ELECTRIC CARS: So You Want An EV Huh? LMAO!!!!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This will be a game changer
Affordable and looks good
35-45k price range. To be mass produced by 2027



Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member

The fire damaged multiple vehicles in the parking lot before it was extinguished. The Rivian facility was unaffected by the fire. No injuries have been reported according to Swaney



Transnational Member

Don't be these clowns sticking a cord outside their window electrocuting people with 220v. If I was gay, love to flare/prance around and setup props, I might do this to prove my intellectual superiority when I am really an idiot. Any exposed copper sitting in rain water is a death sentence.

There is a reason you never see the cord laying on the ground.

The landlords need to provide charging to tenants. This now could expose them to liability not having charging which causes somebody to do this which results in injury or death to a person.
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Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member

:thefinger: is how I feel about electric cars..should be someone's choice not forced on me..in my eyes.. many of them u have to have some money..they have more maintenance insurance goes up..people don't like to talk about that shit.. fuck that..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That is in another country. The technology has been confused and supressed. The ev 1's and ev2's were crushed and shredded. They kept 4 of them to put in museums. But they took out the ignition and motor so no one could copy or back engineer them. This is pure bullshit in this video. They did away with ev1's and ev2's but the Tesla's will probably be around because they were named after a white man. They cost a lot but the problem they having in that video is not in the Tesla. And when the ev1's and ev2's were out a professor came up with a battery where you could drive 60 days straight with no charge. America stopped him from getting a pateint and stopped him from working on batteries ever again. Wolves rule the world and control what the public can and cannot have. It is about control and enslavement. Not to help the masses.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:thefinger: is how I feel about electric cars..should be someone's choice not forced on me..in my eyes.. many of them u have to have some money..they have more maintenance insurance goes up..people don't like to talk about that shit.. fuck that..
I used to have the same thoughts until I did the math and purchased one. When I was living in Metro Atlanta, I was driving roughly 35 miles each way to and from work. My employer had EV chargers that we could use for free. The savings I realized in cost for gasoline was enough to cover about 90% of the car note, including costs for charging at my home. My insurance was not that much more than my other vehicles; it was maybe $60.00 more per month on average.

Up here in Vancouver, Washington, premium gasoline is about $4.50/gallon. Luckily, my employer provides subsidized EV charging stations. If the math did not work in my favor, I would not have purchased one. So far, maintenance has been about the same as my non-EV car.

Others may have different results. However, this is my situation. When it is time to purchase another car, I will crunch numbers and make my decision based on the math... again.