. do any of you think that it is possible that she really thought she was going in her own apartment? For instance, she was distracted or fatigued or whatever?
2 things...
1 - Was she Fatigued? Yesterday the Prosector revealed that she worked overtime... but it's not like she was doing anything that REQUIRED any 'physical activity'.

She spent her WHOLE DAY monitoring suspects in the interrogation room... and doing paperwork in an air-conditioned office environment.
So what exactly was she 'so tired' from?? That whole excuse is bullshit.
Was she Distracted? Absolutely. She was busy for several HOURS (from about 4pm to 9:45pm) sexting with her Patrol Partner,, who is a Married Man that she's been fucking for about a whole year.
2 - Is it possible that she really thought she was going in her own apartment? Let's rewind a bit. She normally parks her vehicle on the 3rd floor (which has a roof over her head). But that day she parked her car on the TOP FLOOR of the garage. The top floor has lots of OPEN SKY above her head. It's OUTDOORS (partially, or completely). With a big view of the city. So I find it disingenuous that she would not realized that she PARKED OUTSIDE (or drove around COMPLETELY OUTSIDE on the 4th floor to find a partially-covered parking spot).
You can see the parking spots on the 4th floor of the garage below.
There is a small lounge area overlooking the parking lot.
How does she not realize that she is PARKING OUTDOORS??
After IGNORING all of that...
she walks right past 16 different apartments that ALL have well-lit numbers on them. And stops at Botham's door which has a
BIG RED WELCOME MAT that she has to
STAND ON IT order to even ATTEMPT to put her key in the lock.
This clueless broad cannot see shit directly over her head.... nor under her feet?!?!?

How clueless do you have to be to miss ALL THIS SHIT before walking down a long ass hallway to reach your own apartment????
She did not recognize THE WHOLE DALLAS SKYLINE & ALL THOSE SKYSCRAPERS right in front of her face after getting out of her vehicle.
Now yesterday, the Defense tried to paint the picture that this building was in a 'high-crime' area... so if there's sooooooo much crime happening in her immediate area... and she is a TRAINED police officer who 'gets paid' to notice 'minor details' at all times.... then why is she sooooo COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS to her immediate surroundings if she KNOWS (for a fact) that crimes are happening at all times in her area?
She telling lies. Lots of them.