Dallas cop enters wrong apartment, kills Black man Botham Jean who lives there [LIVE TRIAL LINK]


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So lets recap.....
1. Judge getting choked up when Amber was on the stand with those crocodile tears
2. Judge allowing the castle doctrine law, into the jury's decision
3. Judge taking her sweet time to arrest Amber, after the guilty verdict was read
4. Judge instructing media NOT to film Amber getting arrested or doing the perp walk, so shes not all over the news, looking like a common criminal
5. Judge hugging this racist CAC at the end, like they're sisters or some shit
Da Fuck is going on here ??? o_Oo_Oo_O

These white people know us all too well
Always wanting to forgive no matter what, always showing compassion to CAC's no matter what
Always looking for the storybook happy ending, because Jesus this & Jesus that
Whitey even had Black Panther showing compassion, LOL
Blew up & killed his father, but yet still hugging this CAC at the end of the movie
I heard Zemo is getting out of jail early too :rolleyes2:
Nah brah, some people just need to burn in hell for a very long time




I wouldnt be surprised if they are both eastern stars.

Female branch of masons


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A few of US here gave y'all a heads up.

Now The Jean Family is going to handle grief in their own way.
So I'm not going to shit on them too hard.
Especially since they're Christian "Island" folks.
Some of You know where I'm going with that.

But as Representatives of The Law...
Judge Tammy Kemp, along with Dallas Police Chief Renee Hall, that mostly Female Jury, and that Bailiff,
Truly Showed Themselves.
For them, it's about maintaining Womanhood and White Supremacy.
Not seeking Justice for an INNOCENT Black Man.

Not surprised about the outcome and behaviors at all.

I'll Say It Again...


Yea that sisters joining forces with that clit kickin womanhood shit aka femenazism

And wonder why they cant find a good "black" man...

Uh we aint stupid we know what it is..

And we aint gonna cry about it...

Just build with the rightminded goddesses..

Ignore the rest of them hoes..unless their neck game good then you could negotiate..

And decide if the ho worth a bucket of wangs


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So lets recap.....
1. Judge getting choked up when Amber was on the stand with those crocodile tears
2. Judge allowing the castle doctrine law, into the jury's decision
3. Judge taking her sweet time to arrest Amber, after the guilty verdict was read
4. Judge instructing media NOT to film Amber getting arrested or doing the perp walk, so shes not all over the news, looking like a common criminal
5. Judge hugging this racist CAC at the end, like they're sisters or some shit
Da Fuck is going on here ??? o_Oo_Oo_O

These white people know us all too well
Always wanting to forgive no matter what, always showing compassion to CAC's no matter what
Always looking for the storybook happy ending, because Jesus this & Jesus that
Whitey even had Black Panther showing compassion, LOL
Blew up & killed his father, but yet still hugging this CAC at the end of the movie
I heard Zemo is getting out of jail early too :rolleyes2:
Nah brah, some people just need to burn in hell for a very long time




I think the brother and the judge's reaction has overshadowed the conviction itself and that's so sad.

They're trying to hug love into a hateful human being.
We watched whites reward the killing of unarmed blacks as though they were doing God's will. In Rwanda the whites that ordered the killings and helped to set everything up was hid. The point the judge is showing and I could be wrong but if you cannot beat them then join them. Shit we got a military in outer space but no black military to start getting prepared to stand up to white power. We will have our kids think that it is alright for them to rob, steal, kill, etc. and then set up education, jobs, etc. for us to keep their empire going on. About like the blacks in the Congo that say King Leopold colonized them with a smile on their face as though he was civilizing them. But we should all hope we do not become totally controlled by this suicidal sickness.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We watched whites reward the killing of unarmed blacks as though they were doing God's will. In Rwanda the whites that ordered the killings and helped to set everything up was hid. The point the judge is showing and I could be wrong but if you cannot beat them then join them. Shit we got a military in outer space but no black military to start getting prepared to stand up to white power. We will have our kids think that it is alright for them to rob, steal, kill, etc. and then set up education, jobs, etc. for us to keep their empire going on. About like the blacks in the Congo that say King Leopold colonized them with a smile on their face as though he was civilizing them. But we should all hope we do not become totally controlled by this suicidal sickness.

