Dallas cop enters wrong apartment, kills Black man Botham Jean who lives there [LIVE TRIAL LINK]


Rising Star


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shout out to botham moms for embarrassing the us and Dallas for their lack of professionalism handling the evidence compared to her country.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I’m really trying to understand why people are in the streets bitching about the 10 years... chick didn’t have any other felonies and the murder wasn’t especially aggravated... her sentence fell within the range.

If she got hit with 20... and appeals court would have reduced the sentence. Man people are tripping

thank you cause I needed bgol legal to break this down

so I heard that under 11 she could get out EARLIER then if it was just 210 is this TRUE?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed a complaint with the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct after the judge in the Amber Guyger case inappropriately proselytized to the defendant.

Judge Tammy Kemp tried former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger in her courtroom over the past few weeks for the murder of Botham Jean. FFRF is urging the commission to investigate Kemp’s actions at the close of the trial: gifting a bible, instructing a convicted criminal on how to read the bible and which passages to pay attention to and proselytizing and witnessing to that convicted murderer. These judicial actions were inappropriate and unconstitutional, FFRF contends.

Courtroom video shows that following the sentencing and victim impact statement, Kemp left the courtroom and came back with her personal bible. She then gifted her bible to Guyger, instructed her on how to read the bible and which passages to pay attention to. Kemp said:

You can have [my bible]. I have three or four more at home. This is the one I use everyday. This is your job for the next month. Right here. John: 3:16. And this is where you start, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

She continued, “He has a purpose for you. This will strengthen you. You just need a tiny mustard seed of faith. You start with this.”

Kemp then hugged Guyger and said to her, “It’s not because I’m good. It’s because I believe in Christ. I’m not so good. You haven’t done as much as you think you have, and you can be forgiven. You did something bad in one moment in time. What you do now matters.”

Government employees may not use the power and privilege of their offices to preach their personal religious beliefs, FFRF Co-Presidents Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker point out in a letter to the commission.

“It violates the constitutional separation between state and church for a sitting judge to promote personal religious beliefs while acting in her official capacity,” the letter reads. “She was in a government courtroom, dressed in a judicial robe, with all of the imprimatur of the state, including armed law enforcement officers, preaching to someone who was quite literally a captive audience. Delivering bibles, bible studies and personal witness as a judge is an abuse of power.”

FFRF notes that Kemp appears to have generally handled a difficult and widely publicized trial with grace and aplomb, but that her decision to preach the bible to a criminal defendant was a serious First Amendment violation and signaled to everyone watching that she is partial to Christian notions of forgiveness.

“We believe that our criminal justice system needs more compassion from judges and prosecutors, but here compassion crossed the line into coercion,” comment Gaylor and Barker. “And there can be few relationships more coercive than a sentencing judge in a criminal trial and a citizen accused and convicted of a crime.”

FFRF asks that the commission investigate these actions and educate Kemp on her obligation to remain neutral on matters of religion to prevent future misconduct.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national nonprofit organization with more than 30,000 members and several chapters across the country, including over 1,300 members in Texas and a chapter in Dallas-Fort Worth. FFRF’s purposes are to protect the constitutional principle of separation between church and state, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Did she speak in the trial?

No it was actually 2 witnesses that heard the knocking and Amber saying let me in. Then there was two gun shots and Jean said my god why did you do that? In a lot of these cases key witnesses were excluded because of having a different narrative than the official one created. 911 was an example of that also.
But that video of that police cheif black lady saying they got to make new policies. She actually stated that they brought lies to her was why she treated the case the way she did. But her exposing certain things right now her life is in danger. They may try to work around having to scare her or anything but she probably do not know the danger she is in right now. Even the black citizens of America do not know the real danger they are in. Some of us live in fear everyday because we found out things going on and decided to make moves away from how things have been going for generations of Satan (white) rule. Some of us just are not able to even prove right now that Christianity is actually devil worship but in a different. But even if you are not a christian the white man foundations were built on witchcraft and sorcery. The education, politics, religion, law, etc. is witchcraft and sorcery. Black people realize that Trump is a devil but all whites are devils. It is not like the president seat is a natural seat. Just like Jim Jones they are required to be on some hard ass drugs. The two biggest devils I have seen to occupy that seat besides Trump is Reagan and Bush.
But anyway she is not the first witness to be handled the way she was. And this case was not the first case where they use the media to set up the narrative. Look at 911


