DCs Legends of Tomorrow


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Oh shit.... I keep forgetting that Gideon is kind of hot..


They just need to put her on the show in "human android/avatar" form... like how they did with Lexa Doig in Andromeda



aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
I think they are writing Sara off the show ...

she def gonna b gone 4 awhile ...they dropped hints tht entire episode ...

n still not feeling gay ass constantine hooking up with zari....smh..

like they forcing tht shit on us...lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The whole no limits on WB needs to stop. Every show has something in it now. I only let my son watch the Flash, eventhough they had the gay captain in the first season, but he wasn't watching then.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I think they are writing Sara off the show ...

she def gonna b gone 4 awhile ...they dropped hints tht entire episode ...

n still not feeling gay ass constantine hooking up with zari....smh..

like they forcing tht shit on us...lol

This is true to Comic book Constantine's character... Dude fucks anything.. Kat's have to remember that the man doesn't have a soul. Knowing Constantine ... it's not going anywhere.. plus it couldn't go anywhere anyway since Constantine is about to be on the HBO MAX justice league dark series.

As for Sara... I can't get any news about her possibly leaving... but alot of Kats on Reddit have noticed the same thing we have. She has barely been in this season and when she is on.. she is in the background.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
n still not feeling gay ass constantine hooking up with zari....smh..

like they forcing tht shit on us...lol

This just reminds me of how they used to shit on my guy Jax. While everyone else would be hooking up, they left that nigga behind to fix the ship. The writers must have known that fans peeped that shit too, because when they wrote his character off they said he got married and started a family.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
@fonzerrillii is this worth watching. I had stopped after the first season

In my humble opinion it’s currently the best of the Arrowverse shows right now.

You have to throw all logic out the window and just go with it. Like I’ve been telling people since season 3.. this shit is just like the Old School Xenia and Hercules. It’s a slapstick show but it’s an amazing slapstick show. It’s the only show on TV that makes me legitimately laugh while at the same time... makes me care about the story.

I’ve never seen a show in my life that rides with this level of confidence every single episode .. like they don’t give a shit.. they can have an episode with Puppets and a formerly evil now adorable Fairy godmother and it comes out to be one of the best fucking episodes of the year.

Next weeks episode looks like it might turn into an all time Classic.