Didnt the fuckin Christian church admit the role they played in Rwanda

Fuckin Christian church historically got more blood on its hands..

Then every gang killing that has ever taking place in America...

All races combined...

Cant touch the bloodbshed in the name of a fictional vac faggot named jesus that never existed..



Rising Star
1) The way we experience and deal with trauma by cacs is controlled by them. :smh:

2) We’re also fuckin amazing people, and even when rage is justified we still tend to love and forgive. No other group can do this but US!
Here’s my rebuttal. The black man killed in this instance has Haitian background. Let’s say if this happened in Haiti, she would’ve been dealt with to the extreme letter of the law
Her family wouldn’t be hugging the murder
Let’s say this happened in a country in Africa I believe none of this hugging and forgiveness would happen either
However, for some crazy reason once we find ourselves in foreign soil, we become the most sympathetic beings on this side of the universe


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Didnt the fuckin Christian church admit the role they played in Rwanda

Fuckin Christian church historically got more blood on its hands..

Then every gang killing that has ever taking place in America...

All races combined...

Cant touch the bloodbshed in the name of a fictional vac faggot named jesus that never existed..

The story told about Jesus was that he was a revolutionist just like I am today. The difference between him and any other black during his time was that at an early age he was wondering around out there in the desert eating out of bee hives. I tell you the clock of destiny is about to run out. If a black man and a black lady have a baby and raise it off of breast milk and water. Then when it start teething feed it only raw organic fruits and vegetables. Then when it starts walking put it on an exercise program like the martial arts this would be considered an attempted escape. A person in this world not controlled by a white reality. They would be trying to kill the mother and father and the child.
Anything other than this the masses will continue to pass on white lies, white ideas, white values, etc. All this would be white supremacy and black inferiority. Blacks were never meant to wake up and be themselves again. Our true history is hid and has become inferior and the ways of devils (whites) have became superior.
I was never given a chance to raise a child up by the truth so it is my job to overcome and lay the foundation for truth to breath and start growing.
Bush was promoting Christian power when he first ran for president. His family and Schwarzenegger family are Nazis. They can talk about Nazi's war against gays, jews, etc. But their goal has always been to kill off the original race (blacks). It is serious white white power that exist in every area of the American life. Medicine, diet, education, politics, religion, law, etc. Every part of life until a black male (the only real man) overcomes and changes things.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Where’s them drayonis niggas who said we need to vote In local elections so we get good judges and councilmen.
This black dumb judge bitch was a waste of fucking air

Minus whale release the hoe and not guilty.

and the racist text?

I pray for you souf niggas daily.
I’m done.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The story told about Jesus was that he was a revolutionist just like I am today. The difference between him and any other black during his time was that at an early age he was wondering around out there in the desert eating out of bee hives. I tell you the clock of destiny is about to run out. If a black man and a black lady have a baby and raise it off of breast milk and water. Then when it start teething feed it only raw organic fruits and vegetables. Then when it starts walking put it on an exercise program like the martial arts this would be considered an attempted escape. A person in this world not controlled by a white reality. They would be trying to kill the mother and father and the child.
Anything other than this the masses will continue to pass on white lies, white ideas, white values, etc. All this would be white supremacy and black inferiority. Blacks were never meant to wake up and be themselves again. Our true history is hid and has become inferior and the ways of devils (whites) have became superior.
I was never given a chance to raise a child up by the truth so it is my job to overcome and lay the foundation for truth to breath and start growing.
Bush was promoting Christian power when he first ran for president. His family and Schwarzenegger family are Nazis. They can talk about Nazi's war against gays, jews, etc. But their goal has always been to kill off the original race (blacks). It is serious white white power that exist in every area of the American life. Medicine, diet, education, politics, religion, law, etc. Every part of life until a black male (the only real man) overcomes and changes things.

I'm gonna keep it simple...

