Damn, never know what's under the clothing!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're driving through Alabama (broken GPS) and trying to find your cousin's house. You pull into a gas station buy a map, and ask her for directions.

She notices you're not from around there and you tell her you're from New York. She always wanted to visit and she really wants to model, then she gives you a sample.
First this:

Then this:

Then this:

She's kinda into you, but, well, just remember this is Alabama.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sandra (cool gal from the neighborhood, who is just a friend) asked me to come with her to drop something off to her son. He's at football practice and she wanted me there because some of the coaches make her feel uncomfortable. Out of curiosity, I asked her what are they doing? She said the usual guy stuff and that they are fixated on her breast.
Sandra is on the slim side, so I look at her kinda side eyed and say "Really?" She proceeded to do this...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When a woman tells you she'll be ready in a few minutes does she mean in real time or in basketball time (like at the end of a game)?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you met her she was dressed like this:

So you decided to invite her to a cookout this weekend where your family & friends will be in attendance and she shows up like this:

Try not to be too upset because your area has been experiencing a heatwave (even though you know some of your friends & family are some grimy dudes).

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your neighbor likes horror movies, but doesn't like to watch them alone, so she invites herself over to your place.Now she's in your place, AC blowing cause it's hot outside, but she asks if you could turn the air conditioner off because she's too cold. 25 minutes later she too hot, then she starts taking off stuff. Don't you just love these Mixed Signals.

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