There in lies the problem...
When people do wrongful acts to others, they aren't thinking of all the lives it affects, only their own.
That doc wasn't thinking of his family, or you, or the other women, just that one moment to please himself.
So he can sit in jail, thinking about all the people that will be affected.
Guyger in my eyes should of gotten the minimum time that he would of possibly remained on earth.
In the split second of a moment, all her white privilege and prejudiced thoughts, pulled that trigger of instinct. To see a b-b-black man and kill him.
She has no remorse, only remorse was she would lose her job, and getting caught. Her first instinct was to call her bf, not 911. She never rendered patient care.
10 yrs won't change her. It only strengthens her privilege in society and many others who view what she did to continue to shit on us as a people because there won't be any consequences for their actions.
This whole trial and how things went down was their best efforts to suppress a riot in Dallas.
@cocobeauty for rambling, but people don't care about all other's lives they affect, only themselves. Same as when one commits suicide, they affect so many others who they leave behind. Selfish in my opinion...