As its been stated here many times..

Jesus could not have existed 2000 years ago..

Because the letter J didn't exist till 1600 years later..

But you are right there are messengers..

There is one now as there was one 2000 years ago and

2000 years before that..

Just was never no faggy lookin cracker named jesus.

Thats a Vatican psychological weapon


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Where’s them drayonis niggas who said we need to vote In local elections so we get good judges and councilmen.
This black dumb judge bitch was a waste of fucking air

Minus whale release the hoe and not guilty.

and the racist text?

I pray for you souf niggas daily.
I’m done.

Not many Demobots posted in this thread or said what their party would do to change or prevent this from happening. Same as Democratic politicians, they are crickets on all this as usual when a heterosexual black male is killed by state sponsored CACs. But when election time comes they'll be back insisting we have to vote coons like Tammy The Mammy on the bench and that the Democrats are our saviours. There were black Dems (judge, cops in courtroom, witnesses, victims family) all over this case. :smh:


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Not many Demobots posted in this thread or said what their party would do to change or prevent this from happening. Same as Democratic politicians, they are crickets on all this as usual when a heterosexual black male is killed by state sponsored CACs. But when election time comes they'll be back insisting we have to vote coons like Tammy The Mammy on the bench and that the Democrats are our saviours. There were black Dems (judge, cops in courtroom, witnesses, victims family) all over this case. :smh:
Fuck them all


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm gonna keep it simple...

As its been stated here many times..

Jesus could not have existed 2000 years ago..

Because the letter J didn't exist till 1600 years later..

But you are right there are messengers..

There is one now as there was one 2000 years ago and

2000 years before that..

Just was never no faggy lookin cracker named jesus.

Thats a Vatican psychological weapon
I have heard that about the J. But this story just like the garden of eden. There was no whites in the garden of eden but they are suppose to be the ones so devoted to this. Elijah was right that the black man is God. But foundations have been put down to keep the black man from being himself. When Jesus did what he did he was just being a black male. Christianity has a way of keeping you from believing in yourself. Just like in Jonestown. To keep a black from ever noticing his natural powers they created a mystery God or spook. But also they created ways of getting rid of certain practices and replacing it with ways of not only them poisoning us but teaching us how to poison ourselves.
I myself have did the energy ball before. That is where you accumulate energy between the palms of your hand by doing a breathing type exercise. You will notice the ball of energy after your palms tingle and begin to get hot. The ball of energy is real and you can even throw it at people.
We do realize that we was born in a world where our ancestors have been killed in respect of whites being superior and blacks being inferior. If whites could not do this but blacks could then of course the whites would get rid of this and create a world where they say this does not exist.
A lot of people laugh at the reality of ufo's and that it is black scientist driving the so called ufo's. But whites will hid the truth of this and study it in secrecy. Then try to present it as though the only way this can be real is if they do it. NASA is no different than white knights of the klu klux klan. There are real killers out there who's job it is to keep certain things hid.


Rising Star
OG Investor
White people would not play this shit. That judge that gave that CAC 6 months for rape they voted him out and ruined his career. Just the other day they forced him to get fired from a coaching job with girls. Watch these coon ass niggas in Dallas let this bald head bitch get re elected.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
On a side note I know I’m not the only one who be thinking .. man what the hell is Original Nation talking about ?

Nah he's starting to rival Cointelpro at this point and might be worse because at least Cointelpro will throw a few paragraphs in to break up his craziness lol


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yea that sisters joining forces with that clit kickin womanhood shit aka femenazism

And wonder why they cant find a good "black" man...

Uh we aint stupid we know what it is..

And we aint gonna cry about it...

Just build with the rightminded goddesses..

Ignore the rest of them hoes..unless their neck game good then you could negotiate..

And decide if the ho worth a bucket of wangs

Just told my ol lady...black bitch syndrome is alive and kicking...they haven't gave two fucks about a nigga..since the inception of whitey giving out hand-outs in the hud and food stamp era...I don't randomly screw whores no mo...she best have a humble submissive aura...or the KillaMayne is out.. brah


Rising Star
Platinum Member
As I thought, his mother is not as forgiving and I'm sure that son was reprimanded by the family.

