Side note I wonder if anything will ever come out about the Playboy mansion. Folks have openly talked about how wild the parties were, the sex etc. I'm def guessing there were some underaged chicks there & some rapes/assaults took place.
Hugh Hefner was the catalyst of the Pansexual / PlayBoy era. The dime pieces are really nothing but a front or a lure in for the 3 am activity. It is obvious what their preferred demographics are for those activities.
People will try to write it off as a conspiracy but that is how they roll at the highest level. That is why it is being pushed down the chain but a lot of us aren’t with that shit so it is only a matter of time before it gets exposed.
Zod lovers have no clue why sodomy (the original version) was forbidden. Another method of eugenics for the creation of Catamites and Eunuchs.