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Somebody actually retweeted this to OJ
It is very sick that they always bring this case up. If we say OJ was innocent and was only involved in the case legally because he tried to cover up the murder his son Jason did. In the biggie smalls murder the police actually had surveillance photos of biggie even for the night he was killed. They know for a fact who killed him and probably knew in advance. Nippsey Hussle was actually under investigation just like Larry Hoover was for that moves of black empowerment. But then after his death the police act like they were working with him to solve the gang problem and bring hope and peace to the black communities. Nippsey never got a hug because they made sure they got him completely out of the way. Larry Hoover will never get a hug from any so called victims because of his moves for black youth to empower themselves instead of being controlled and pimped by the system. They got him in a super max prison.
We watched documentaries where it was stated that Jonestown was a mind control experiment and an experiment on how to infiltrate and disrupt black organizations. And damn it seems so easy to do it. But I will always be curious to what this case was really all about. Amber is straight up lying but what about the others that are connected with her? Same with officer Don Wilson. Some of us will check out stuff like this and go right back to play time as though there is nothing going on for us to try to get out of.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed a complaint with the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct after the judge in the Amber Guyger case inappropriately proselytized to the defendant.

Judge Tammy Kemp tried former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger in her courtroom over the past few weeks for the murder of Botham Jean. FFRF is urging the commission to investigate Kemp’s actions at the close of the trial: gifting a bible, instructing a convicted criminal on how to read the bible and which passages to pay attention to and proselytizing and witnessing to that convicted murderer. These judicial actions were inappropriate and unconstitutional, FFRF contends.

Courtroom video shows that following the sentencing and victim impact statement, Kemp left the courtroom and came back with her personal bible. She then gifted her bible to Guyger, instructed her on how to read the bible and which passages to pay attention to. Kemp said:

You can have [my bible]. I have three or four more at home. This is the one I use everyday. This is your job for the next month. Right here. John: 3:16. And this is where you start, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

She continued, “He has a purpose for you. This will strengthen you. You just need a tiny mustard seed of faith. You start with this.”

Kemp then hugged Guyger and said to her, “It’s not because I’m good. It’s because I believe in Christ. I’m not so good. You haven’t done as much as you think you have, and you can be forgiven. You did something bad in one moment in time. What you do now matters.”

Government employees may not use the power and privilege of their offices to preach their personal religious beliefs, FFRF Co-Presidents Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker point out in a letter to the commission.

“It violates the constitutional separation between state and church for a sitting judge to promote personal religious beliefs while acting in her official capacity,” the letter reads. “She was in a government courtroom, dressed in a judicial robe, with all of the imprimatur of the state, including armed law enforcement officers, preaching to someone who was quite literally a captive audience. Delivering bibles, bible studies and personal witness as a judge is an abuse of power.”

FFRF notes that Kemp appears to have generally handled a difficult and widely publicized trial with grace and aplomb, but that her decision to preach the bible to a criminal defendant was a serious First Amendment violation and signaled to everyone watching that she is partial to Christian notions of forgiveness.

“We believe that our criminal justice system needs more compassion from judges and prosecutors, but here compassion crossed the line into coercion,” comment Gaylor and Barker. “And there can be few relationships more coercive than a sentencing judge in a criminal trial and a citizen accused and convicted of a crime.”

FFRF asks that the commission investigate these actions and educate Kemp on her obligation to remain neutral on matters of religion to prevent future misconduct.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national nonprofit organization with more than 30,000 members and several chapters across the country, including over 1,300 members in Texas and a chapter in Dallas-Fort Worth. FFRF’s purposes are to protect the constitutional principle of separation between church and state, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism.

The thing that trips me out with this separation of church and state is that the military is tearing up countries in the name of Jesus Christ and democracy. They actually came over here with Christianity and said slavery was ordained by God. The largest genocide that we actually have on record and video of it was Rwanda. That was based on Christianity. And the hit ordered on the Tutsi's was because they contacted revolutionary groups in other parts of Africa. The military here will back up certain southern values. Christianity itself has a wall of secrecy. Every president sworn into office they reveal secrets to that person about black people. Sometimes I think the government and Christianity has this secrecy about blacks. Their true history and their true identity. One of the main things about Christianity is that it seems to over power and make mockery about the true identity of the person they are talking about and what he really represented. The real revolution may have nothing to really do with Christianity. Elijah was right the black man is God but he will never be himself as long as his mouth is in the white man's kitchen. It is stated that the only difference between Jesus and any other black during his time was that at an early age he use to wonder around out in the desert eating out of bee hives.
In order to save the babies somebody present right now has got to overcome a white reality.


BGOL Investor
Where’s them drayonis niggas who said we need to vote In local elections so we get good judges and councilmen.
This black dumb judge bitch was a waste of fucking air

Minus whale release the hoe and not guilty.

and the racist text?