If this was already posted, sorry, but I'm having trouble seeing media post since last night from my tablet on here.

Good posting...but I'm so sik of "amen" and church sermons...and head knodding..the church Has failed us!!! Malcolm X had it right...way back then!!
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As I thought, his mother is not as forgiving and I'm sure that son was reprimanded by the family.

If this was already posted, sorry, but I'm having trouble seeing media post since last night from my tablet on here.

Good, I bet this sister ends up being a fierce advocate after this.

Also whenever they receive a civil settlement from the city/police department they need to remind his brother that he forgave that chick and didn't want her punished and so to respect his wishes they are going to keep his share.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I'm more pissed off about the hugs and hair doo's than them 10 years...

that was shameful and embarrassing

SICKENING!!!!! The judge is basically saying she believed her “i thought I was in my apartment” story. The brother hugging her needs his ass kicked...smh

Too many weak souls in our race that gives a fuck about what people thinks. It’s an eye for eye no matter what with me. Shit is sickening

man this shit fucks with me in all sorts of ways..... not the sentencing but this dude jumping up forgiving her and running into each other's arms...i mean it really fucks with me...

Yeah,This is the shit that got me mad about this!!..This woman kills this man and the brother and judge show this woman love and hugging her..WTF!!..:angry:..This is fucking sad!!..:smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just told my ol lady...black bitch syndrome is alive and kicking...they haven't gave two fucks about a nigga..since the inception of whitey giving out hand-outs in the hud and food stamp era...I don't randomly screw whores no mo...she best have a humble submissive aura...or the KillaMayne is out.. brah

yea you wasnt hearing nothing about they couldnt find a good "black" man when corporate america was firing the bruhs and recruiting the wenches..

I seen so much shit first hand bruh.. married, engaged.. in a relationship... they was fuckin them cacs left and right.. at the office bruh..

in fact the execs took bets everytime a sister was hired to see who was going to hit first and who was going to hit last..

the wild shit.. it was a girl named well lets just say her name was really popular in the hood..

they thought she was yo average hood rat.. she recorded them tryin to fuck her.. and told them either she becomes an credit officer or she going to hr..

lets just say... she bought a condo and a benz the following year...

she played all of them... then bounced after she got three years experience..
so there are a few that dont turn into instawench the minute they get around cacs...

but too many of them overdosed on cac jesus and pink toed soap opera faggots....

and I aint sayin kniggas are perfect we need to get our shit together too..

but thats whole other thread bruh..


Horace C. Jones II
She's talking tough after the conviction but before that her department & the Texas Rangers went out their way to help cover up for that devil.

All she's doing is try to jump ahead of the incoming lawsuits & backlash coming the department's way for caping for that cac.

Fuck this woman!! As long as she wears that gang uniform her ass ain't worth shit.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Fuck this woman!! As long as she wears that gang uniform her ass ain't worth shit.

She's talking tough after the conviction but before that her department & the Texas Rangers went out their way to help cover up for that devil.

All she's doing is try to jump ahead of the incoming lawsuits & backlash coming the department's way for caping for that cac.



Rising Star
Super Moderator
She's talking tough after the conviction but before that her department & the Texas Rangers went out their way to help cover up for that devil.

All she's doing is try to jump ahead of the incoming lawsuits & backlash coming the department's way for caping for that cac.

Fuck this woman!! As long as she wears that gang uniform her ass ain't worth shit.
I hear yall, but I have to believe she's genuine. She inherited a mess and has to lead 'a good ole boy' system. They've been fighting her at every turn since she got there, just as they did Chief Brown. Until she shows me she's not shit, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
On a side note I know I’m not the only one who be thinking .. man what the hell is Original Nation talking about ?
Explain what you are talking about. You make it seem the way Malcolm was made to make it look like Elijah was lying. Most of what I say there is proof of it. You just need to explain what it is you have no understanding of or have never came into contact with.