I pray for you souf niggas daily.
I’m done.

And she should be voted out of office. Nothing has changed. It's not voting that will get you horrible judges and sheriffs. In fact after her actions, there is a grassroots push that's starting to vote her out.

But we get it, you guys will not vote in ANY election and let others decide for you.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
One incident means don’t vote...yep you are right.

The Blue line is real. The Black female sheriff deputy was comforting this white murderer after she was sentenced. Stroking her hair like it was a girls sleep over.

How about ADOS stops crying about Democrats and focus on putting forth their own candidates. I’ve seen you all post 1 or 2. Reason why no one can take you all serious.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

***This is not my post
Read carefully before you react to what is in your heart, and not stated below***

This quote from a young man sums it up best for me: “Black people forgiving white racists is really more about trying to prove our humanity to them.”
We have nothing to prove to these people. These are the #same people who wouldn’t forgive President Obama for wearing a beige suit. They are the same ones who want Colin Kaepernick dead for fighting for justice, including Amber Guyger who posted about CK on her social media.

And yet we forgive them for murdering our sons and daughters, our innocent children that we carry in our wombs? What nonsense is this? Where was their compassion for Trayvon Martin? They believed Zimmerman was right to kill this beautiful young soul. What about 12 year old Tamir Rice? They believe the officer did what was right because he felt “threatened.”

What about the poor black mother who put her kids in a good school and got 5 years in prison? They believe she deserved it because she 'broke the law'. What about the poor children on the border who are being separated from their parents on the border? They believe these parents should be separated because it’s “illegal” to cross the border (which it is not because our constitution allows victims to seek asylum).

See the pattern here? I can not control what’s in a person’s heart. I cannot stop one from feeling the need to forgive but I believe more than anything, that this comes from a #misguided view based on what we’ve been taught
(#slaveconditioning) rather than it coming from heart space.

When I hear people say “I had to forgive” that tells me it comes from a place of force because when you truly forgive you don’t feel like it’s something you had to do but rather, #wanted to do.

Furthermore, yes forgiveness is individual but it’s also bigger than just you when others are involved. So while you may #personally forgive easily, others need time to process it so these public displays of forgiveness from black people actually hurts more than it heals, especially considering all that these people have done to us in this country.

It’s okay to personally forgive if you want, but it’s good to be mindful of those that you’ve involved and who have invested their emotions, their time into finding justice for your family. In a sense, it’s selfish in my opinion not to do so.

So while you are worrying about showing white people your humanity, (#upliftsuasion) you are hurting the ones who fought for you and that is selfish.

Botham's brother is still growing so I give him the benefit of the doubt but for these adults who do this, that is who this message is for. Be mindful of your people. Be mindful of those you have involved. Now the white media is covering his forgiveness speech and the Amber Guyger support group is sharing this #more than they are the victim himself. It shouldn’t be this way and my people have to do better.

I said what I said and I really don’t want to hear any defense of forgiving unrepentant racists.
- S. Sparks
(Gently edited)

I'm trying to save black people's bodies and white people's souls.- MLK

Periodt. There is no defense of the indefensible and our ancestors would not applaud it. We refuse to disrespect the sacrifices made that have yet to fully manifest equal treatment under the law.

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A couple of jurors were on Good Morning America..a sister and a white guy...

The sista said.."I couldn't give her 28 years..she showed remorse"...shit had my blood boiling..

She seemed like a VERY young, gullible person...


BGOL Investor
How about ADOS stops crying about Democrats and focus on putting forth their own candidates. I’ve seen you all post 1 or 2. Reason why no one can take you all serious.

Pftt...that ain't going to happen. The goal is to not vote no matter what.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
A couple of jurors were on Good Morning America..a sister and a white guy...

The sista said.."I couldn't give her 28 years..she showed remorse"...shit had my blood boiling..

She seemed like a VERY young, gullible person...
I'll tell you something I thought about this morning about this. About 20+ years ago in Germany there was an OB/GYN doctor that was inappropriate with his patients, I was one of them. As soon as I left the appointment, I went home told husband "what I felt like happened". I used to journal EVERYTHING. I had a follow up scheduled, but I didn't go because I was sure he was inappropriate.

Fast forward CID contacted us...I had it written down from the year before...he was caught doing it to others I came forward, had to testify. They sentenced him to I think 17 years can't remember exactly but I had sooo many sleepless nights because I knew I was doing the right thing but in that moment and seeing his family and kids I think that bothered me.

I'm not saying you don't get over it, but initially it does fuck with you especially if YOU'RE not an evil person.

Different circumstances but I get it...

But I would have given her 28 years and seeked counseling later.